A steady stream of fusion power is transported around through UHV lines.

After negotiating with Jiang Cheng about the follow-up power station construction, Jiang Cheng's Maple Fire Group relied on technical support to obtain a fixed profit dividend of 15% of the power generation of the power station.

To put it simply, for every kilowatt of nuclear fusion electricity, Jiang Cheng can have about 1 point 25 of the technical dividend income.

Taking the future design and construction of the Quafu II as an example, it is expected that the annual power generation capacity will be 2 trillion kilowatt hours, and Jiang Cheng will be able to obtain 25 billion yuan in revenue.

This does not require Jiang Cheng to invest a penny, as long as technical support is on the line.

During the entire construction of the power station, some professional equipment and materials needed can only be purchased from Maple Fire Group as usual, which is another price.

In the future, just by collecting this technology dividend (or it can be called patent fees), Jiang Chengcheng can earn tens or even hundreds of billions of yuan a year.

That's the benefit of studying nuclear fusion.

Although in order to develop this technology, the Maple Fire R&D team led by Jiang Cheng invested a lot of money.

Because Father Qua No. 1 is a shareholder, Jiang Cheng expects an annual income of about 49 billion yuan.

Jiang Cheng set aside a part of this money, about 10 billion yuan, to the energy technology research and development team, which is used to carry out continuous research and research and development awards.

As long as he can create thinking and make strong and effective R&D contributions, Jiang Cheng feels that for these R&D personnel, he must give the best research conditions and the best treatment guarantee.

Some surrounding countries lacking electricity are already ready to come to China to visit, hoping to connect to China's power grid.

These are the international reactions brought about by the propaganda of Kwafu One.

The United States and other countries are even clamoring for China to disclose nuclear fusion patents so that nuclear fusion can benefit the entire mankind.

Sister Hua came very directly.

"Everything in the dream."

China's diplomacy was originally very hard, and now it is even tougher, and there are no birds at all for those messy media, and the tone is heavier than the other.

Yes, now in China, science and technology have basically achieved a lead, and they are not afraid of any foreign country and force at all.


the United States.

Intel Corporation.

Since it began research on carbon-based chips last year, Intel has invested heavily in experimenting with a prefabrication protocol obtained.

They were lucky.

By October 2022, Intel's R&D engineers finally got an ideal value by continuously optimizing the parameter settings.

Through theoretical calculation, this centrifugal preparation method can greatly reduce costs and realize the preparation of large quantities of carbon nanotubes.

"Director Charles, you see, we have successfully completed the experimental verification, this technical method may be better than Fenghuo's technology, we can also prepare carbon nanotubes on a large scale..."

"Lewis, what about the prepared carbon nanotubes? Is it tested? "

It just sent to the testing department, and I'm sure the performance must be fantastic." You know, we spent a lot of time studying him. Lewis, a male engineer of Chinese descent, said proudly.

Supervisor Charles raised his glass, "Then let me wish us success in advance!"

"Well, I think we have to report to the president and let him invite good reporters earlier."

"With carbon nanotubes, our carbon-based chips are no longer a problem." Lewis said longingly, "Of course, in terms of reprinting technology, we may need a little time to improve."

Charles frowned, "Still need time?"

"Yes, after the mass preparation of carbon nanotubes, how to achieve circuit reproduction is also a difficult point, at present, our engineering partners, have preliminary ideas, but need to continue to study."

"Oh no, then how much more time do we need to be able to put our first carbon-based chip on the shelves of Intel?"

"Our 13th generation processor has been reduced to a very low price, but in foreign markets, the share is still very low." Charles sighed, "In a few days, the world will forget Intel's, even if we were once the unquestioned kings."

Lewis said with a smile, "Don't worry, we have completed the most critical technology, and victory is imminent."

"Well done, lad!"

"Supervisor, come and take a look!"

Just as the two were celebrating, an ear-piercing scream came over, making him frown and be very displeased.

"Little Stanny, say something slowly, don't be frizzy."

Lewis's heart jerked, "Is the test result out?!"

Little Stanley, who came to report the letter, nodded and glanced at Lewis with some meaning.

"How the hell is it?" Charles put down the goblet and asked coldly.

"Our test team, tested more than a dozen times, this batch of carbon nanotubes is very malleable, there are too many impurities, and the key bonds on the connected carbon nanotubes will break!!"

Stanley reported truthfully, and then handed over the test results that had not yet been sorted out.

Lewis's hands trembled, "Could it be that the test went wrong?"

"Absolutely not."

The next moment, the glass in Lewis's hand fell, and the "sting" sounded, and Lewis was even darker in front of him and fell down.

Charles didn't have time to pay attention to him at all, waved Lewis away, his face was like winter, gritting his teeth, "How so?" "

There must be something wrong with the preparation method!"

"Analyze the problem as soon as possible, and when Lewis wakes up, let's study it well." Charles closed his eyes and said a little helplessly.

Please also a reporter!

It seems that you can only believe nonsense.

No matter how this performance is, there is a method of batch preparation, which is also great for the improvement of the company's stock.

When he thought of this, there was finally a smile on Charles's cold face.

As a result, Intel held a very lively press conference and announced that Intel has broken through carbon nanotube preparation technology and will achieve domestic carbon-based chip manufacturing in the near future.

At the press conference, Intel's vice president had a smile on his face and was very happy.

Only Charles had an inexplicable look on his face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Perhaps, only he knows, the test of Intel has just begun.

But anyway, the company's share price started skyrocketing on the same day.

In just one day, it appreciated tens of billions of yuan!

With this, the company has gained huge benefits, as for whether it can be researched later, Charles does not know, but he also believes that it is nothing more than a matter of time.

Although there will be problems, as long as you find a way to solve the right medicine and solve these problems, you will definitely be able to prepare qualified carbon nanotubes.

That evening, this news was placed on the desk of Chen Feng of Maple Fire Group Company.

Looking at this news, his heart was also more solemn.

Picking up the mobile phone, Chen Feng dialed it.

"Jiang Dong, there is something that I think I need to report to you..."

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