For the cultivation of artificial organs, it can be said that it existed before the maple fire, but it was mainly in the laboratory.

In a laboratory abroad, it is already possible to cultivate organs such as nose, ears, trachea, arteries and so on.

But Fenglin Biotechnology Company's research is different, he can use personal DNA and other information to cultivate organs that perfectly fit each other.

Secondly, his reliability far exceeds that of any other artificial organ made in the laboratory.

Therefore, at the moment of the publicity report, Fenglin Biotechnology Company has reached close cooperation with the Chinese Ministry of Health and relevant state-owned enterprises.

Including the institutional constraints on artificial organs, preliminary arrangements have been made.

And soon, many people will benefit.

Zhang Qing is a JD police officer.

Last year, because of an operation, I encountered a grenade, my hands were blown up, my eyes were blinded, and my face was burned, and I couldn't bear to look directly.

Considering the needs of clinical trials, Yang Hui specially found this respectable person and informed him of his willingness to receive free treatment.

In this regard, Zhang Qing only agreed in an instant.

For the next two months, Zhang Qing has been receiving treatment at Carlin Provincial Hospital.

The Carlin creature trained him not only two hands, but also facial tissue and skin, as well as eyes.

The size and size of all tissues are precisely calculated, and their DNA and other information are used for culture, which reduces exclusivity as much as possible.

Now two months have passed, and it is time to remove the stitches.

Vice Minister of Health Zhao Yang and General Manager Yang Hui, as well as relevant experts from China, personally came to observe and witness.

The director of the provincial hospital stood on the side, and could only poke his head out.

Zhang Qing in front of him is one meter eight meters tall, his figure is strong, even if he is sitting, he is very straight.

His face was covered with white gauze, as were his arms.

Some look like mummies.

"Comrade Zhang Qing, how have you been recovering recently?"

Before the doctor removed the stitches, Yang Hui asked gently.

"My face feels itchy, and so do my hands, and I feel that I can feel the presence of my hands these days." Zhang Qing said with excitement in his heart.

The attending doctor had a smile on his face, "That's the sign of normal recovery."

Zhao Yang from the Ministry of Health asked, "Then will the stitches be removed in both places today?"

"Remove the face today, as for the time required for the hands to consider bone growth and connection, remove the gauze today, and still need to continue to fix it for a period of time to see the recovery, if it goes well, it is expected that you can live like a normal person in another month." The attending doctor, with the help of Fenglin Biotechnology, completed such a difficult operation for the first time, and his heart could not stop being excited.

In the future, his own paper based on this case will definitely become a key paper, and he will also be famous all over the world!

Zhao Yang fisted in celebration, "This is really good!"

"Comrade Zhang Qing, now the medical staff untie the gauze for you, there may be some pain in the middle." The attending doctor reminded.

Zhang Qing didn't care, "It's okay, just come on, I'm not afraid of pain."

Zhang Qing's parents were both happy and worried on the side, pulling their sleeves and not daring to say more.

But obviously, this surgical treatment has brought them new hope.

You must know that their child Zhang Qing is only 29 years old, and he is not even married!

But because of the injury, it is basically impossible for anyone to talk about marriage.

The nurse gently begins to remove the gauze from the face.

Yang Hui explained, "Through surgery, we removed the originally burned facial tissue, customized artificial facial tissue culture according to his original facial features, and after the operation, we used biochip technology to allow new and old cells to reach friendly cooperation as soon as possible and stimulate the completion of self-repair." "

If only a small part of the damage is made, Fenglin Bio's current technology can even stimulate human cell division and achieve self-repair through the interactive function of biochips."

But Zhang Qing can't do this.

The damage surface is too large, really have this "broken tail rebirth" function, that is not the human gene, but the gecko gene.

In terms of gene technology, Maple Fire is still very cautious in research.

"Speaking of which, this artificial organ technology is also closely related to biochip technology!" Zhao Yang said with emotion.

"Yes, without biochip technology, even if we can cultivate artificial organs, there is no way to treat it so effectively."

While the two were talking, the nurse had already removed the gauze in the back.

A slight pain and tingling sensation spread to Zhang Qing's brain.

But he still did not say a word, quietly waiting for the removal of the gauze to end.

Soon, the nurse's hand rotated again, and the last layer of gauze was slowly uncovered.

Everyone looked at the person in front of them in shock.

The skin on his face was white and tender, and the marks of the gauze were still there, but the originally burned skin was gone!

Zhang Qing's parents opened their mouths even wider, almost about to scream, but subconsciously covered them with their hands.

"Close your eyes, don't open them." The attending doctor reminded, then took the sunglasses, and put them on Zhang Qing the moment the gauze was disassembled.

Everyone understands that the eyes are also surgically installed on artificial organs, Zhang Qing has been blind for a long time, and suddenly sees the light again, he is definitely not used to it, and it takes a certain amount of time to adapt.

But at this time, everyone also saw Zhang Qing's face completely.

On the white face, the skin is very smooth, it seems to be like a child, and from a distance, there is some contrast cuteness.

"This, too, is incredible." Zhao Yang shook his head involuntarily.

This technique, said to be plastic surgery, he also believes ah!

No, it's better than a facelift.

Because the entire artificial tissue is custom-cultured using his own relevant cells.

Yang Hui was in control of everything, and said with a slight smile, "The skin is still very tender and weak, it will be better in a few days, and I will slowly adapt to the current age and physical condition, and some other facial expressions should be done less at present, you must control your emotions, and after a week, you can slowly train and recover." "

But these are minor problems.

Most of the lines on the face are absorbable and very little needs to be removed.

And after the hand removed the gauze, although everyone was still shocked, it was no longer so incredible.

"This time the hand should also pay attention, starting from finger movements, slowly training the wrist joint, this bone joint is also the first time we have cultivated, in the end it depends on your recovery." Yang Hui continued.

The attending doctor smiled, "It's okay, he's here with me, I will pay full attention to it and guide him to train until he fully recovers and is discharged from the hospital."

After the attending doctor finished speaking, he asked Zhang Qing again, "Are the eyes more adaptable now?" Can you see something?

Zhang Qing wore sunglasses, but he could still see some images, endured the excitement, and said, "Yes."

"That's wonderful!" The attending doctor clapped his hands and said, "It can be said that our operation is very successful, and we only need follow-up rehabilitation!"

"Thank you, thank you Dr. Chen!"

Zhang Qing's parents burst into tears at this time and thanked the attending doctor vigorously.

The attending doctor hurriedly waved his hand, "Thank you, thank them, it is their technology that makes it possible for your son to be reborn!"

"Thank you Mr. Yang!"

"President Yang, you are the great benefactor of our family!"


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