Bellina left, but she left a laptop computer that Huasheng had just launched for Ex.

Ex shut himself in his office and pondered. Ex had been discouraged for a while and was ready to pack up and leave.

Now Xu Huasheng threw him a lifeboat, which gave Ex, who was already on the verge of death, new hope.

Xu Huasheng's advice to him was not a bad one. In fact, a large part of the strategy that Xu Huasheng said in his mind came from the actual operation of Ex's successor Lou Gerstner.

Lou Gerstner officially joined IBM on April 1, 1993. In the next ten years, IBM's stock price rose tenfold, with annual revenue of 87 billion US dollars, jumping into the top 10 of the Fortune 500.

The reason why Lou Gerstner was able to make the blue giant reborn from the ashes was to save resources and open up the flow.

Sell all the lagging businesses, lay off 45,000 employees, streamline the team, and strive to reduce costs, etc.

Xu Huasheng's advice to Ex is also in this direction, but it's more ruthless. But if you follow this method, the effect will be better.

Ex fell into thinking, reading Xu Huasheng's letter to him over and over again. No one in this world is willing to give up the power in their hands, and no president is willing to leave a company in such a mess.

Ex can imagine what the future will be like after he leaves like this. The income will definitely drop sharply, and no big company will dare to reuse him. In the future, he will even be used as a negative example in the business circle, and he will carry shame for the rest of his life.

I don't know how long he pondered, Ex took a deep breath, opened the newly launched Huaxia brand laptop that Bellina left for him, and began to study it.

This laptop is much more beautiful than IBM's laptop, and it is also much thinner and looks very fashionable. Just looking at the appearance, you have an impulse to buy it. ,

After turning on the computer, the system is much easier to use than the Microsoft system currently used by IBM, and it has more functions. Various office software surprised Ex.

Not only that, when Ex played the games installed on the notebook, Ex swallowed his saliva.

These games are very fun and play very smoothly without any lag. Obviously, the Huasheng brand regards entertainment performance as an important indicator of computers, and also regards this performance as an important marketing tool.

Before this, whether it was IBM, Apple or other brands, they positioned computers as office tools.

Now, Ex's pattern seemed to be opened up all of a sudden.

After playing several games, Ex found that he was still not satisfied and wanted to play again. Especially Warcraft, it was so fun that he couldn't stop.

"Game function..."

Ex swallowed his saliva and his eyes lit up completely. If the marketing point of personal computers becomes entertainment plus office, then the market for personal computers will be completely different.

The charm of games is very large. As long as the games are fun enough, many people will buy computers for games. You should know that the game market in the United States is very large, many games have high sales in the United States, and many game consoles have very good sales in the United States.

This computer not only has game functions, but also allows you to watch movies and TV series, socialize, and work. With the development of the Internet, this computer is a must-have for everyone.

Looking at this notebook and thinking about the letter Xu Huasheng wrote to him, Ex took a deep breath and took out a pen to start writing the plan. He hopes to have the opportunity to make the last gamble, even if he loses.

The two press conferences of the Huasheng brand have stirred up the world and directly detonated major technology circles.

The initiator Xu Huasheng left Saudi Arabia at this moment, but he did not return to China. Instead, he went directly to Libya for inspection.

Xu Huasheng and Colonel Ka came to the stronghold in the southern desert of Libya in person.

After arriving at the stronghold, the first feeling here is that it is very lively, completely different from the desolation of the past.

This stronghold was expanded from a water intake point of the Grand Canal project. It turned out that this was a water intake station with few people. But now, the Huaxia construction team has built a huge stronghold with this water intake station as the center and is stationed here.

In this base, many supporting factories have been built. Employees from China are also moving in continuously. In the future, the number of Chinese employees working here will reach 150,000 or even more.

In addition to the large number of people, various equipment has also been transported here continuously during this period. Most of the equipment came to Libya by ship from China, and thenThen it was transported here by road.

For the safety of this stronghold, Colonel Ka even sent an elite force to station around to protect the safety of this stronghold. The construction of the new capital cannot tolerate any mistakes.

"Mr. Xu, Colonel, this is our super coagulant production plant. Now the super coagulant has begun to be produced in small batches. Two months later, the production capacity of this factory will be increased to the maximum. At that time, the production capacity of this factory will meet the construction needs of the entire project..."

Xu Huasheng and Colonel Ka and his party came to the super coagulant production plant.

The factory has not been fully built, but it has begun to produce super coagulant on a small scale. The barrels for holding super coagulant are oil barrels. Seeing the produced super coagulant being put into the barrels, Colonel Ka's face is full of expectations.

For this factory, Colonel Ka directly built a small oil pipeline to connect the factory. Libya has plenty of oil, which is like free money to Colonel Ka, and he doesn't feel bad about using it, so the cost of super coagulant is very low, and the price is outrageous.

Such a low price also greatly reduces the construction cost of the new capital.

However, this method is only used in countries like Libya where oil is cheaper than water. If it is an oil-poor country, they would never be willing to use this method to build houses.

Next to the coagulant factory is a large concrete prefabrication factory. Now this prefabrication factory is very busy. Workers prefabricate and produce many prefabricated parts here every day.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Ka, we are now producing prefabricated parts for our staff dormitories. The entire dormitory adopts a mortise and tenon structure design. All prefabricated parts are relatively large. Try to reduce the number of prefabricated parts..."

Prefabrication factory, when Colonel Ka came here, he really saw the power of using super coagulant to build buildings.

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