Not to mention the bustle of the teacher's office, it is rare for high school seniors to take a half-day break, and they can finally let themselves fly.

At noon, Jiang Cheng rarely went home for dinner.

In the past week, Jiang Cheng either simply ate in the cafeteria, or directly asked Qin Jin to bring some buns and steamed buns, and did not miss a single moment at all.

Of course, the lunch meal is indeed somewhat unsatisfactory.

And Chen Ru also saw that Jiang Cheng came back to eat, and even came to a big meal, and made two more good dishes.

At noon, Jiang Cheng did not continue, but took this opportunity to sleep well.

From the feeling of the test, the language has basically improved, and English is still lacking, mainly listening, grammar and composition.

As for reading comprehension, it's not a big problem.

Jiang Cheng plans to focus on English and mathematics next week.

In half a month, I will tackle mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Strive to basically improve the score to the top 10 level of the class before the four models.

The last month is to strive for a higher and higher goal.

Jiang Cheng still remembers reading online articles in his previous life, and some of the top students were very angry, engaged in competitions, and engaged in guarantees.

Jiang Cheng can't help, it's good that he can put up the college entrance examination results.

What's more, Guanglin County, where they are located, is just a small border county, with thin teachers, and if they can go to a book, they are already dragons and phoenixes among people, and there is no competition at all.

It was rare to sleep, and Jiang Cheng slept until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and then he was ready to go out.

"Mom, I'll go out." When he arrived at the storefront on the first floor, Jiang Cheng said to Chen Ru, who was tapping on his shoes.

Chen Ru looked up, "Okay, don't go to the Internet café." "

Not going." Jiang Cheng raised his hand and waved.

Naturally not going.

Now Internet cafes, in addition to CF, DNF, that is, DOTA, Dream Westward Journey, these are also more popular.

Although, his favorite in the past was DOTA.

But Jiang Cheng was no longer interested.



Cross Street, Pengcheng Bookstore.

Jiang Cheng is ready to have more white prostitutes, and when the time is late, he will buy a few more books.

Picking up an English grammar tutoring book, Jiang Cheng stood on the edge of the corner and began to read (flip the book) carefully.

Time is critical, Jiang Cheng is too lazy to digest it carefully, and then memorize it first.

Suddenly, Jiang Cheng looked at ten lines at a glance, as if scanning, and quickly looked over.

On average, a page in 2 seconds, a thick book, all turned over, it took six and a half minutes.

The hands were turned rough.

Jiang Cheng dipped his finger in saliva and continued to flip through the book.

Cloze, over.

Composition skills, too.

Reading comprehension, too.


After standing for more than an hour, Jiang Cheng's legs were a little tired, and he was squatting to watch, when suddenly there was a greeting from the side.

"Jiang Cheng, what are you doing here?"

Jiang Cheng shook his head and looked up at the source of the voice.

Yu Xinran was wearing a simple green dress, his small face reflected the white light at the door, and he was looking at him strangely.

"Big class leader!" Jiang Cheng shouted, and then got up.

But this body, in front of the eyes, is a black, the person is almost about to fall.

"Are you all right?" Seeing this, Yu Xinran subconsciously pulled Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Chang took a breath, "I've been squatting for a long time, and my head is dizzy."

Yu Xinran let go, "How about this test?"

"Language, I guess it's pretty good, it should have more than a hundred points, thanks to you!" Jiang Cheng put the book back and thanked him with a smile.

When Yu Xinran heard this, he was also a little happy, "Yes, if you work hard to review and review, there is no problem at all in getting admitted to university."

"yes, I still have to work harder." Jiang Cheng nodded, "If you don't have a college diploma in the future, it is estimated that it will be difficult to do anything." "

Sorry, the "estimate" should have been removed.

"That's right." Yu Xinran thought so.

"Is the senior class president coming to buy tutoring books?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Yes, I still have a lot of problems in physics, and I want to find another book to review."

Jiang Cheng remembers that Yu Xinran's grades were in the top ten in the class, and he often scored more than 120 points in Chinese tests, but physics and mathematics were always lagging behind. "Physics is so difficult, if you don't have ideas for many questions, you won't have a rut at all."

"I was originally weak in logical thinking, and it was really difficult to be scientific." Yu Xinran smiled bitterly and shrugged.

