As night fell, all the directors in the conference room at Nokia headquarters were in a bad mood.

After Ollila told them what happened, they were even more pessimistic about Nokia's future.

This is simply a double whammy. The dramatic changes in Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet Union caused Nokia to suffer serious losses. Now the communication technology that they are proud of is actually backward in all aspects, and even the next generation of mobile phones in the laboratory are backward in all aspects. What the hell is this?

This is simply a suspended death sentence for Nokia.

"Let's see what price the Huasheng Group offers. If the price is about the same, sell it. It's better than letting it rot in our hands. If they really go to cooperate with Ericsson and Siemens, what can we use to compete..."

A director whispered, and this made the other directors sigh.

"I also agree to sell it. Let's finalize it when the price is about the same. It's cheaper than continuing to drag it out. Contact Ericsson to confirm and see if they are willing to acquire it..."

Another director also expressed his position directly, and then other directors also expressed their opinions.

Sell it, sell it as soon as possible.

They originally wanted to sell Nokia, but now Ericsson is unwilling to buy it, and Huasheng Group is willing to buy it, which is in their interests.

As for taking advantage of the opportunity to rip off Huasheng Group, it seems impossible now. It would be good if Huasheng Group didn't rip them off. After all, the things they are proud of are now completely beaten by Huasheng Group. If Huasheng Group really cooperates with Ericsson or Siemens and other groups, Nokia will file for bankruptcy in a few years and become worthless.

Ollila looked at these shareholders and sighed in his heart.

As the president, he can only listen to the shareholders now. As for the future, let's talk about it later. If I can't stay in Nokia, I will find a job again.

Nokia took action and contacted Ericsson again.

Ericsson also responded and clearly rejected Nokia's acquisition request. Ericsson is now in trouble, so how can it have the money to take over this mess?

Ericsson's refusal made Nokia lose its last hope of selling at a high price.

In the afternoon, a negotiation officially began in the conference room.

This time, not only Ollila attended, but also all the major shareholders of Nokia attended.

Looking at the offer from Nokia, Xu Huasheng frowned.

This time, Nokia's offer was 4.5 billion US dollars. This offer includes all of Nokia's businesses. Now Nokia's business is very broad. In addition to the communication business, there are also consumer products business, TV business, mechanical processing business, etc.

Nokia's TV business is the second in Europe, and its strength is still very strong.

But these businesses are not what Xu Huasheng wants. He only wants the communication business, and the acquisition of Nokia is just to prepare for the communication business.

"Everyone, at present, my company only wants to acquire your company's communication business, and this offer is a bit high. Dear shareholders, I guess you are a little unwilling to sell Nokia. Why don't we change the way of cooperation?"

Xu Huasheng raised his head and said with a smile, which made everyone curious.

"You sell the communication business to me, and we will cooperate in other businesses. I believe everyone knows about the Wosheng Group. Nokia can also be the second Wosheng. Our Huasheng Group can produce products for Wosheng and Nokia. Even if we cannot compete with Wosheng in the United States, Europe is your base camp. You can shine in the European market. The European market is enough for everyone to make a lot of money. The same is true for other industries. As a business person, I always believe that win-win cooperation can go further..."

Xu Huasheng's suggestion made the shareholders' eyes light up.

Wosheng Group is very famous and makes crazy money.

If Nokia can get good products like Wosheng, and then use the current channels and reputation, it will definitely do better.

At least in Europe, this cooperation method will definitely make Nokia a lot of money.

Xu Huasheng's proposal made the conference room lively again. A negotiation lasted for several hours. After a few hours, the final cooperation method was finalized.

Xu Huasheng's investment fund acquired Nokia's communication business for US$1.58 billion. Nokia's communications industry was separated and became the new Nokia Communications Company.

Nokia's electrical business was separated and became Nokia Electronics. Huasheng Group invested in the company with technology and products, accounting for 22% of the company's shares. And Huasheng Group must introduce new products for Nokia Electronics within half a year, including DVDs, air fryers, fascia guns and other products.

Nokia's machinery factory was separated and established as Nokia Electronics.Chia Machinery Company will mainly engage in machine tool business in the future. Xu Huasheng invested in this company with technology and $500 million in capital, accounting for 51% of the company's equity.

Nokia Machinery will build a machine tool factory in China to produce various machine tools and then sell them globally. To put it bluntly, it is also the Wosheng model, but it has changed from electrical appliances to machine tools.

In the conference room, Xu Huasheng used a CD to show the technology of Huasheng Group in machine tools, but the technology shown was all low-end and medium-end machine tools, without four-axis or five-axis, and the most advanced was only three-axis. But even so, it is very important for Nokia.

With these technologies and China's cheap labor, the production cost of these machine tools will definitely be very low. As long as the price is low, there will be competitiveness. Although high-end machine tools have high profits, low-end machine tools are in great demand, and low-end CNC machine tools are also in large demand in the European market.

The negotiations came to an end, and Nokia Group has since been split into three major companies, Nokia Electrical, Nokia Machinery, and Nokia Communications.

As for other businesses, Xu Huasheng doesn't want them, and the shareholders are ready to sell other industries slowly.

Nokia Communications is owned by Xu Huasheng alone. In the future, Nokia Communications will have three main businesses: telecommunications, base station services, and consumer products.

Simply put, it sells phone cards, broadband, base stations, and mobile phones. Nokia will be built into a European trinity communications company with technology and capital. From base stations, to communication services in the middle, to terminal products.

If these three businesses go well, Nokia will become a super giant in the future.

In the future, as Nokia grows, Xu Huasheng can slowly introduce some powerful capital. At that time, Nokia can use its local advantages to make money for itself. At least in Europe, Nokia will not have any problems.

You must know that Finland will join the European Union in the future, and will also join the Eurozone. It is the only country in the Eurozone among the five Nordic countries. Although the country is small, it is a serious EU member state and Eurozone country. If the United States shamelessly sanctions Nokia, you will see whether the EU will follow. If it follows, the entire EU will become a joke. If it does not follow, then the relationship between the EU and the United States will become hostile, and the Huasheng Group will benefit.

As for the EU forcing Xu Huasheng to sell Nokia's shares, or even directly confiscating these assets, haha, we will know when the time comes, unless the EU does not intend to do business with Huaxia.

Besides, once Xu Huasheng withdraws his investment, Nokia will collapse instantly, because Xu Huasheng plans to build Nokia into the largest comprador giant in Europe. Nokia will not even need a R&D department in the future, just like Wosheng, it will only be responsible for selling products. All products will be provided by Huasheng Group, and Nokia will only be responsible for OEM sales.

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