At this base, Li Jilin really gained a lot of knowledge.

He saw a variety of new varieties, and these varieties were very good.

High-yield wheat, high-yield corn, high-quality fruits, and other high-quality economic crops, etc.

"Mr. Xu, Secretary Li, our genetically modified products are currently planted in the No. 6 experimental field. The genetically modified corn is planted in the No. 1 field..."

Finally, the person in charge brought a group of people to the last experimental field.

All the crops being planted in this experimental field are genetically modified crops. Currently, there is only one crop planted here, that is, genetically modified corn.

"This genetically modified corn has thick stalks, a well-developed root system, is cold-resistant and lodging-resistant, and can prevent insects and diseases. The yield is also very high. Last year, the corn we planted had an acreage yield of 2,200 kilograms..."

Hearing this yield, Li Jilin swallowed his saliva.

Here, the acreage yield is 2,200 kilograms, which is terrible. You know, for ordinary corn, an acreage yield of more than 1,000 kilograms is considered high yield. One thousand jin is only 500 kilograms, but this genetically modified corn has reached 2,200 kilograms. This acre of land is equivalent to four or five acres of land at ordinary times.

"Mr. Xu, Secretary Li, this is our genetically modified corn, and this is the corn we usually grow..."

The person in charge asked someone to bring two samples. When the two samples were compared, the difference immediately came out. The genetically modified corn is very large, and the corn kernels are also relatively large, larger than the red wine bottles we usually see.

In contrast, the corn we usually grow looks very petite and cute, and it is not a heavyweight at all.

"Mr. Xu, can we grow this corn too?"

Li Jilin looked at Xu Huasheng expectantly, but Xu Huasheng shook his head.

"Secretary Li, this genetically modified corn has a poor taste and is not suitable as a staple food. Its main use is as silage feed or brewing ethanol. It is not suitable for promotion and planting in my country at present..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile, and Li Jilin was slightly disappointed when he heard this.

But what he didn't know was that the reason why Xu Huasheng didn't promote this genetically modified corn in China was because this genetically modified corn had other side effects.

This genetically modified corn has many advantages. It is easy to grow, has high yield, and basically has no pests and diseases. Not only that, there are few weeds in the land where corn is planted.

There are many advantages, but there are also many disadvantages.

First of all, the taste of this corn is not very good, but this is not the most important thing. If you eat this corn as a staple food frequently, your body will be affected, just like a food additive, increasing the probability of disease. For example, cancer, cardiovascular disease, infertility, etc.

The most important thing is that these diseases are likely to be inherited and become a family history.

In other words, the disease caused by eating this thing for a long time has a certain probability of being inherited, and the condition may be more serious from generation to generation.

For example, if you have cancer, your son will also have a high probability of getting cancer in the future. This is the terrible thing about genetically modified crops, and this side effect cannot be eliminated at present.

In China, corn is not a staple food, and everyone just eats corn occasionally. But in Africa, corn is the staple food of many people. Although this corn tastes bad, for Africans, they may not be picky eaters.

However, if this kind of corn is used as silage, the harm will be greatly reduced, so it is absolutely OK to use this thing as feed.

The reason why Xu Huasheng will not plant this kind of corn in Huaxia is that this kind of corn will release a special substance to pollute the soil when it is planted. Soil polluted by this substance can only grow crops with special gene sequences.

In other words, if the land is planted with genetically modified corn, then these lands can only grow crops with this gene sequence in the future, and other genetically sequenced crops planted on these lands will basically not have any harvest.

It takes about 40 to 50 years for this toxin to degrade naturally.

This is terrible, that is, as long as this piece of land is planted with this genetically modified crop for a few years, you can't plant other non-genetically modified crops in the future. In other words, if this kind of corn is planted in Huaxia, then the land where these corns are planted can only grow genetically modified things in the future.

This is the terrible seed war. Sometimes the war in secret is more terrible than the hot war.

In the future, the farms established by Huaxia Group in Africa will all grow this crop. If one day those countries turn against each other and don't want the people of Huasheng Group to plant, they will take back the land.

What awaits them will be endless despair.

The fertile fields have turned into wasteland. Without seeds, they can't grow anything. For a country, if its own arable land suddenly fails to produce any harvest, then the food shortage will be huge.The food crisis will directly overturn this country.

Even if we negotiate with Huasheng Group, it will eventually become a leek field for seed companies, and most of the money earned through hard work throughout the year will go to seed companies.

Technology changes the world, but technology can also bring terrible disasters.

In the future, hot wars are not the most terrible. The most terrible wars are invisible wars, currency wars, trade wars, virus wars, seed wars, public opinion wars, and cultural wars.

Once these invisible wars are lost, sometimes the consequences are more terrible than losing hot wars.

In the layout of African agriculture, Huasheng Group's routine is very simple.

Control from the root, control seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, even control these lands.

And upstream control channels and brands, as long as these are controlled in their own hands, they are not afraid of these people turning against them.

If they don't turn against each other, everyone will still make money. It's nothing more than a question of how much money they make. If they turn against each other, Xu Huasheng will let them know what despair is.

They thought they could get a gold mountain, but they didn't expect to get hell.

By then, with the cooperation of propaganda war and other wars, Xu Huasheng can even easily overthrow the regimes of these countries.

Although this kind of genetically modified crops has many benefits, they must not be planted in China. Xu Huasheng has no psychological barriers to planting them abroad.

In the future, even if some people find out the disadvantages of genetically modified crops, they cannot change. Because their land can only grow these genetically modified crops.

Genetically modified corn, genetically modified soybeans, genetically modified cotton, genetically modified peanuts, genetically modified rice, genetically modified rice, etc.

In the future, Huasheng Agriculture will control a lot of land in the world, and these lands will be planted with genetically modified crops. Use these genetically modified crops to kidnap these lands, and finally directly kidnap the country.

Let Chinese farmers go out and make money from the land of other countries.

As for the land of China, only non-genetically modified crops are planted to make their own people eat healthily.

Regarding the harmfulness of genetically modified crops, Xu Huasheng has handed over the relevant information to the upper level. The upper level also attaches great importance to it. In the future, the seeds planted in China will be strictly screened, and these poisonous seeds must not be allowed to be planted in China.

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