"I don't think this is right. Our executives used our company's name to defraud money, which shows that our company's supervision of executives is not in place, which led to this executive using the company's name to defraud money. So in addition to sending this executive to the public security organs and trying to recover the money, our company should also have joint liability. You don't know how to employ people, and you don't supervise well. So our company must first make up for the people's money, and then we will find a way to get the money back from the executives."

In the villa, Xu Huasheng's words made Director Yun look admiring. He felt that Xu Huasheng was definitely responsible.

"This is the case for our Huasheng Group. It should be the case for all departments in our country, especially those that manage money, especially the banking department. For example, if bank employees do not deposit the people's money in the bank, but secretly put it into their own accounts and squander it, you can't just pat your butt and say that it is the employees who broke the law and it has nothing to do with your bank. We ordinary people don't know that your bank staff are breaking the law. You can't say that you have no responsibility because you arrested the staff! I think the bank must repay the money to the people, and you should bear this responsibility yourself, because you are the subject of supervision. The same is true for the supervision account. If you can't supervise the money in the supervision account well, you should pay for the loss yourself..."

Xu Huasheng complained, because there are really many such cases. But it is very poisonous that sometimes many departments use the reason that the offender has been arrested as an excuse to let the people bear the loss.

In the villa, Xu Huasheng and Director Yun talked until very late.

That night, Xu Huasheng and Director Yun talked a lot.

Xu Huasheng also came up with some suggestions for housing. Cancel the pre-sale system, strengthen various fund supervision, limit sales, use the floor area to calculate the house area, establish state-guaranteed housing, equal rights for renting and selling, etc.

As for whether it is useful or not, Xu Huasheng doesn't know. All Xu Huasheng can do is to say what he knows. As for how the country will deal with it, the country has its own considerations. After all, real estate has advantages and disadvantages, and the pros and cons need to be weighed.

As for pension, there is nothing much to say, and it is still necessary to work hard on social security. Xu Huasheng also complained about the one-child policy and the future only child. Two people will raise four Director Yun, two children, huge pressure, and suggested that the country implement a two-child policy, etc.

In short, Xu Huasheng said a lot this evening, and Xu Huasheng himself couldn't say whether it was right or wrong.

Director Yun also wrote down a lot, and finally Director Yun asked Xu Huasheng to go back and organize a set of information and give it to him.

Xu Huasheng did not refuse. Although Xu Huasheng knew that this suggestion would offend many people, Xu Huasheng still agreed.

If he offends, then he offends. Besides, Director Yun said that he would hand over the information to him personally. In the end, the implementation of the policy has nothing to do with Xu Huasheng. It is all the country's business.

Prepare for a rainy day. Now, while many things are still in their infancy, they can be adjusted better.

Whether it is medical corruption, educational industrialization, or real estate, they are all in their early stages in China. After all, China is too poor now.

It is much easier to set rules now than to set rules later when it develops.

Although the conversation lasted until late at night, Director Yun still got up very early the next day. After getting up, Director Yun and his party came to the cafeteria of the headquarters of Huasheng Group and had breakfast with the employees of the headquarters of Huasheng Group.

"Your food here is very rich."

Seeing the food here, Director Yun couldn't help but say, and the accompanying staff were full of envy. This food is so good.

The huge cafeteria is very clean and decorated in a very stylish way.

Look at the food here, it's simply a food city. Not only are there many varieties, but also they are delicious.

"Chief, these employees are our company's treasures. I have to serve them well. Whether the company makes money or not depends on them..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile, which made everyone laugh.

"There are foreigners here?"

When seeing many Soviet people coming to eat, Director Yun asked.

"Chief, these people are talents that our company has recruited from the Soviet Union and other countries. Now these people are also formal employees of our company, and their families are also here. They are the same as our Chinese employees..."

This made Director Yun nod his head. It seems that Huasheng Group not only bought things from the Soviet Union, but also recruited people. This is a good thing. After all, there are many talents in the Soviet Union. Now that the Soviet Union has disintegrated, many talents have been buried. If some can be recruited, it will be a good thing for China.

"Is the food here free?"

Director Yun found that the employees here did not pay for meals at all, and the food was taken at will. The food here is all buffet styleWhoever wants to eat can just take it.

"Yes, our restaurant has food 24 hours a day. Sometimes our researchers work overtime, and we don't know until what time. We have to ensure that our staff have food to eat when they are hungry and come to the cafeteria..."

Xu Huasheng's words made everyone take a deep breath.

There is food to eat 24 hours a day, which means that many people in Huasheng Group may be busy until late at night before going home.

The competition is fierce, and it is also fierce within Huasheng Group.

It is indeed fierce. It is true that Huasheng Group pays high wages, but the requirements are also high. It is impossible to get by if you want to get by, because everyone is working hard.

Overtime is a very normal thing here. Especially when some technologies need urgent technical breakthroughs, many people are even more fierce.

But the competition is really fierce, and the salary is really high. The talents here, if they earn 500 yuan a month outside, may get 3,000 yuan or even higher in Huasheng Group, which is also the motivation of these people.

After breakfast, the group visited the headquarters of Huasheng Group.

After entering the headquarters, the group saw the infrastructure here, and they realized the true foundation and strength of Huasheng Group.

Each staff member's work place is very spacious, and the working environment is also very comfortable. The most important thing is that each staff member has a computer. At the headquarters of Huasheng Group, computer office has been realized, and everyone is equipped with a mobile phone.

"Chief, our company has now realized computer office and mobile communication for all staff. We have built an intranet within our group and a base station in the park. Everyone can realize mobile communication in the park, and can also work, entertain, and conduct academic exchanges on the intranet..."

Next to a computer, Xu Huasheng asked Director Yun to sit down and began to demonstrate many functions of the computer to Director Yun. The accompanying personnel also curiously poked their heads and looked at it curiously, like a curious baby.

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