An armored unit was gone just like that.

The drone first conducted reconnaissance, then anti-tank missiles were launched together, and then the entire convoy was destroyed.

This is not a war, this is simply a massacre.

"It's terrible, and this is still sending troops to ambush. If large drones are mobilized, even people are not needed, and a few drones can deal with these armored units..."

In the command room, a middle-aged man in his forties said. His words also made everyone nod. They knew about large drones. Although China has not yet equipped them, they are already in the process of research and development. Some countries already have such things.

According to the informationized combat mode, if drones are used, those integrated drones can both detect and attack. To deal with armored units, air-to-ground anti-tank missiles can be launched directly from drones, and they can be easily destroyed.

They used to think that the powerful steel torrent has become vulnerable under the new war mode. The Gulf War was a big show, and this war is a small show, and it is a show that they saw with their own eyes.

One-way transparency, unilateral massacre.

I can see the enemy's every move clearly, but the enemy is like a blind man. How can I fight this war? Let alone the Burmese army and the forces on the Kokang side, if I were to be beaten, I would not be able to fight.

Thinking of this, many people felt cold on their backs, and at the same time they were secretly glad that China was developing this system. Otherwise, if the enemy had this system in the future and I didn't have this system, the result might be like the enemy tonight, being killed and not knowing where the enemy was.

Everyone in the command room was discussing lively, but at the gathering point of the Yang family, the largest battlefield, the battle here was extremely strange.

The depressed mood spread throughout the village, and no one dared to move. Those who were lying on the street could only lie down, and those who were hiding in the house could only hide.

The enemy seemed to have a perspective eye. Wherever I lay, there was a slight movement, and soon a mortar shell would accurately fall beside me.

And if I didn't understand, it would be completely fine. Who can stand this depressing atmosphere?

Time passed little by little, and the armed forces in the whole village collapsed, and so did the people of the Yang family. Several people of the Yang family had been killed by artillery shells. At this moment, they had no will to resist and dared not even move.

And this depressing atmosphere lasted until four o'clock in the morning, and the people in the village were about to collapse.

At this time, the sound of a loudspeaker suddenly came from the air.

"People in the village stop, if you want to live, immediately put down your weapons and raise your hands and walk to the village entrance. Regardless of men, women, young or old, we will give you one hour. After one hour, everyone in the village will be regarded as an enemy, and we will bombard the village indiscriminately..."

The sound came from the air, but everyone could not see anything in the air. After all, it was very dark at night, and they had no night vision equipment, so they could not see the flying drone at all.

The loudspeaker shouted over and over again, and no one dared to move at first, fearing that the shells would fall on them. But in the end, some people who were about to collapse slowly stood up, put down their weapons, raised their hands, and slowly walked towards the village entrance.

"Don't leave..."

A man from the Yang family saw that these people wanted to surrender, so he immediately picked up his gun and shot two people dead.

But before he could continue to show off his power, the sound of the mortar came, and then it landed directly and accurately next to the Bai family. The powerful mortar directly blew the Yang family member into a corpse.

This time, even the Yang family didn't dare to move. Damn, this can be blown accurately, this is too scary.

What they didn't know was that Tie Fei and his team had already broken down the entire village into countless coordinates. Through the processing system of drones and command systems, the entire village is now like a dense grid, and the size of each grid is only two square meters.

Each grid has a coordinate. After the drone in the air reports the situation, the mortar only needs to adjust the mortar according to the data corresponding to each coordinate, and the shell can be accurately sent into the grid. This is why the mortar can achieve the effect of precision guidance here.

Seeing the Yang family members being blown to death, more people had the courage. They put down their weapons and walked to the road, holding their hands and walking towards the village entrance.

More and more people came, and more and more people laid down their weapons. Many people came out of their houses and walked towards the village entrance with their hands raised. When they walked towards the village entrance, some lights suddenly lit up on the road leading to the outside world.

"Raise your hands and line up to be inspected..."

Several soldiers with guns came out of the darkness, and they began to show these peopleAfter a careful inspection, they were allowed to pass directly after checking that they were not carrying any weapons.

More and more people left the village, and of course there were some diehards who were unwilling to come out and surrender. Especially those hiding in the houses, they were all ready to fight to the end.

Although they didn't know who was attacking them, some of them knew that even if they surrendered, they would probably have little chance of surviving.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to fight street battles and kill one and earn one.

This village is the base camp of the Yang family. Not only are there many buildings, but there are also many tunnels underground. There are also many supplies in the tunnels, and guerrilla warfare with the enemy can be fought for a long time.

An hour passed quickly, and after an hour, the whole village became quieter. No one came from the village anymore, and the village has now become extremely empty.

The last time has passed, and there are still some diehards in the village who have not surrendered. Including many people from the Yang family, it is obvious that they are going to fight to the end.

Next, if you want to take all of them down, I'm afraid you will have to engage in brutal street fighting. The whole village is a small city, and there are tunnels. It's not easy to fight in the street.

"Humph, you are really stubborn..."

In the command room, Tie Fei laughed.

Street fighting, ghosts will fight with you. The Yang family wants to fight to the death in street fighting, it's wishful thinking.

"Let the firepower team prepare, use the single-soldier fuel-air bomb, and flatten the village..."

Tie Fei's eyes were cold. He didn't care if there were innocent people or hostages in the room. In this place, his brothers' lives were the most precious.

"Single-soldier fuel-air bomb? What is this?"

An officer in the Huaxia Staff Group couldn't help asking.

"Old Five, this is our latest developed weapon. I know this thing. It's a sharp weapon for street fighting, but it's a bit inhumane..."

An officer couldn't help saying. He knew that thing because it was tested in his own troops.

One shot, and there was no living thing in a four-story building alive. It was too brutal!

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