The battle came quickly and ended quickly.

The Burmese army attacked in a mighty way, but they were defeated before they even reached the destination. This situation made the intelligence systems of various countries busy, and also made other forces in Shan State have other thoughts.

As the largest state in Myanmar, Shan State has a very mixed strength, which is simply a miniature version of the warlord melee era.

The Burmese army suffered heavy losses this time, and such losses could not be concealed from other forces and intelligence organizations of various countries.

The Burmese army came back in a particularly embarrassing situation. There were nearly 3,000 people when they went out, but only less than 500 people came back alive, and almost everyone of these 500 people was injured. It is unknown how many people can survive in the end.

This time, the Burmese army suffered heavy losses. The most important thing is that the backbone of the Burmese army was broken. They dare not attack the Kokang area anymore.

"General, the people from Kokang are coming..."

In the command room, when the middle-aged general of the Burmese army was looking gloomy, a soldier walked in. Hearing this, everyone in the command room looked murderous.

"Bring him in..."

The middle-aged general took a deep breath and whispered.

Then, a thin young man wearing glasses walked in.

"Hello, General. I am here on behalf of Kokang. Now the Kokang region is the territory of our Commander Xu. This is our condition. Our Commander Xu said that if you agree, we will shake hands and make peace, and each live our own lives. If you don't agree, we will continue to fight..."

The young man handed a document directly to the middle-aged general. The middle-aged general glanced at the young man and picked up the document to read it.

This is an agreement. First of all, the two sides will cease fire unconditionally. Myanmar recognizes the Kokang Autonomous Region and allows the Kokang region to maintain a high degree of autonomy, and has judicial power, electoral power, trade power, diplomatic power, military power, etc., which means that Kokang can do whatever it wants in the future, but Kokang still belongs to Myanmar in name.

On this basis, the Myanmar government does not allow any institutions and personnel to be in Kokang, let alone send garrisons and government personnel. At most, it can only send a few exchange officers, similar to ambassadors, to facilitate exchanges between the two sides.

At the same time, the Burmese army must withdraw 50 kilometers to ensure the safety of the Kokang region.

The two sides will live in peace, trade with each other, and civilians can travel between each other, and there will be no tariffs between them, etc.

The Kokang region also allows businessmen from other regions to invest, and welcomes people from other regions to work in Kokang, etc.

In a word, high autonomy and peaceful coexistence. In name, I belong to you, Myanmar, but in fact, I, Commander Xu, am the boss here, and everything here is up to me.

This agreement is not excessive, because there are too many places like this in Myanmar. There are many such highly autonomous places throughout Myanmar, and the Myanmar government is simply powerless, so the whole Myanmar has been in various civil wars and warlords in recent years.

"I can't make the decision on this matter, I need to report it..."

After reading the agreement, the middle-aged general said directly.

"Well, General, I can wait, but not for too long. Three days, we can temporarily cease fire during these three days, your troops can collect your dead soldiers under the supervision of our personnel, and we will not attack you. If we still cannot reach an agreement after three days, we will continue to fight!"

The young man said directly.

Kokang is not in a hurry about this matter, but Myanmar is. After all, if a ceasefire agreement is not signed, the two sides will be in a state of war.

Since they are in a state of war, Kokang's troops may attack the areas controlled by the Myanmar Army at any time. Now the Myanmar Army has been beaten and scared, and they have no idea what kind of weapons Kokang has.

Let alone other things, the rocket launcher with terrifying accuracy is enough to scare them.


The middle-aged general agreed directly, and then the young man left the command room directly.

After leaving the command room, the middle-aged general simply explained the agreement brought by the young man. After that, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good not to fight anymore, and Kokang's request is not excessive. Now they are afraid. They are afraid that the place where they live will be attacked by the Kokang troops. If the place where they live is covered by rocket launchers, who can guarantee that they can escape?

The battle ended and the two sides temporarily ceased fire. The Myanmar Army also sent troops to collect the bodies of the dead soldiers, but before they collected the bodies, some people wearing white protective clothing and wrapped tightly were checking and recording on the battlefield.

Some of them took pictures, some were checking the bodies, and some were constantly recording.

These personnel are technicians from China, and these battlefield data are very valuable. These dataThese weapons can be improved again, and the improved weapons will be more powerful and lethal.

After these people finished their inspection and left, the Burmese army was allowed to enter the scene to collect the bodies.

When they saw the bodies of their comrades, many Burmese soldiers vomited. Although they had experienced wars and seen dead people before, the scene in front of them was completely different.

Most of the dead people they had seen were shot by guns, which did not look scary. But now they see these soldiers killed by various rocket launchers, and people with poor psychological endurance can't stand it.

Because many bodies can no longer be described as corpses. Some bodies were burned to charcoal, some bodies were blown into pieces, some bodies were pierced by steel balls like a hornet's nest, and some bodies lost half of their bodies...

This is more terrifying than the most cruel murder scene. This is no longer collecting bodies. Many times, it is just cleaning up the fragments and putting all the fragments into bags, and no one knows who they belong to.

This is the brutality of modern weapons and the cruelty of war. For these soldiers, I am afraid that after collecting the bodies, many of them will have nightmares for a long time, and some may even be unwilling to serve in the army again.

Myanmar moved quickly. They knew that it was impossible to take over Kokang in a short time. The Myanmar army could not afford the loss.

It was not worthwhile to continue to lose for such a small place as Kokang. If they lost thousands of people, other forces would definitely take advantage of the situation to launch an attack, and then the Myanmar army would have a hard time.

So the next day, Myanmar agreed to Xu Dafei's agreement.

Then the middle-aged general went directly to the Kokang area and signed the Kokang Autonomy Agreement on behalf of Myanmar and the Kokang area. Of course, Xu Dafei did not show up, but only sent a few representatives to sign the agreement with the Myanmar government representatives.

For the previous battle, both sides tacitly did not talk about it, as if it had never happened.

The Myanmar army felt ashamed and did not want to talk about it.

Xu Dafei took a big advantage, and since he took a big advantage, he should not publicize it everywhere. The characteristics of the Chinese are that they do not publicize when they take a big advantage, but they shout about it all over the world when they suffer a loss.

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