Busy days always pass quickly, and Xu Huasheng went deep into the mountains to get busy again.

In Shenzhen, Victor and his team officially started work after identity verification. But they found that one person was missing after they joined the company.

No one said much about this. He was the only one missing among so many people, and everyone had their own judgments about the reasons.

After joining the company, Victor and his team were shocked by the working conditions of Huasheng Group again. Here, computers were popularized to everyone, and the scientific research atmosphere was very good. There was no intrigue, and there were no senior leaders who bullied others. The scientific research atmosphere here was very pure, and many experimental equipment was also very advanced, even better than the equipment they used in the Soviet Union.

For these talents from the Soviet Union, the employees of Huasheng Group were also very enthusiastic, without any discrimination or exclusion, and many people could speak Russian, so there was no problem in communication.

And Victor and his team also demonstrated their abilities, and their abilities were soon recognized by their colleagues. Many people couldn't help but sigh that they were indeed the top talents of Big Brother, and their abilities were really amazing.

Especially Victor, as the top aircraft designer of the Soviet Union, his arrival made the overall design work of the Y-20 faster.

At the same time, some American companies that came to China because of the success of the Wosheng Group some time ago have also signed agreements with domestic companies and established joint ventures one after another with the Wosheng Group. This time it is not just the electrical industry, but also some other industries have followed suit, as if they have found the code to get rich.

On the Bailian side, the products of major companies have also begun to be shipped to the United States one after another.

Best Buy began to stock up and make big moves, preparing to join the price war in the American home appliance industry.

In Little Rock, the capital of Arkansas, in the United States, Clinton's residence came today. A person who surprised Clinton.

Sam, the new upstart in the American business community, the executive president of the Wosheng Group.

During this period, the Wosheng Group has been in the limelight and has become the most dazzling star in the American home appliance industry. And Sam, the executive president of Wosheng, has also become a guest of honor for many politicians.

Clinton naturally knew Sam, but he didn't expect Sam to come to him on his own initiative, and to come to his home.

"Mr. Sam, nice to meet you..."

Clinton smiled. In fact, he and Sam were about the same age. People of similar age would feel more intimate together.

"Mr. Clinton, excuse me..."

Sam said with a smile, and the two sat down directly.

"Mr. Sam, I don't know why you came to me..."

Clinton looked at Sam curiously. He didn't know why Sam came to him. Looking at Clinton's expression, Sam laughed.

"Mr. Clinton, I came here mainly on behalf of my boss..."

Sam said with a smile. He didn't forget what Xu Huasheng told him, but his identity was not in place before, and the timing was not right.

Now his identity is extraordinary, so it's time to visit Clinton.

"Mr. Robertson?"

Clinton asked quickly. Robertson is now the actual controller of Walmart, and his attitude is crucial to politicians.

"No, no, no, it's my other boss. The second largest shareholder of our Wosheng Group, Huasheng Group, which holds 49% of our Wosheng Group's shares."

Sam said with a smile, which made Clinton stunned. He really didn't know what kind of company Huasheng Group was.

"Mr. Clinton, Huasheng Group is a very powerful Chinese company. Their air fryers and fascia guns are very popular in the market, and Huasheng Group is also the most important partner of our Wosheng Group. The parts of our Wosheng Group's products are all supplied by Huasheng Group. And the president of Huasheng Group admires you very much. He thinks that young and handsome politicians like you should play a greater influence in American politics..."

This compliment made Clinton feel refreshed. Who in this world doesn't like to hear nice words, especially those who praise themselves for being handsome.

"Mr. Clinton, I wonder if you are interested in running for president next year?"

Sam asked with a smile, which made Clinton stunned. How did Sam know this? You know, Clinton and the campaign team behind him are actually discussing whether they should participate in the US election next year.

But this matter has not been finalized yet. After all, the general election will have to wait until next year, and there will be party elections before the election. Even if I want to run, I need to defeat my party competitors before I can run for the US presidency.

"Mr. Sam, what do you mean by this?"

Linton couldn't help asking, his expression serious.

"Mr. Clinton, my boss said that if you are willing to run for the US presidency, he is willing to give you 50 million US dollars in campaign funds. This money is already in our company account. As long as you need it, it can be transferred to your campaign account immediately. Moreover, I and our Wosheng Group can also stand on your side. Mr. Robertson has no objection to this..."

When Sam said this, Clinton was stunned, his heart beat faster, and the whole person kept swallowing saliva.

Clinton knew very well what 50 million US dollars in campaign funds meant. Not to mention 50 million, even 5 million US dollars is a huge sum of money.

During the US election, every candidate will go to raise campaign funds. And those big tycoons and wealthy people are the main targets of the candidates. Being able to raise hundreds of thousands or even millions of campaign funds from them is a huge victory. These candidates must be grateful and give back to these financial sponsors after being elected.

One person provides 50 million US dollars in campaign funds, which has never happened in the history of US elections. Even the current President Bush did not have such sponsorship during his last election.

Clinton knows how important campaign funds are to candidates. American elections are all about spending money.

The more money one has, the more publicity one can do, and the greater the chance of winning.

50 million campaign funds are not icing on the cake, but a timely help, no, a snowmobile in the snow.

What's more, the Wosheng Group and Sam will stand on his side. The influence of the Wosheng Group is very large now. If the Wosheng Group stands on his side, he can get a lot of votes.

"Mr. Sam, your boss, does he have any requests?"

Clinton couldn't help asking after a long time. Who can refuse 50 million US dollars in campaign funds and the support of the Wosheng Group? No presidential candidate can refuse it.

"Mr. Clinton, Mr. Xu doesn't have any requirements. He said he simply admires young politicians like you. At the same time, he also hopes that if you can really become the president of the United States, you can slightly improve your views on China, and there can be more equal and sincere cooperation between the two sides. My boss is a businessman. He just wants to do business well, and doesn't want his business to have too many political risks..." Sam said seriously, and these words made Clinton suddenly realize. Thinking about the current attitude of the United States towards China, he somewhat understood why the Huasheng Group supported him. Thinking about 50 million US dollars and the position of the Wosheng Group, thinking about the future presidential throne, if he can really be elected president, it seems that this is not impossible. Improving the relationship between the United States and China does not violate American laws. As the president of the United States, improving relations with a big oriental country is also an achievement. Thinking of this, Clinton's heart was moved.

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