"Hey, brother, do you want a movie? The latest disc, cheap..."

In the evening, on a street in Detroit, a black man suddenly stopped another black man and whispered. Those who didn't know would think that there was some secret deal between the two.

"What movies are there?"

The black man who was stopped immediately asked curiously. The black man selling movies opened his windbreaker, and inside was full of pirated discs, and the cover was so bold.

"Brother, look, these are the latest discs, many of which are Japanese movies. If you want ten, I will give you two more. These two are new movies. Do you know what the Japanese did in Asia during World War II? This plot was actually filmed at that time..."

The black guy started his sales promotion. Hearing this, the other black man looked curious.

After careful discussion, he bought ten discs and went home. Since DVD became popular in the United States, the pirated disc business that came with it has blossomed all over the United States.

Don't think that there is no pirated business in the United States. On the contrary, the pirated business in the United States is actually very popular. Especially in some black communities, Latin American communities and other low-income communities, let alone pirated discs, selling banned drugs is open and aboveboard, and sometimes the police turn a blind eye.

For people living here, it is good enough that you don’t get a free purchase. The money for buying a genuine disc can buy four or five pirated discs. Only fools buy genuine discs.

After returning to his home, the black guy went straight into his bedroom, turned on the TV and the DVD he bought on installment, and began to watch the movie he bought today out of curiosity.

Soon, the shouts of Oyes were heard on TV.

After watching a few movies out of curiosity, the black guy picked up a disc and put it into the DVD. The cover of this disc was very tempting. Several Japanese in military uniforms stood there, and next to the Japanese, there were several tied Asians. The naked Asians looked very tempting.

And the name of this film is also very mysterious, "The Real Record of the Japanese Army in Asia".

Such a cover and such a name made the black man curious.

After putting the film into the DVD player, the black guy began to look forward to it.

The film started playing. At the beginning, the black guy was stunned. The picture was actually black and white.

"On July 7, 1937, the Japanese army planned the July 7 Incident in China. Japan's full-scale invasion of China officially began..."

A real black and white video, a low English commentary, and the film also has English subtitles.

The black guy looked at the film curiously, waiting for the picture he was looking forward to. But as he watched, the guy found something wrong.

This is not the picture he wanted at all. This is a real documentary, recording the atrocities of the Japanese in China, with photos, images, various data, and various evidence.

Many pictures are even more bloody and terrifying. Even though the guy usually likes to watch horror movies, he was stunned by the facts recorded in this documentary.

It was inhumane. The black guy had read some information about the Germans massacring Thais before. Now, looking at the atrocities of the Japanese, he suddenly felt that the Germans were not as brutal as he had imagined. Compared with the Japanese, they were really small.

The horrific gas experiment and the inhumane Nanjing Massacre made the black guy forget the purpose of buying this film.

Pieces of evidence were laid out there. The film was almost two hours long, and at the end of the film, a series of evidence was given.

For example, many war criminals were publicly tried, but some of them escaped punishment because of the protection of the Americans.

Behind the film, the picture quality suddenly turned into color.

"Until now, Japan has never truly reflected on the war crimes it has committed. Their politicians have repeatedly visited the Yasukuni Shrine to pay homage, repeatedly hurting the hearts of Asian countries such as China. They have also revised textbooks many times to deny their crimes. The latest generation of Japanese do not even know the sins committed by their ancestors. With the rapid development of the Japanese economy, the Japanese began to invest in the global media and control the global media to whitewash the sins they have committed. For example, in the United States, many books about Japan are not sold at all, and there have been no movies of this kind. In Europe..."

At the end of the film, a conclusion is given again to tell the audience why you rarely see these things. The reason is that the Japanese control the global media.

It's a sheep's head, but a dog's meat.

After watching the whole film, the black guy sat there, and his anger disappeared.

It took him a long time to recover from the shock brought by the film. This kind of real documentary has a psychological impact on people.Very big, and this kind of documentary will be remembered once you watch it.

At this moment, the guy is not the only one who has seen this documentary.

A large number of films that are disguised as sheep meat have appeared on the market, not only pirated discs, but also many of these films in genuine discs.

There are too many such routines in the Internet age, such as seven strong men bullying a woman, but it turns out to be Calabash Brothers after opening.

The secret of seven men and a woman, after opening it, it turns out to be Snow White.

Now, Xu Huasheng taught this routine to Sam, and then mobilized some funds, so these documentaries that are disguised as sheep meat have spread across the United States.

"Damn Japanese..."

After watching this documentary, many people couldn't help cursing in their hearts, the Japanese, they are so fucking disgusting. The Germans at least dare to act and take responsibility, they did it, they killed, they killed, I admit it.

But the Japanese did something, but they gritted their teeth and refused to admit it, and tried their best to cover up the truth. They were righteous on the surface, but extremely dirty in secret. This kind of people is the most disgusting.

As tabloids and fake discs began to spread, a different force began to brew in American society.

Major mainstream media still did not report on Japan, and even Sam's lawsuit against the Japanese Embassy was not reported.

But secretly, gossip tabloids began to publish various versions of the news like crazy.

Mainstream media did not report these things, and the public wanted to know the truth. Now that tabloids reported this matter, many people naturally went to buy that kind of tabloid to satisfy their cravings.

The sales of many tabloids soared, which made the tabloids that tasted the sweetness start to make up stories crazily. Some tabloids can even publish several issues a day.

At this moment, they also mastered the traffic code. As long as the story is close to the conspiracy theory, the sales will definitely be good.

As a result, the sales of tabloids across the United States increased significantly, while the sales of newspapers of major mainstream media declined slightly.

The most terrifying thing is that among the American people, an anti-Japanese sentiment is brewing. Influenced by this sentiment, many Japanese Americans feel that the people around them seem to look at them differently. Colleagues who used to be friendly now look at them strangely, even with disgust in their eyes. This makes these Japanese Americans very curious and they don't know what is going on.

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