"Let the fighter planes take off and bomb the buildings in Mogadishu, leaving these rats no place to hide..."

At the US Central Command, Joseph was furious.

Now Joseph was feeling uncomfortable. He had no idea where to start in Mogadishu. He couldn't find the target, and no matter how advanced the weapons and equipment were, they were useless.

Aidid's people were hiding in the tunnels, sneaking up on you.

In this situation, the US ground forces didn't dare to go in at all. The ground forces didn't dare to go in, and they couldn't find the target when bombing. This feeling was too uncomfortable.

Originally, it was a city siege. Joseph and his men thought that fighting Aidid would be like fighting Saddam, and it would be easy to take him down.

But now it has completely changed. The siege has become a city tunnel war and a guerrilla war. Aidid directly showed the world how to fight the United States.

This is a teaching war, and now many people around the world are learning this battle.

Bombing, the big bombing started again.

After Joseph gave the order, the US fighters took off from three aircraft carriers again, carrying bombs and began to bomb Mogadishu.

Many of the bombings used were ordinary bombs. The order they received was to carpet bomb Mogadishu.

In addition to the fighter jets that took off from the aircraft carrier, the US military base in Saudi Arabia took off several B52 strategic bombers with heavy bombs to bomb Mogadishu.

At the same time, in the United States, American arms companies also acted quickly. The Pentagon ordered them to produce ground-penetrating weapons.

These arms companies are also keeping an eye on the battlefield situation. They already know the difficulties the US military is facing. Now Aidid's people are hiding in the tunnel, and ordinary means of attack have no effect at all.

To attack underground targets, only weapons and equipment that can drill the ground can be used.

For ground-penetrating weapons, in fact, American arms companies have done some technical research a long time ago. It's just that there has been no major project. Now that the war needs it, some arms companies immediately mobilized technical personnel to start rapid research.

Now, whoever can come up with the product the fastest can get a big order from the US military.

The big bombing began, and the US military went crazy, not caring about the life and death of the Somali government forces. They began to bombard Mogadishu indiscriminately, regardless of whether there were civilians in these buildings.

The whole Mogadishu was like the end of the world, with a large number of bombs being poured down and buildings being destroyed. In the process, many underground exits were blown out, and many exits were directly buried by the ruins and could not be opened.

In the underground base, Shamedi and Aidid looked gloomy.

With the bombing of the United States, the cameras hidden in Mogadishu were constantly destroyed. Many of their pre-buried explosives were detonated. Seeing the screens getting darker, they knew that hard times might be coming.

"At night, let's send some more people out to install some cameras in important places..."

Shamedi's words made Aidid nod.

Seeing the United States' crazy bombing, Aidid was also very scared. Fortunately, the underground city was built in advance. If there was no underground city, his people would not be enough for the US military to bomb.

"Sha, when will we fight back?"

Aidid couldn't help asking.

"General, good things never come late. We only have one chance, so be patient and wait. Now that the war has just begun, what we need to compete on is the patience of both sides. What we need to do is to continuously expand the scale and depth of the underground city to prevent the US military from using ground-penetrating weapons to carpet bomb us..."

Shamedi said directly.

According to the intelligence given to him by his superiors, it is not too difficult to develop ground-penetrating weapons with the scientific research capabilities of the United States.

These ground-penetrating weapons may not be able to drill through the warehouses where weapons are hidden, but it is possible to attack the most common tunnels. After all, the tunnels on the top layer are not reinforced much. They are just tunnels dug by shield machines. The wall thickness is only ten centimeters, and the depth is only a few meters underground. If the US military uses ground-penetrating weapons, these tunnels can be destroyed in large numbers.

Once these tunnels are destroyed in large numbers, the passages of the entire underground city will be cut off. It will not be easy to persist at that time.

In a protracted war, both the US military and Aidid have to compete in patience.

Whoever loses patience first will be miserable. Fortunately, Aidid and his men have stockpiled enough supplies, whether it is elixirs or food and medicines, Aidid and his men have stockpiled a lot of them.

Even without external assistance, Aidid's more than one million people can survive for a year or two.

If it is really necessary, Aidid can release many ordinary people and only leave hundreds of thousands of troops.

If only the troops are left, thisThese people can fight the US military for ten or eight years here. So now Aidid can afford it.

Aidid can afford it, but the United States may not.

Let alone ten or eight years, the United States can't even afford it for one year. Now all countries in the world are watching the United States, especially the younger brothers who follow the United States.

If the United States is so weak that even Aidid can't deal with it, it will be difficult to lead the team. After all, there are many people in this world who are stronger than Aidid, and there are also many people who don't want to listen to the United States.

In Mogadishu, the US military launched a large-scale bombing.

And all this was seen by people all over the world.

In an underground base in Libya, Colonel Ka looked at the intelligence sent back from Mogadishu with excitement.

This intelligence is much more than the intelligence the United States has, because this intelligence includes videos shot by various cameras in Mogadishu, and some situations when the underground city was bombed.

There are also communication optical cables underground in Mogadishu, and this information is directly transmitted from the underground base in Mogadishu to Libya through the Internet.

Looking at this information, Colonel Ka was so excited.

Colonel Ka was excited because the underground city of Libya's new capital was much stronger than that of Mogadishu.

The underground city of Mogadishu was dug out by shield machines, but the underground city of Libya's new capital was directly poured with super concrete.

In terms of defense capabilities, the defense of the underground city of Libya's new capital is dozens of times more than that of Mogadishu.

Now, even Mogadishu alone makes the US military unable to attack, and can only carry out crazy carpet bombing. If it is replaced by Libya's new capital, the US military will be even more helpless.

If Mogadishu is just a small temporary stronghold, then Libya's new capital is a solid military fortress.

Even if the US military develops a ground-penetrating bomb that can be effective against Mogadishu, it will be mediocre for Libya's new capital.

Seeing that the US military suffered a heavy loss in Mogadishu, Colonel Ka couldn't help but think of the prophecies that China had given him. The more he thought about those prophecies, the greater his sense of crisis became.

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