"Uncle, if China has a West Sea Fleet, the function of the island chain carefully arranged by the United States will be greatly reduced. Our West Sea Fleet can go directly from the Bay of Bengal to the Indian Ocean, which can not only break the blockade of the island chain, but also directly threaten our opponents to the west..."

Xu Huasheng put down the pen in his hand and pointed at the map. Xu Dafei swallowed and stared at the map.

Audacious, what Xu Huasheng is doing now is really audacious. West Sea Fleet, what a mighty name, China should also have a four-sea fleet.

"Uncle, it's very chaotic here now, with warlords separatist. As long as you have guns, cannons, people and money, you can conquer your own territory and become a warlord. If you go, after you conquer your own territory, China will fully support the economic development of this place and make it the best and happiest place in the region. As long as the people live well, the people here will naturally support you. Not only that, you can also quietly immigrate here from China. We have so many people, and we still have family planning and don't allow births. At that time, it won't be a problem to immigrate hundreds of thousands or even millions of people every year. If it continues, after a few decades, hehe. By then, you can encourage births and attach importance to education. After three or five generations, this place will actually belong to us..."

Xu Huasheng's eyes were shining with excitement, and Xu Dafei swallowed his saliva.

He began to imagine what the future would look like in his mind, if it was really as Xu Huasheng said. Conquer the territory, immigrate, develop the economy, attach importance to education, and after a few generations, you can imagine what this place will be like. No matter what this place is called, it will actually be part of China.

"Uncle, I know that this may not be a good thing morally. But the sin is in the present, and the benefit is in the future. We can't just passively defend. We can do what Western countries do. As long as it is good for our country and our nation, I think we should do it. This is what every Chinese should do..."

Xu Huasheng's words made Xu Dafei swallow his saliva.

"Xiaosheng, what if I don't do it?"

Xu Dafei asked in a low voice.

"If you don't do it, there will naturally be another Xu Zhongyi to do it."

Xu Huasheng said directly, which made Xu Dafei take a deep breath. Looking at the two files, Xu Dafei's eyes slowly became firm.

"Xiaofei, in this case, then I will be Xu Zhongyi! Compared to being a rich man, I think this is more exciting."

Xu Dafei said with a smile, which made Xu Huasheng laugh.

"Uncle, you should think it over. This is very dangerous. You may not be able to return to China for many years. And the country will not recognize this. This is just your personal behavior!"

Xu Huasheng said seriously, which made Xu Dafei laugh. In the end, he nodded seriously and made his own decision.

In the room, after Xu Dafei chose to be Xu Zhongyi, the uncle and nephew began to conspire.

"Uncle, don't worry about weapons and equipment. I have a defense company in my hands now. In the future, we will imitate the standard weapons of the United States for you. Even if the Americans take them back for inspection, they may not be able to tell whether they are real or fake. Whether they are light weapons or heavy weapons, there is no problem..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile, with confidence in his eyes.

Let the company imitate the standard weapons of the United States and give them to Xu Dafei after they are imitated. In this way, it has nothing to do with China. Who dares to say that this matter has something to do with China? If there is any relationship, it is related to the United States. After all, you can see that they are all using American weapons, or standard weapons of the army, which ordinary people can't get at all.

Here, it must be the United States that is interfering. In the future, we only need to guide public opinion, or even let Xu Dafei take the initiative to contact the West, and this matter can be temporarily hidden. Even if necessary, Xu Dafei can be asked to act and directly declare hostility to China. Anyway, it is a battle of wits and courage.

"But uncle, the most important thing for the combat effectiveness of an organization is the organizational structure and cohesion. Just like the big dogs in the Middle East, it is useless for them to have the most advanced weapons and equipment. Look at our army, even with the most backward weapons, we can beat the Americans all over the ground. This is the power of the organization. When you go there, you can set up a party, such as the People's Party, and the army is called the People's Army, and then directly put our organizational structure on it, so that we can form a cohesive and combat-capable organization..."

Xu Huasheng's suggestion made Xu Dafei nod his head. As a soldier, he knew this. The combat effectiveness of an organization is not about advanced weapons. If weapons determine everything, then the Americans would have alreadyIt will be invincible.

Only an organization with cohesion and combat effectiveness can burst out with strong combat effectiveness.

"As for winning the hearts of the people, it is even simpler. As long as you can make the people live better, the people will stand on your side. The method is even simpler. Fight warlords, divide land, stabilize public security, reduce taxes, open factories, and provide education. Let the people eat and wear warm clothes, let their children go to school, let men have jobs, let women not be bullied, let them live with dignity, let them feel respected, and then they will naturally pick up weapons and follow you. After you have a fixed territory, you can cooperate with the domestic infrastructure to build roads and bridges, and provide electricity, water, and the Internet. Directly make this place the most developed and advanced place in the surrounding area. At that time, the surrounding people will scramble to your place, and you don’t even need to do anything to swallow up the surrounding territory..."

In fact, now that Xu Dafei has gone there, it is very simple to gain a foothold. Because that place is now poor and chaotic, and the people’s lives are poorer and more miserable than here in China.

Warlords are fighting each other, and ordinary people can't even think about a good life. Human life is as cheap as a dog.

If Xu Dafei can bring them stability and a good life, these people will naturally follow Xu Dafei and listen to Xu Dafei.

There is no concept of a country there now, and the national cohesion is also weak. It is the best time to take advantage of the chaos, develop little by little, stand firm first, and then develop little by little like an ant biting an elephant.

"Uncle, you must pay attention to education when the time comes. You can directly take the domestic textbooks and use them directly, or send people to rewrite the textbooks. This is crucial. Especially historical textbooks and historical education, pay attention to them. You must let the children know that this place belongs to China in history, increase national identity, and can't be like the Chinese in some places, who are ungrateful and betray their ancestors, and are yellow-skinned and white-hearted banana people..."

Xu Huasheng squinted his eyes. Education is king. Write textbooks and educate from childhood. Wait for a few decades, hehe.

"As for how to deal with the warlords around us, it's very simple. The more chaotic the better. You can do business with them and sell them weapons. In a word, let the warlords keep their own rule here. Support whoever is weak. Beat whoever is too strong. Turn this place into a mess. You become the biggest warlord in this mess, and then win over the smaller warlords. Together, you develop southward little by little. When the time is right, hold a referendum. Don't Westerners like to play with human rights? Let's play with human rights and have a smaller version of the disintegration of the Soviet Union..."

A huge plan was released. After listening to the whole plan, Xu Dafei swallowed his saliva and his heartbeat accelerated.

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