As soon as he arrived in the village, Tae-kun rushed home, and he had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Taekun ran so fast that even Tekura struggled to follow, and he pulled away from him.

Suddenly, Tekura heard Tekkun's outraged shouts: "Gambella!

Tekura immediately knew that something was wrong, and immediately whispered: "Prepare for battle, you, take three people, block the back, and the others will go in from the front with me, and if you see anyone with a gun, you will be killed." "


Then there was a "bang-la-la-la" sound of a string of bullets being loaded.

Tekura, as soon as he arrived at the gate of the courtyard, heard Taekun's heart-rending voice: "Father! Mother! Younger brother! I'll fuck you, I'll fight with you.

Tykun rushed in as fast as he could, and then saw Taekun fall to the ground with the butt of a rifle on his face, covered in blood.

At this moment, in the courtyard, except for Tekura, there were five people, all with guns, one of them, holding a roll of bloody dollars in his hand.

Tae-kun's mother was lying at the door of Tae-kun's house, shot in the chest, blood everywhere, and no longer breathing. But even though she was dead, one of her hands was still firmly holding the man holding the dollar.

Then looking through the door, Tae-kun's father was shot in the head and lying on the ground with blood on his face.

And the floor of the house was full of blood, not the amount that one person could shed.

The seven people who rushed in all raised their aims, making the five militiamen inside, who had originally looked relaxed, suddenly become nervous.

Tekura shouted coldly in Burmese: "Lay down your arms and put your head in your hands."

One of them scolded and raised his gun, wanting to confront him.

"Bang bang!"

Seven blood holes appeared on his body in an instant, either in the forehead or in the heart.

He didn't even have time to react, and he couldn't even turn his expression into consternation.

His face was still swaggering, and then he was gone.


The corpse was planted.

This sound directly made the bodies and minds of the remaining four people tremble.

Tykura shouted coldly again: "Lay down your weapons and put your head in your hands." The

men immediately threw away their guns and obediently put their heads in their hands.

These people kill people without blinking, but they spare their lives.

They only dare to bully ordinary people, not real civilians, so they wander around the town every day as the lowest village and town militia.

These people can only run rampant in the countryside and go to the wilderness, and anyone with a gun makes them afraid.

They are more than a star and a half away from the drug lord's outlaw horseboy.

Tekura took his gun in one hand and waved the other, and several soldiers next to him went up to disarm.

At this time, Zhang Long, who heard the gunshots, also led the team to run in.

Seeing the scene, my heart sank.

The simple villagers who still ate together at noon are now dead, and they are still dead, and they are dying tragically.

The one who took the lead kept talking in Burmese.

"Please don't kill me, we are people who are afraid of the blind, I don't know that this family is your friend, I will give you the money."

Seeing this man raise the bloody dollar in his hand was so dazzling in Tekura's eyes.

It was this volume of dollars that killed Taekun's family.

Tycula gave him a cold look and said, "Shut him up." With

that, he went to look after Tae-kun's wounds, and several soldiers went up and smashed the man's mouth with the butts of their rifles.

smashed to a pulp, knowing that his wail turned to shut up.

These soldiers, who had only carried out missions and trained rigorously in China, but had never been on a frontal battlefield, were completely angered by the scene in front of them.

For the first time, they felt the cruelty of the Golden Triangle, for 10,000 US dollars, they could kill their entire families, or the militia did it, and they didn't even hide their faces.

"Tae-kun, are you alright?"

There were already medical soldiers treating Tae-kun's injuries, and Tae-kun's face was covered with blood and tears at this time.

He had collapsed, and he didn't feel the slightest pain.

He was gone for a few hours, and then his wife, his unborn child, his brother, his parents, all died.

He didn't know that even if he was at home, it would only add another life.

Strange thing, $10,000 is too important for this family, even if five men have guns, Gambella will hold on to the money and refuse to give it to them.

The impatient leader shot Gambella in the stomach directly, and the blood was left on the ground in an instant.

Tae-kun's younger brother saw his sister-in-law being shot and struggled to break free from the two militiamen, trying to fight for his life, and then he died.

Then Tae-kun's parents, hearing the gunshots, came from next door, and then they also died.

Seeing that Taikun didn't react, Tekura's heart was also twisted, it was he who hurt this little man, if he didn't come, or if he didn't give the 10,000 dollars, the family wouldn't have an accident.

"Ah Kun, it's all my fault, you can beat me and scold me, even if you shoot me, I'm willing. But now, you can't be depressed, you haven't avenged your wife and children. If you're a man, stand up and kill them with your own hands.

Hearing this, Taekun seemed to return to his consciousness, and his blood-red eyes looked at the four militiamen who were kneeling on the ground and holding their heads with their hands.

He struggled to his feet, even pushing away Tykoura who was trying to help him.

Then, he snatched an AK from Tykura.

Rushed in front of the four militiamen, and raised their guns with hideous expressions.

The eyes of the four men were full of fear and pleading, and their mouths kept begging for mercy.

"You devils, you deserve to go to hell!"

After speaking, Taikun pressed the trigger directly with the thumb of his right hand, and fired frantically until a shuttle of bullets ran out.

"Bang bang!"

A string of bullets accompanied by a mist of blood, and all four people were killed by random gunfire and fell to the ground.

Tae-kun was particularly angry, holding the butt of his gun and smashing the corpse's head constantly.

All the warriors watched in silence.

Mistreatment of prisoners or corpses was expressly forbidden in their former military regulations.

But now, they don't see anything wrong with Tae-kun's approach.

They are Predators, but they are also human beings, husbands, sons, and fathers.

Faced with the killing of their entire family, they felt that Tae-kun could not retaliate too much.

Zhang Long shouted Tekura over and said: "This matter is definitely not over, these people are organized, if they don't go back for a long time, they will definitely send people, we can go, but I'm afraid this village will end badly." "

Zhang Long's systematic lessons and overall view are better, so he analyzed the situation for Tekula at once.

After Tekura understood, her face was gloomy, and she thought for a long time before she spoke: "This is my hometown, and I cannot leave them behind and let them bear the calamity for my sake." I'm going to stay, you lead the team away.

Zhang Long shook his head and said: "You are the military commander, we have not given up the tradition of superiors and running away by ourselves." Also, I think everything you're doing right now, there's no problem. So, please give orders.

Tekura glanced at Zhang Long deeply, and for the first time, he felt that this group of people really seemed to be brothers.

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