"Chief, if the EU withdraws from the euro, then the place where the United States will start the war is almost certainly this place."

Xu Huasheng directly drew the location of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on the map. Seeing this location, everyone laughed.

"The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, this is a detonator that the Americans deliberately left for Europe. Whenever necessary, the United States can detonate this detonator and kill two birds with one stone. First, it can pit Europe. Once a war breaks out here, if the United States cooperates with the interest rate hike, then European capital will definitely flow back to the United States on a large scale. Second, it can completely squeeze out Russia's influence..."

Xu Huasheng said directly.

According to the various situations in the original time and space, it can be roughly concluded that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is a pit and mine that the United States deliberately dug for Europe.

As soon as the Soviet Union collapsed, the Bosnian War began immediately. The black hands behind this were the United States and Europe. However, the United States is also a master of strategy. From the moment the Soviet Union collapsed, the United States has set its sights on the European Community. After all, the process of European integration is continuing to advance, and the establishment of the European Union is a foregone conclusion.

Once the European Union is established, it is likely to launch a regional currency to compete with the United States. The United States is an expert in playing with capital, how can you not see this?

So after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States began to lay out Europe. The Kosovo War, the Greek debt crisis, the Russian-Ukrainian War, etc., were all operated by the United States behind the scenes. The purpose is very simple, that is, to attack the euro and bleed Europe.

The United States does not allow a united Europe to exist. In addition, Europe also has an island country like the United States, the United Kingdom. These two troublemakers together have made Europe look messy.

"This is indeed the most likely place. We also guessed that it was here, and I guess Europeans also know it, but Europe sometimes can't make the decision."

In the conference room, an old man nodded and said. Sometimes the United States is open about pitting its allies, but Europe is still stupid enough to follow. Many people don't understand why they follow when they know they are pitting themselves.

The reason is very simple, because the United States has too much influence in Europe. Many European politicians are supported by the United States. And the United States has troops stationed in Europe, and sometimes they can only follow. Anyway, in the end, it is the ordinary people who are pitted.

"Chief, we can plan ahead for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. If the United States really attacks the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, it will probably attack us as well."

When Xu Huasheng said this, everyone was stunned, and then looked at Xu Huasheng with a serious face.

"If the euro withdraws, the United States will definitely raise interest rates if it takes action, so that European funds can flow into the United States. But in this world, there are more countries than just the United States that can take this money."

Xu Huasheng's words immediately made everyone understand.

"Are you talking about us?"

An old man asked directly, and Xu Huasheng nodded.

"Chief, once the war starts, capital will definitely find a safe place. The United States is definitely the first choice, but our China is not bad, it is also a big country. At that time, some money will definitely flow into us. The United States can finally harvest Europe, how can it let us take advantage? At that time, they will definitely attack us..."

Xu Huasheng's words made everyone frown.

"Does the United States really dare to fight us?"

An old man was a little skeptical. Does the United States really dare to turn the table with China?

"Chief, they will definitely not turn the tables with us. But what if they bomb our embassy by mistake? Will we dare to turn the tables with the United States at that time?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's face immediately turned livid.

We have to admit that this trick is completely feasible. Once the United States really bombs the Chinese embassy by mistake, these hot money will definitely flee at the first time.

At that time, these money will have nowhere to go except the United States.

In the original time and space, the main reason why the United States bombed the Chinese embassy was actually this. When the Kosovo War broke out, more than 700 billion US dollars of hot money fled from Europe.

Among them, 200 billion US dollars entered the south of China, and at this time, the United States directly bombed the Chinese embassy with stealth bombers. This bombing directly caused these money to flee from China to the United States.

"It seems that we have to compete with the United States..."

The old man in the lead said very calmly. There are too many secret wars in the game between major powers.

"Chief, I think we can secretly sell some anti-aircraft weapons to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. I guess the United States will definitely try to avoid ground war as much as possible. With the strength of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, it only takes a long air strike to directly blow up the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. We can get some anti-aircraft weapons for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in advance. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is only more than a thousand kilometers away from Libya. At that time, we can directly send an early warning aircraft to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.Go to Libya and provide intelligence support to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia directly in Libya. If the US ground forces can be forced to leave in the end, this may be another quagmire. Even if the US cannot be forced to leave, their air strikes can cause heavy losses. At the same time, in terms of finance, we can create a place for external financing, either in the south, or establish an independent free trade zone by ourselves..."

Xu Huasheng gave his suggestions.

First, lay out the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and then work hard to create an investment and business environment in China. After these are laid out, once the war starts, there will definitely be more hot money coming to China.

If the United States is trapped in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, then in the end it is very likely that the US plan will become China's wedding dress, and it will not get much benefit, but will benefit China.

It is only 1993 now. If history does not change, there are still six years before this war. Six years is enough for China to develop strongly.

The economy will develop rapidly, and the military will also develop rapidly.

Once the war starts, China will directly show its muscles and tell global capital that China has the ability to protect them , we can directly snatch food from the mouth of the United States.

If the layout of Afghanistan, Libya and even Iraq is detonated at the same time, things may be more exciting.

Later, if Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya announce that they will only use the euro to settle oil in the future, the United States will definitely be desperate.

Once the United States is out, the situation in Israel can be moved. At that time, Russia will definitely come out to pick up the bargain.

In fact, the United States only needs a war that cannot be won to make it decline rapidly.

If the layout is well laid out, and all the chess pieces are detonated after the layout is complete, these things may directly dig a pit to bury the United States.

Don’t look at Europe and the United States getting so close now. If there is an opportunity to pit and kill the United States, Europe will definitely do it without hesitation, including Japan and South Korea. At that time, perhaps we will witness what it means to see a whale fall and all things come to life.

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