While Xu Dafei and his team were preparing intensively, Xu Huasheng had already left China.

The high-level business delegation of the Ministry of Commerce of China visited the world. This time, the Chinese business delegation was of high standard and the leaders were also of high level.

In addition to the people from the Ministry of Commerce of China, there were also many representatives of Chinese entrepreneurs. Countries around the world were also very concerned about the movements of this business delegation of China.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, China became the largest red country. At the same time, China's economy has been growing rapidly in the past two years, and China's international influence has also increased. In the past two years, China's products have also been well-known internationally, especially home appliances, which have an increasing share of the global market.

China's huge population is a super large emerging market for global companies. Countries around the world also attach great importance to this market and hope that their own companies can get a share of the Chinese market in the future. There are also many large enterprises that have entered China for a long time, but some have developed well, while others have been beaten by Chinese enterprises and left China in the past two years. For example, Japanese home appliance companies have now completely withdrawn from the Chinese market and have no hope for the Chinese market.

The first country visited by the Chinese business delegation is the United States. After all, the United States is now the world's leader, and there is no problem with this order.

The United States also attaches great importance to this delegation, especially the newly established Clinton administration is looking forward to a different harvest this time. Clinton knows the power of the Huasheng Group.

The United States now has a complicated feeling towards China. It wants China's huge market, but is also worried about China's rise. Therefore, there is no consensus in the United States on how to get along with China. Although Clinton wants to further strengthen cooperation with China, there are many internal obstacles and he has not been able to reach a consensus.

However, Clinton is now very curious about China, specifically Xu Huasheng.

In Clinton's mind, Xu Huasheng is the biggest contributor to his victory. If it weren't for Xu Huasheng, he might not be able to move into the White House.

Clinton has always wanted to meet and talk to such a magical young man to see what this legendary young man is like. What kind of person is he, who can build such a large Huasheng Group in just three or four years?

The US intelligence department has long launched an investigation into the Huasheng Group, but the more the US investigates this group, the more frightened it feels, because just the tip of the iceberg they have investigated is enough to shock many people.

The wealth accumulated by this group, which was established in just three or four years, is amazing. Many top American companies are not as strong as the Huasheng Group now.

While investigating the Huasheng Group, the US intelligence department also suffered heavy losses. Especially during the Chinese Spring Festival that just passed, many of the internal personnel that the United States had managed to raise disappeared directly, so that now the US intelligence system in China is paralyzed, and the intelligence about China is in a state of blindness.

The special plane landed in Washington, and the United States also sent officials of the corresponding level to pick up the plane to express respect for the business delegation. Now the United States and China are not completely at odds, and the etiquette that should be given still needs to be given.

The Chinese business delegation got off the plane and checked into the booked hotel. Xu Huasheng was also in the team. Looking at the streets of Washington, Xu Huasheng took a deep breath with a sense of conquest in his eyes.

The United States, the country that advocates free trade the most in the world, has the most closed market. The US government is the most shameless saintly bitch in the world, a double-standard dog.

If you want to do business and make money in the United States, you must either be an American-owned company or a company controlled by American capital. If you are neither, then you will have a hard time doing business in the United States, and even if you make money, you will end up being a big leek.

Look at foreign companies that make money in the United States. The Japanese worked hard to make money in the United States, but the United States directly used means to reap national assets. Many Japanese companies worked hard to make profits in the United States, but the last ticket can take away more than half of them. They are definitely big victims, and they have to smile and dare not resist when they are beaten.

The same is true for European companies, such as Volkswagen of Germany. They worked hard to make so much money in the American market, but the United States almost fined Volkswagen into bankruptcy because of a tailpipe scandal.

Volkswagen cheated on its exhaust gas, but don't American car companies cheat on their own exhaust gas? In fact, many things are played by the industry. The United States deliberately ignored you at the beginning, making you think that this method is feasible, and when the time is right, it will seize this opportunity to make a ruthless move and directly reap the harvest.

Even if Volkswagen did not have the exhaust gas scandal, the United States would find other reasons to fine Volkswagen. Volkswagen's fault is that it is not an American company. And in the original time and spaceOn the other hand, whether it is German, Japanese or Korean, they have all been dealt with by the United States, while the American auto giants have nothing to worry about.

Therefore, Xu Huasheng is very cautious about the American market. In the American market, Xu Huasheng's strategy is to make money together with American capital, with less investment, more partnerships, and more technology investment.

As a Chinese, Xu Huasheng naturally does not want to let the Americans take advantage.

But as a businessman, as a rational businessman, Xu Huasheng knows that he must let American capital take advantage, so that he can make more money and let China get more benefits.

After everyone settled down, the delegation received news from the White House.

The new US President Clinton is going to host a banquet to receive the Chinese business delegation, which surprised the delegation.

After all, Clinton's identity is the boss of the United States. Generally speaking, the US President is very cautious in hosting banquets. After all, for the US President, any small thing may be interpreted infinitely.

Before coming, the delegation did not expect to meet Clinton, although China and the United States had a honeymoon period. However, with the reconciliation between China and the Soviet Union, the relationship between China and the United States has become not so good.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the relationship between the United States and China has become more mysterious. It can't be said to be too bad, but it's not too good. It is obvious that the United States has not yet achieved unity and has not set the standard for the relationship between the United States and China.

In this environment, Clinton hosted a dinner for the Chinese business delegation just after they settled down. This was indeed a bit unexpected.

The sudden invitation made the entire delegation couldn't help but discuss it, and the leader, Mr. Li, had a serious expression, thinking about the intention of the American president to host the banquet.

Xu Huasheng could vaguely guess a few points, but it was just a guess. As for what Clinton wanted to do, he had to meet him to know. However, whether this banquet was a reception banquet or a Hongmen Banquet, Huaxia couldn't refuse it and had to go.

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