What does it mean that production can't come, Yi Haoyan doesn't dare to think about it, and he doesn't dare to ask in detail.

But what Jiang Cheng said naturally has his truth.

Sure enough, after the relevant personnel of the army contacted him next, he found that not only his phantom drone production line could not be busy, but also had to adapt several domestic drones to intelligent control systems, so busy that he was going to die.

Of course, Jiang Cheng didn't pay much attention to these things.

His focus is still on fusion engines.

By April, Jiang Cheng led Liu Xiao and other teams to complete the development of a nuclear fusion engine prototype and transported it to western Sichuan Province.

There is a Hua Guo ultra-high-speed wind tunnel laboratory, and it is also used for military purposes, and here, the entire engine prototype will undergo high-intensity wind tunnel experiments and engine test tests for more than one month.

It is used to test engine performance, thrust, in addition to stability, noise and many other tests.

On the test platform, a cylindrical engine with a diameter of about 3.5 meters and a length of 8 meters was placed vertically.

The main body that binds this huge engine is a steel structure building, which fixes the nuclear fusion engine "Expedition" No. 1 through the upper, middle and lower places.

Hundreds of sensors are placed in their respective positions to be measured, and the connected leads transmit important parameters.

At the moment of engine ignition, they will transmit the engine test scene and data to the large screen of the command and control center, so that the commander can detect the engine status at any time.

Many of the engineers who came to participate in the test run signed confidentiality agreements.

Of course, they were originally in this base, and almost everything they came into contact with was secret.

In secrecy, the problem is not big.

In order to ensure that there was no major problem with the engine, Jiang Cheng also came here with Academician Liu Xiao and other teams.

Before the test, Jiang Cheng had simulated the entire test platform and wind tunnel laboratory through a close-up "touch".

When there is usually nothing to do, let the computer in the body run and simulate the situation.

"This big guy is a bit like a rocket booster!" Chen Wuqing, the director of the testing center on the side, looked at the scene on the big screen and said jokingly.

Liu Xiao touched his beard, which had grown a lot, and said with a smile, "Then this thrust is much more than a rocket booster."

"The height is still slightly higher." Jiang Cheng said with some pity.

Liu Xiao shook his head with a bitter smile, "There is no way, we have to put the strong magnetic pulse restraint device on it." "

The entire engine has been streamlined to the extreme at the current level of design and materials.

The upper part has an air-cooled turbofan, deuterium fuel chamber, strong magnetic pulse device, laser ignition device, intelligent control device, etc., the middle part is a deflagration chamber, tritium lithium 6 circulation device, and the tail is dozens of engine nozzles.

Compactly installed together, for the time being, Liu Xiao can't think of any way to miniaturize again.

And before that, the design and manufacture of these, the theoretical design was passed, but in the real sense of ignition test, but not.

Because in the experimental base in Pengcheng, the relevant test platform is still under construction, and it is impossible to push itself away for the sake of experiments, after ignition, this engine is like a deflated balloon, right?

That's a big problem.

You know, the entire engine needs intelligent operation, including controlling the fuel fusion speed, controlling the engine thrust, as well as stalling and ignition.

This engine is different from the fusion power station, which is to react stably and continuously, but the engine is different, and it needs to achieve a certain thrust according to the set requirements, and it must be able to achieve computer-controlled ignition and flameout.

In this way, it can ensure that this engine can continue to be used.

And not disposables.

Jiang Cheng frowned and tested in the body, and then said to Chen Wuqing, the director of the test center, "I see that the pull of our test platform is still not large enough, don't let the engine break your platform." "

Impossible, impossible," Chen Wuqing waved his hand, "Academician Jiang, you don't know that our test bench is capable of withstanding nearly 10,000 cattle of thrust!" "

Thrust can also be converted into tons.

Some rocket engines will also say a few hundred tons of thrust.

The 10,000 cattle that Chen Wuqing said is equivalent to 1,000 tons of thrust.

With such a powerful rocket engine, it can be used as a heavy rocket engine.

The fat five of China can reach a maximum thrust of 1,000 tons, but that is the thrust generated by the main engine (there are two) plus four boosters.

But what Jiang Cheng said that this engine alone has more than 10,000 tons of thrust, and he still doesn't believe it.

After Liu Xiao listened, he said busily, "Ah, be careful when testing, control the thrust, and run at low power."

Chen Wuqing was stunned, "How much thrust can you have with this engine!"

Jiang Cheng coughed lightly, "The maximum thrust should be 50,000 tons, which should be able to be reached."

"What?! 50,000 tons?!! Chen Wuqing opened his mouth wide.

Several engineers next to him also commented, "Exaggerated, right? With a thrust of 50,000 tons, wouldn't it be enough for a rocket to send a man to the moon.

"That is, there is no test platform in the world that can withstand 50,000 tons of thrust!"

As soon as Liu Xiao heard that everyone did not believe it, he immediately became irritable, "What kind of engine do you think this is?" Nuclear fusion engines, understand? "

Is fusion really that awesome?"

"If it's nuclear fusion, it might really be that awesome." The engineers struggled again.

Chen Wuqing coughed, "Have you tried the machine before?"

"Not really, theoretically there can be so many." Liu Xiao said confidently.

Chen Wuqing thought about it, but still followed the advice of Jiang Cheng and Liu Xiao, "Commander, do as required, and carry out low-power operation after ignition." "


Time, bit by bit, walks.

After the on-site personnel were checked and evacuated, the commander gave the order.


Next moment!

On the big screen, the high-definition display shows the test platform, and the bottom of the erected engine erupts a blue flame after 2 seconds!

Although the light flame is not long, it is very violent!

In just an instant, it rushed into the sky.

"Buzz!" With a sound on the ground, the sound of the engine came in.

The data sent by the sensors on the large screen soared instantly! 5000、7000、9000......


"I lean!" Even Chen Wuqing, the 48-year-old director of the command center, immediately burst into foul language when he saw this data again.

In just a few seconds, the thrust reached more than 9,000 kN!

If it's on a rocket, wouldn't it be to fly into the sky?!

The data transmitted by the engine intelligent control system shows that the engine has just reached low-power operation, a bit like the car has just 2000 rpm.

Chen Wuqing was speechless, looked at the young academician Jiang Cheng on the side, and asked leisurely, "With such a big thrust, is this thing used to build star destroyers?" Jiang

Cheng shook his head, "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask."

"Hehe, secrecy, understand!"

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