In the factory, two production lines have been set up and trial production has begun in the past few days. However, the production speed is not fast. The trial production mainly involves debugging various equipment, optimizing various positions, and allowing the entire production line to enter the optimal stage. It takes a period of trial production to maximize the production capacity.

Salman and his party entered the factory and began to visit the factory accompanied by Xu Huasheng.

This factory is very large because it can produce a lot of things. Including engines and gearboxes are produced in this factory.

When they came to the engine production line, the workers were busy. Salman and his party carefully watched the entire engine production process. After watching the entire production process, everyone took a breath of cool air, and Salman's eyes were even hotter. They also wanted such a production line.

In the factory, Salman and his party were shocked.

The entire engine production line has a high degree of automation. They saw with their own eyes that many materials were processed into various parts by various automated machines.

Finally, these parts were put together and quickly assembled by the staff, and finally assembled into a very cool-looking engine.

After the engines are assembled, they enter the test bench. After the test, they will be transported to the final assembly workshop and installed on the car.

Engine, gearbox, whole vehicle production...

Witnessing the most basic raw materials being processed into parts and then assembled into a complete car, this process is very shocking.

Finally, everyone came to the garage, where hundreds of cars produced in the past few days were parked in the huge indoor garage.

These cars are not Baihu brand, but have the logo of Xuanwu brand.

Salman opened the door of a car and sat in. The configuration of the car was very different from his Baihu General. The interior is basically hard plastic, the interior is relatively simple, the gearbox is also manual, and the seats are also fabric seats. It feels much harder to sit on than his Baihu.

However, the space is the same as his own car, and the interior space is very large.

"Xu, why is this car different from my car?"

Salman asked curiously.

"Prince Salman, this is just a tool car with a relatively low price. The price in China is less than 40,000 US dollars, so it is naturally incomparable to your car."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile. The model that is now off the assembly line is the Xuanwu model, which has not yet been launched. However, Xu Huasheng and his team have already discussed the pricing, and the price of this car is just over 200,000. The price in China is a tool car.

This price is very competitive in China. You should know that in this era, the price of a Santana is still more than 100,000.

Although this car is a low-end tool car, it is much more awesome than Santana. Santana is like a child in front of this car, and it is simply an all-round hang.

"Xu, didn't you say before that you wanted to invest in a car factory in Saudi Arabia?"

Salman couldn't help asking after getting out of the car. Hearing Salman's words, Xu Huasheng smiled bitterly.

"Your Highness, our domestic production line has just been successfully built. In the early stage, our cars are mainly to meet the domestic market. As for building factories overseas, this needs to be done slowly. After all, building a car factory costs a lot of money..."

Xu Huasheng said directly, and Salman laughed when he heard this.

Money? Things that can be solved with money are not a problem.

"Xu, why don't we set up a joint venture. Just like the joint venture between your Modu Automobile and Volkswagen. You only need to provide technology, and we Saudi Arabia will provide the money..."

Salman's words made Xu Huasheng stunned.

"Prince, even if the factory is built, you Saudi Arabia can't find enough industrial workers."

Xu Huasheng said again.

"It doesn't matter. We can hire from China in the early stage. Then we can gradually reduce the proportion of Chinese workers in the factory. Xu, you don't need to pay a penny, you just need to provide technology and management. We Saudi Arabia will build the factory, we will pay for the workers, we Saudi Arabia will hold 51% of the shares, you will hold 49%, and you will have the main management rights. In addition, we Saudi Arabia can exempt this company from taxes for five years. Moreover, we Saudi Arabia will take the initiative to contact neighboring countries and strive to make more countries exempt tariffs on our products. In this way, these cars will be more competitive..."

Salman's words made Xu Huasheng's eyes widen.

At this moment, Xu Huasheng understood. Simply put, it is to set up a joint venture company, Saudi Arabia will pay, Huasheng will provide technology, Saudi Arabia will hold the shares, and Huasheng will manage the management rights.

AndEven workers can be recruited from China, but there needs to be a ratio of employees, and there must be a part of Saudi employees. The purpose of recruiting employees from China is to bring Saudi employees into the industry.

For Huasheng Group, this business is worth it.

It's almost like picking it up for free. With this joint venture factory, various vehicles under Shanhai Automobile will be more competitive in the Middle East in the future. In addition, there are five years of tax exemption and tariff exemption. Although part of the profit must be shared with Saudi Arabia, the overall calculation is that selling a car is not much less than Shanhai Automobile's domestic production and then exporting it to Saudi Arabia.

"Your Highness, isn't it a bit too much of a loss for you to do this?"

Xu Huasheng couldn't help asking.

"Xu, you Chinese can use the market to exchange technology, and we Saudi Arabia can too. Xu, we have a small request. Can you help us Saudi Arabia design a car of our own? The positioning should be super luxurious, luxurious, safe, and expensive. In the future, this car can be used as a special car for our royal family, and the annual production capacity does not need to be too much..."

Salman whispered, which made Xu Huasheng laugh.

Market for technology, who says that these wealthy people don't know how to do business, who says that these wealthy people don't have strategic vision.

They just have more money, but they are not stupid at all.

It seems that Shanhai Automobile has made money, but for Saudi Arabia, this profit did not belong to Saudi Arabia before. Saudi Arabia has no domestic cars, and all the money from cars is earned by foreign companies.

Now with the joint venture brand, Saudi Arabia can have a piece of the pie. And they can slowly learn technology, train their own industrial workers, and even train their own R&D team.

Now they have entrusted Huasheng Group to help them build an independent brand. This is simply to build Saudi Arabia's automobile industry. Compared with this goal, the money spent on this factory is too worthwhile.

But why is this routine so familiar? This wealthy person is not going to cross the river by feeling the rabbit, right?

"Prince Salman, it seems that we need to have a good talk..."

Xu Huasheng laughed. For such a cooperation, Xu Huasheng really couldn't find any reason to refuse. For Shanhai Automobile, if it can open up the Middle East market first, it is too important for the brand of Shanhai Automobile.

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