The United Nations headquarters is very lively every day.

Especially during this period, international issues are voted here every day. Various proposals are like a big show. If you agree, I will oppose, and if you oppose, I will agree.

For example, the Somalia issue, China has been calling for a peaceful solution during this period, but the United States is firmly opposed.

The five big gangsters have their own ideas and their opinions are completely inconsistent.

So until now, Mogadishu has been bombed into ruins, and the US aircraft carrier has sunk. This war has not been authorized by the United Nations, and it is theoretically an illegal war.

Many times, the United Nations is just a clown. In this world, whoever has the harder fist is right.

The situation today is still the same. Some issues are passed by everyone, but some are still subject to procedures, and those that should not be passed are still not passed.

"Next, we have something we hope everyone will vote on publicly. Japan has built land on the Okinotorishima Reef. We believe that this behavior has seriously endangered the marine environment, regional peace, and international law. We propose to urge Japan to dismantle the illegal equipment and restore the original appearance of the Okinotorishima Reef..."

At the conference, the representative of China suddenly took out some photos and said.

After hearing the words of the Chinese representative, the Japanese representative was confused, and then his face was full of anger.

Fuck, you panda are too nosy. What's wrong with me building an island in my home? Is it your business?

"We protest. We think China is making trouble. We, Japan, build our own islands and reefs in accordance with international law..."

The Japanese representative protested immediately, and then the two sides began to debate.

The representatives of other countries also watched the excitement one by one, and finally had no choice but to represent the resolution.

And the five big gangsters, except China, the other four voted against it. In their hearts, as long as China opposes it, they will support it.

They wish Japan and China would fight to hold China back.

"We deeply regret this vote..."

After the vote, the Chinese representative looked disappointed with a gloomy face.

"Chinese representative, it is the freedom of all countries to build their own islands and reefs. You can also build your own islands and reefs. Who said you can't build them?"

The American representative said directly.

"Yes, you can build them too."

The Japanese representative said with a little sarcasm, secretly laughing at China for not having the technology to build islands. Do you think it is so easy to build artificial islands? There are too many things to consider.

"Building your own islands and reefs should be the right of all countries..."

The Philippine representative also interrupted, and then Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia and other countries also expressed their opinions. They are all ambitious and want to grab China's islands and reefs.

After they grab them, they must build them. So at this time, you must agree. If you oppose, how can you build in the future?

China was ridiculed and lost directly. In the end, the Chinese representative was so angry that he stood up and left the venue to express his protest.

But when the representative walked out of the venue, a meaningful smile appeared on his lips.

In some ports in China, cargo ships have been busy these days. Among them are some large oil tankers, but these tankers are not loaded with oil, but super coagulant.

And it is not an ordinary super coagulant, but a special super coagulant. Coagulant is like cement slurry. The formula can be adjusted according to different situations to achieve different effects.

The freighter is preparing, and the trial of Tiankun is also continuing. All kinds of things have been tried and performed very well.

Many countries did not notice China's actions. After all, the world's focus is now on Somalia. Everyone feels that the United States will take action against Somalia immediately.

The US aircraft carrier is back again, but this aircraft carrier battle group dare not get too close. It is 700 kilometers away from the Mogadishu coastline.

At this distance, even if Aidid still has anti-ship missiles, he can't reach the aircraft carrier battle group. But the carrier-based aircraft on the US aircraft carrier can still carry out air strikes on Mogadishu.

In addition to the aircraft carrier, in Somalia, the US military directly took over several airports and ports in Somalia, and a large amount of supplies have been transported here these days.

In addition to weapons and equipment, there are also a large number of geological exploration equipment, which they need to use to accurately find some locations of Aidid's underground city.

At six o'clock in the morning on February 12, 1994, just after dawn, the NATO coalition forces that had been preparing for so long finally took action.

Early in the morning, fighter jets taking off from aircraft carriers and airports once again carried out indiscriminate bombing of Mogadishu, but the entire Mogadishu had been bombed for a long time, and the entire city had long been in ruins. Another bombing would only make the ruins worse.That's all.

However, at an airport in Somalia, there are dozens of different planes.

These planes are not big, but they look weird.

The most important thing is that there are no pilots on these planes. It is obvious that these are the latest drones of the United States. If Xu Huasheng were here, he would recognize at a glance that these are the American Predator drones.

However, these dozens of drones are test aircraft of the Predator, not the final appearance. The United States also brought these aircraft for experimental purposes.

These drones are small and have a long hovering time. They can stay in the air for 24 hours. At the same time, these drones also have reconnaissance equipment and weapons. Dozens of aircraft can conduct all-weather and full-coverage reconnaissance and strikes on the entire Mogadishu in batches.

At the same time, the United States also brought its latest network command system. This time, the United States attacked Mogadishu and brought many advanced assets. On the one hand, it is to minimize losses as much as possible, and on the other hand, it is to verify its own weapons and equipment.

The attack began, and the world's attention was focused on Somalia. They wanted to see how the US military solved the problem of Aidid's underground city.

While the whole world was watching the excitement, on the Chinese side, the Tiankun suction dredger set off from Sanya Port and headed south.

In front of the Tiankun, several Chinese warships led the way, and behind the Tiankun, there was a large number of cargo ships.

At the Sanya airport, the latest J-10 squadron in China entered the military airport, and several modified Sixth Masters were also equipped with weapons.

There were also several newly launched stealth missile boats that came to the Sanya military port. These missile boats were the missile boats that Xu Huasheng used to fool the dog owners.

Although several of these missile boats have been produced, they have not yet been delivered to the dog owners.

The situation is more sensitive now, and these missile boats have not been delivered to those countries. Instead, the Chinese Navy equipped this missile boat first, and the missile boats for its own use were installed with China's latest anti-ship missiles.

This missile has a range of 500 kilometers, a warhead of 330 kilograms, and uses the latest generation of high explosives. It has a cruising speed of 0.8 Mach and a terminal attack speed of up to 3.4 Mach. It has active radar guidance capability and can perform terminal serpentine maneuvers to change trajectory. It can fly over the sea and specifically hit the waterline. This thing is specifically designed to attack medium and large ships. Even if the Arleigh Burke-class is hit by this thing, it can be killed in one shot. A small missile boat can carry eight of these missiles, and China has mobilized twelve missile boats. Even if two US aircraft carrier battle groups come to China in the near sea, we are not afraid.

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