"Commanders, there is another very important thing we need to do, that is, in the era of information warfare, we must build our own neural network command system."

Xu Huasheng looked at everyone and said directly, which made everyone stunned. Neural command system, they have never heard of it.

"The so-called neural command system, in the United States they call it C4ISR system, that is, integrated command, control, communication, computer, intelligence and surveillance and reconnaissance integrated network command system. This system is very powerful. Once it is established, the combat effectiveness of the army will double. Now the United States is building this system. If we go to war with the United States in the future, if possible, we must first destroy this system, otherwise we will suffer heavy losses..."

When Xu Huasheng finished speaking, everyone looked at Xu Huasheng again with a serious face.

Another new term, a new term they don't understand at all, but looking at Xu Huasheng's serious expression, they know that this system is definitely not simple.

"Commanders, let me talk about the functions of the neural network command system..."

In the room, Xu Huasheng picked up a pen and pulled a blackboard to start explaining the powerful neural network command system in detail.

In the original time and space, this system in the United States was referred to as C4. As for the Chinese system, netizens gave it a more poetic name: Thousand-handed Guanyin, and some people called it Thousand-handed Tathagata.

It was cold, even if the room was heated, everyone felt a chill on their backs, and even the smoke in the room was a bit thicker.

After Xu Huasheng explained in detail what the neural network command system was, everyone knew what real informationized warfare was.

Although everyone has been talking about informationized warfare since the Gulf War. But after listening to Xu Huasheng's explanation of this system today, they realized that the informationized warfare mode they knew before was still too limited.

The neural network command system is too powerful. With this system, the combat efficiency can be greatly improved, and all combat units of the navy, army, air force and space can be formed into a whole. It allows the commander to command all combat units just like the brain commands its own arms, greatly improving the combat capability of the troops.

Let's take the simplest example. If there is no such system, a fighter is ordered to attack target A, but in the middle of the journey, the fighter discovers a small group of enemy armored forces. However, the fighter must perform the main task and cannot attack this armored force.

What should the fighter do at this moment? The traditional way is that the fighter reports to its base, and the base reports to the upper level after receiving the intelligence. After several levels of reporting and waiting for the new order to be issued, the enemy's armored forces may have already run away.

But if there is a neuron command system, it is not the case. When the fighter discovers the armored force, it directly reports the intelligence to the neuron command system. This system will immediately search for the combat unit that is most suitable for a quick attack on this armored force and pass the relevant information to the headquarters.

At this time in the command room, as long as the attack order is issued, the best combat unit will attack the armored force, which greatly saves time.

In the future, as the data of this system continues to grow and the number of combat units connected continues to increase, if artificial intelligence is added, this system can also automatically handle these things, and the combat efficiency will be greatly improved.

For example, a large number of drones are connected to this system. If the target data is entered into the system. The entire system can control the drones, search for targets in combat units 24 hours a day, and directly mobilize the drones to attack the targets once the targets are found.

Computers don't know how to get tired, and drones don't know how to get tired as long as they have oil. Combined with space-based satellites, they can directly kill the enemy.

In the original time and space, after China established this system, it was used in Pakistan, which directly drove the terrorists who had attacked the Chinese construction team crazy, and finally a group of people even came out to surrender.

There is no way, the system is too powerful. As long as these people go out, they may be attacked by drones at any time, and this thing does not rest for 24 hours, which directly makes the enemy collapse.

The richer the database in this system and the stronger the computing power, the more powerful this system is. In the original time and space, Bin Laden, who attacked the United States, was defeated by this system.

In the original time and space, after 9/11, the United States searched for Bin Laden all over the world, but there was no news for many years. Because Bin Laden and his men did not use any electronic equipment, not even mobile phones. They still used ancient messengers, that is, people verbally transmitted messages. And it was a single-line communication, so no matter how advanced the US monitoring equipment was, it was useless.

In order to catch Bin Laden, the United StatesIn order to protect Bin Laden, they arrested many people in Afghanistan, regardless of whether they were innocent or not. They would rather arrest a thousand people by mistake than let one go, and then put these people in Guantanamo Bay for inhumane torture. As a beacon of human rights in the mouths of public intellectuals, they did not talk about human rights at all at this time, and all kinds of scandals were flying around.

During this period, all kinds of intelligence obtained through torture were input into the C4 system by the United States. By comparing the intelligence, the C4 system found that a person deliberately avoided the intelligence information of a Kuwaiti many times. He deliberately avoided it during many interrogations and described the Kuwaiti as a minor character. However, the system determined that the Kuwaiti might be an important clue, so the C4 system directly gave an early warning, saying that the Kuwaiti might be an important clue.

Based on this early warning, the US military began to use various means to greet this person, and finally this person could not bear the torture and confessed the situation, saying that the Kuwaiti was Bin Laden's second messenger.

Finally, the United States mobilized resources and inferred the approximate identity of the Kuwaiti through the C4 system analysis, and then monitored the target for a long time.

During the surveillance, a Kuwaiti left his home and went to a house. He stayed there for a while and then came out. He then went to many places.

This made it impossible for the US military to determine the real destination of the Kuwaitis, but the US C4 system found a problem. That is, when C4 mobilized the data from the database, it was found that men's clothes often appeared on the clothesline in the yard of the house where the Kuwaitis went for the first time.

But strangely, no one had ever left this house, so the system determined that this might be where Bin Laden was hiding.

In the end, it turned out to be the case, so Bin Laden was killed by the seal.

Later, Pakistan investigated and found that Bin Laden stayed in this house for four years without leaving the house. He watched DVDs and chased dramas every day to pass the time. This is also the reason why the United States has not been able to find him. It is too tolerant.

Many times, computers are more accurate and less prone to errors than people. Many people will ignore small information, but after comparing it with the database, they will find the key. This is also one of the capabilities of big data. Therefore, the more this system evolves, the more powerful it becomes. When it evolves to its final form, it will be like a scene in a science fiction movie, where artificial intelligence directly commands unmanned equipment to fight.

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