"You two, this is the agricultural area of ​​our new city. The current scale is 100 square kilometers. The main crop planted there is wheat..."

After coming out of the underground city, Muhammad brought a team of two people to the agricultural area of ​​the new city. The agricultural area has taken shape.

The first batch of agricultural areas that officially started operations has a scale of 100 square kilometers, which is a square area ten kilometers wide. And the entire area is full of continuous special agricultural greenhouses.

These greenhouses are equipped with photovoltaic panels on the top, which looks spectacular. After a group of people entered the interior, the scene inside stunned the people of the two teams.

Wheat, yellow wheat, looks particularly spectacular.

"Muhammad, can wheat be grown in the desert?"

Bashar asked in surprise.

Bashar knows about the desert. Nothing can be grown in the desert not only because of the lack of water. The sand in the desert is quicksand, and such soil has no nutrition at all.

Hearing Bashar's words, Muhammad laughed and asked people to cut off some of the wheat on the edge with a knife. Finally, he dug out a special board of one meter square from the desert, and placed the whole board on the ground like a big brick.

Seeing this board, the people of the two teams were curious.

"In fact, these wheats are not planted in the desert, but in the nutrient tank..."

Muhammad asked people to open the board. This board is actually a special box. The whole board is made of sand and super coagulant.

The whole box is only ten centimeters deep, but there are round holes as thick as fingers on the lid, and the wheat grows in those round holes. When Muhammad asked people to open the lid, the whole box was full of wheat roots.

"Everyone, this is the nutrient tank. There is no need for soil at all. All these wheats are cultivated using soilless cultivation technology. As long as there is nutrient solution, it is almost the same as planting flowers in pots..."

Muhammad said with a smile and began to introduce the agricultural area to everyone.

The entire agricultural area is a huge flower pot, and the entire ground is full of special nutrient troughs. Using soilless cultivation technology, wheat is planted directly in the desert.

This is not the most shocking thing. After further understanding, they realized how shocking it is here.

There is almost no need for people here, and many things are automated or even intelligent. If there is a lack of water, water can be replenished intelligently, if there is a lack of fertilizer, fertilizer can be replenished intelligently, and if pesticides need to be sprayed, the automatic sprinkler irrigation in the greenhouse can spray automatically.

The cameras installed in the greenhouse and some sensors in the nutrient trough can accurately know the growth status of the plants here.

Even planting and harvesting are automatic.

The two teams came at the right time, and a piece of land in the agricultural area was being harvested. A group of people came directly to the harvesting site.

At the harvesting site, a specially customized unmanned harvester harvested unmanned, and the threshed wheat was directly transmitted to the unmanned grain truck parked at the end of the field through a conveyor belt.

When the grain truck is full, the entire grain truck will automatically trigger and transport the wheat to the warehouse. When the wheat arrives at the warehouse, it will be directly dried and cleaned by the drying equipment. After leaving the machine, it will become grains of dried and cleaned wheat.

These wheat will be directly transported to the granary for storage.

After the harvest, the wheat field has special equipment to clean the planting modules one by one. After the cleaning is completed, the intelligent equipment automatically fills in new nutrient solution.

Then there will be special equipment to plant the cultivated wheat seedlings in the holes of the nutrient tank, basically without giving the nutrient tank time to rest.

Just after the harvest, these nutrient tanks are full of tender green wheat seedlings an hour later.

Shocking, this is too shocking.

"Everyone, this is the seedling room. We will raise seedlings here in advance according to the actual situation, and transplant the raised seedlings into the nutrient tank after the harvest, which can save a lot of time. These seeds are all excellent seeds cultivated by Huaxia. Guess how long it takes us to harvest wheat once?"

Mohammed said mysteriously, and this question made the group stunned.

"Half a year?"

Bashar couldn't help but give an answer.

Mohammed laughed when he heard this.

"No, Bashar, we have the exact time here. Here, we can harvest wheat every 90 days. This greenhouse has only been in use for half a year, and now it is the second time to harvest wheat. According to the current progress, we can harvest wheat four times a year. And the yield of these wheat is very high, and the yield per mu can reach 500 kilograms. One mu of land, we can harvest 2,000 kilograms of wheat a year. If each adult eats 500 kilograms of food per year, one mu of land in our agricultural area can feed 4 adults. And now there is150,000 acres of land, this agricultural area alone can feed 600,000 people. In the future, the scale of our agricultural area will be hundreds or even thousands of times larger than it is now..."

Mohammed said proudly. Now the scale of this agricultural area is just a pilot. It covers an area of ​​only 100 square kilometers. And the desert area in Libya is more than one million square kilometers. In theory, it is no problem to expand the agricultural area by 10,000 times.

100 square kilometers can feed 600,000 people. If it expands by 10,000 times, theoretically, only Libya can feed 6 billion people.

Of course, this is only in theory. No country can afford to invest in such a large-scale smart agricultural area. The technology of this thing is really awesome, very advanced, and the output is also very high.

But the investment is really huge. Even in Libya offline, the cost of super and coagulant is not included. The construction funds for one acre of agricultural greenhouse are as high as 20,000 US dollars.

Libya spent 3 billion US dollars on the first batch of 150,000 acres of greenhouses.

How much food can you buy with 3 billion US dollars? Now the international The price of wheat is only about 0.1 US dollars per kilogram, and only 200 US dollars per ton. 3 billion US dollars can buy 15 million tons of food.

The annual output of Libya's agricultural areas is only 300,000 tons. In other words, it will take 50 years for Libya to recover its investment based on the price of food.

However, for a country, it is not enough to just calculate the economic account.

Because there are many times when you may not be able to buy food even if you have money. Just like Iraq now, under the sanctions of the United Nations, Iraq is in short supply of food.

You can't buy it outside, and you can't sell the oil at home.

Looking at the agricultural area and the harvested food, Uday's eyes are full of heat.

This agricultural area is good, Iraq needs this thing now. Iraq has oil, and Iraq also has some money.

But oil can't be sold, and money can't buy anything.

If Iraq has such an agricultural area, Iraq's food problem will be solved.

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