At the Kuafu Power Research Institute, all personnel carefully studied these products and asked many details.

These three gas turbines were designed by Xu Huasheng, and the designers did not take detours. This is why the gas turbine project can progress so quickly.

However, because the technology of the last CT50 is too deep and complicated, the technical staff of Kuafu Power has not fully invested in research and development. This gas turbine technology is too advanced. Even if it is placed in 2035, it is the most awesome existence. It is a national treasure of China and is absolutely not for sale.

At the same time, for China now, CT50 is not an urgent product. This thing is not prepared for small boats at all, but for large ships above 50,000 tons.

For example, a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier, a large integrated supply ship of 70,000 to 80,000 tons, and a larger amphibious assault ship. And such a large ship, China may not start construction in ten years. In the next ten years, if China can build four battle groups with amphibious assault ships as the core, it will be considered a rapid progress.

The navy is the most time-consuming thing. It takes a long time for a ship to go from research and development to formal service. It sometimes takes several years for an advanced ship to be developed.

China currently does not need CT50 at all. For the warships that China will serve in the next ten years, CT30 and CT40 are completely sufficient. For example, China's current 052 has a full load displacement of less than 10,000 tons. The performance of CT30 is enough. Two CT30s and a total power of 88,000 horsepower are more than enough for the 052 with a displacement of more than 8,000 tons.

052 is equipped with two CT30s, and the maximum speed can definitely easily reach more than 36 knots, and even 38 or even 40 knots.

And CT40 is prepared for 10,000-ton destroyers and amphibious assault ships.

Two CT40s, with a horsepower of 112,000, are enough for the 055 destroyer. Two CT40s can also make the 055 reach a speed of 36 knots. Even if the improved version of the 055 can reach a displacement of 20,000 tons in the future, two CT40s are enough.

As for the amphibious assault ship of about 50,000 tons, the four CT40 gas turbines add up to 224,000 horsepower, which can make this big ship a destroyer. In fact, such a large ship does not need such a large power at all. At that time, it can use diesel-electric combined power, use two gas turbines, and get a few diesel engines and generators. It may be more suitable and cost-effective to use them together.

The power system is the heart of the ship. China's ships have not had a strong heart for a long time, and can only use traditional diesel engines. And even traditional diesel engines, China is not too advanced.

And now, China has it, not only has it, but also the most advanced in the world. The most advanced gas turbine in the world is the basic guarantee of the combat effectiveness of China's future warships.

Liu Lao and his group looked at the prototype with excitement in their eyes.

With such a power system, Chinese warships will no longer have heart disease. Not only will they not have heart disease, but they will also have better hearts than those of other countries in the world. In the future, it will not be Chinese warships that will have heart disease, but warships from other countries.

"By the way, Xiao Sheng, how is the development of your integrated power system going?"

Liu Lao couldn't help but whispered. He was obsessed with the integrated power system of Huayun Shipyard. For that system, the Navy sent many technical experts.

That system is very powerful in theory. If Chinese warships really use that system, they will definitely be more powerful.

The most amazing thing about that system is that it allows conventional-powered aircraft carriers to use electromagnetic catapults, which is very awesome. After solving this system, China will not have to worry about the aircraft carrier catapult system at all, and will directly skip the steam catapult and use the more advanced electromagnetic catapult.

In addition to this, this system can even allow electromagnetic guns, which are very sci-fi, to be put on board in the future.

"Mr. Liu, the progress is very smooth. It is estimated that the preliminary design will be finalized and the experiment will start this year. However, this technology needs to be more mature before it can be used on warships. This power system will be tested on our dredger first, and it will take some time before it can be put on board."

Xu Huasheng said directly that this system is very complicated. Even if Xu Huasheng provided a lot of things, he had to use a very rigorous attitude to prove these technologies.

Therefore, this system needs to be installed on board with caution. Warships are not civilian ships. If this thing breaks down halfway, it will be a big shame. All-electric warships will be used by many countries in the future, but the stability is not very good. For example, the British all-electric warships have broken down many times due to power system failures, becoming a laughing stock.

Therefore, this system developed by Huayun GroupAfter the system is finalized, it will be used on the huge suction dredger of Huayun Group. Experiments will be conducted on the ship first to eliminate all problems. Only when the system runs stably and the technology is fully mature can it be used on warships. When the system is mature, combined with advanced gas turbines, the power of Chinese warships will rise to a higher level again.

Xu Huasheng's words made Liu Lao nod his head, and his eyes were full of expectation. Not only looking forward to this system, but also looking forward to the huge suction dredger. Xu Huasheng described the power of this dredger to him. After the dredger is built, China can go directly to the sea to the south to build islands.

Make your own islands big, turn your own reefs into islands, and then build airports and docks, build residential areas, build military bases, and put fighter jets directly on them. That is an unsinkable aircraft carrier.

The islands and reefs in the south are things left by our ancestors, and none of them can be lost. Now China can only tolerate the monkeys jumping around because the navy is weak. For the islands and reefs occupied by the monkeys, China can only protest verbally.

After China's several aircraft carrier battle groups are built, China's comprehensive national strength is improved, and China's military is developed. That is when China actually controls the islands. At that time, China will clean up those clowns one by one.

By that time, China will have to fill up some of the reefs there no matter how much money it costs. After filling them up, we can develop tourism, immigrate there, and completely control the islands. Then fill them up slowly, filling up a few square kilometers a year. After a long time, it will be no problem to fill up the Maldives.

Let alone filling up the Maldives, if China is really determined, it is not impossible to fill up the Philippines. The title of infrastructure maniac is not for nothing.

As for the money for filling the islands, there is no need to worry. Believe it or not, when the islands are filled, we will open a live broadcast room, and the money from the rewards from the people across the country can fill up the Maldives. When it comes to expanding territory, the Chinese people are very generous. They usually don't spend money on food and clothing, but if you say that they are short of money to fill the island, many Chinese people will definitely be generous.

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