Then, his eyes searched the pile of books, "Don't say anything, I'll find a few books and leave."

"Good." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and moved away.

A fresh breeze blows to the nose.

Hey, I'm still a virgin.

High school is still a time when adolescence is hormone-high, and the opposite sex is always attractive to boys.

And the science class, originally there are few girls, Yu Xinran has good academic performance and is beautiful, and he is the crush of many boys.

Jiang Cheng retracted his thoughts and continued to read.

At present, the major event is still the college entrance examination.

Yu Xinran quickly found books, bought three thick tutoring books, said hello to Jiang Cheng and left.

Jiang Cheng looked at it for a while, and under the somewhat unhappy eyes of the shop owner, he picked two tutoring books, one English and one mathematics, and bought another practice word sticker, which was for Tian Kai.

The shopkeeper's face was filled with a smile again, "Ninety-six."

Jiang Cheng paid, then took the book and left.

It seems that next week I have to change bookstores to continue "white".

------d(╯_╰)b goo ~~---

evening, after meals.

Jiang Cheng was on the desk and opened Tian Kai.

Modern Chinese commonly uses 3500 characters.

I read it carefully and memorized these words seriously.

Then Jiang Cheng picked up the pen and began to describe intently.




Every time he wrote a word, in Jiang Cheng's mind, his Tian Kai standard writing method appeared.

The big words are magnified in the mind, and the details of every stroke and the structure of each word are deeply printed.

However, when depicting, the weight of Jiang Chengyun's pen is far from up to standard.

But at least, after describing one page, Jiang Cheng felt relatively satisfied, basically the strokes and structure were restored as much as possible.

The remaining deficiency is more about the artistry of the word and the stability of the word.

Now Jiang Cheng's pen is not so stable.

On the first page, start writing.

After taking Tian Zige, Jiang Cheng began to write word by word.

Before writing, there is no need to read the original book, Jiang Cheng remembers it clearly in his heart.

Write one line for each word.

After writing a word, Jiang Cheng did not continue to write so quickly, but carefully compared the problems and finely adjusted the problems found.

11 words in one line.

By the time the words in the third column arrived, Jiang Cheng had already written quite standardized.

Keep up, keep ....

Jiang Cheng exhaled lightly and began to write the second word.

He has discovered that although he has a super memory, it is still impossible to practice words overnight.

The only thing that is better is that Jiang Cheng can practice against standard words all the time, and the muscle memory after practice has improved much more than before.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Jiang Cheng had already practiced 2 pages.

It has already arrived at the "team" and "done".

The progress is not very fast, but the effect is more obvious.

Jiang Cheng believed that in a few weeks, he would definitely be able to practice a good hand.

"Chengzi, it's almost time to sleep, and I have to go to school tomorrow."

At this time, the door knocked, and then Chen Ru entered the room and reminded.

Jiang Cheng answered, "Mom, I'll come to sleep."

Chen Ru looked towards the desk and saw that he was practicing his words, "It is to practice the words well, I heard them say that the college entrance examination scores are all in the computer, if the words are not good, others will not give points." "


Jiang Cheng put away the paper and pen for practicing his words and prepared to wash and sleep.

Chen Ru nodded in satisfaction before leaving.

This baby of my own family is really transformed.

Chen Ru couldn't wait to go back to the room and talk to Jiang Yiping.

"I can tell you that Chengzi has really changed his sex, and has been practicing words in the room, I read it and practiced very seriously."

Jiang Yiping snorted lightly, "What's the use of holding Buddha's feet temporarily?"

Chen Ru lightly bumped his shoulder, "I can tell you, Chengzi has really changed recently, he is really reviewing seriously, you can't talk about him anymore, don't dampen his confidence."

"Okay, got it." Jiang Yiping was a little impatient, "I'm busy to death at the end of the day, and I don't have time to care about him, you just have to worry more."

"Anyway, I heard people say, high school juniors should be more encouraged, can't scold every day, otherwise it will affect the mood, how to review?"

"Okay, turn off the lights." Jiang Yiping saw that the time was past zero o'clock and turned off the lights directly.

Chen Ru kept his thoughts spinning in his heart, and he couldn't sleep at all, "Maybe, Chengzi can be admitted to university." The

person next to him didn't reply until a long time passed.

"I'll go buy a box of Life No. 1 tomorrow."

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