Xisha Islands, Binmei Beach.

It can no longer be called Binmei Beach, it is more appropriate to call it Binmei Island.

The island reclamation work has never stopped since February until now in September. In seven months, the area of ​​the entire Binmei Island is now as high as 14.2 square kilometers, which is quite large.

Binmei Island, a large cargo ship slowly enters the port of Binmei Island.

The port of Binmei Island has been poured out. The port is poured out as a whole with super coagulant mixed with mud and sand, and the Haili Tiankun has also been dredged and turned into an excellent port.

The water depth of the entire port is about 18 to 35 meters, divided into different areas, and different cargo ships are docked in different areas.

The cargo ship slowly approached the port, and not far above the cargo ship was the giant sunshade net made by Huaxia. These sunshade nets are made of special materials, with steel wires in the middle, and the edges are fixed to the fixed points on the ground with steel wires. Even if there is a strong wind, there is no problem at all.

There has been secret construction here, and many ships with bad intentions have wanted to approach during this period. But they couldn't even get close to the periphery. There were even several times when submarines came directly, but they were discovered by the sonar deployed by China before they got close, and then they fled in disgrace.

So no one knows what China is doing in Binmeitan. They only know that they are blowing sand to build an island, but they don't know the speed of island building, and they don't know what the artificial island of Binmeitan looks like now.

The freighter docked at the port. This is a huge roll-on/roll-off ship, which is the roll-on/roll-off ship used by Shanhai Automobile Group to transport cars.

The huge hatch opened, and some vehicles drove out first, and then a large amount of materials were transported out.

After getting the materials, the workers started to work. These things are building modules produced in China's factories. These modules are made of new building materials. The workers only need to assemble these parts quickly to quickly build ground buildings.

"Xiao Xu, when Binmei Island is officially unveiled, I'm afraid many people will not be able to sleep..."

Xu Huasheng and Liu Lao came to the island again. Looking at the lively construction team on the island, Liu Lao said with a smile.

The entire island has been filled in, and the overall height is about three meters above the sea level. Around the island, a wave-breaking dam several tens of meters high has been built.

The entire island is about two kilometers wide and seven kilometers long.

The construction on it is even more beautiful, it is completely a super beautiful resort.

In addition to the resort, there is also a fisherman's wharf and a fishing village. Fishing boats can dock at the fishing boat wharf and the catch can also be sold here. Although Binmei Island is relatively close to Sanya, the distance is more than 370 kilometers.

If fishermen can dock at Binmei Island and sell their caught fish, then fishermen can go deeper to fish.

After the construction of Meiji Island is completed, the operating range of Chinese fishermen will be farther.

"Mr. Liu, what are we going to do with the stranded warship?"

Xu Huasheng looked at Mr. Liu curiously and asked.

"Just sit on the beach, if the Philippines monkeys want to make trouble, then make trouble. Xiaosheng, sometimes it's good to make some trouble. If we don't make trouble, how can we act? Let them make trouble, let them make trouble as much as they want, they make trouble for their own business, and we build our island. Xiaosheng, we can take that warship away at any time, just like our south, don't we really have the ability to take it back? Some things can only make more money if we don't take them, just like this warship, taking them away is just for the sake of temporary pleasure, let them continue to make trouble, what we gain may be the entire South China Sea..."

Old Liu said with a smile, which seemed unfathomable.

Xu Huasheng was stunned when he heard what Old Liu said, and then he laughed.

In his heart, he couldn't help but admire the pattern and layout of the top leaders. What China wants now is not just the things in their own home.

What China wants now is the whole of Asia, or even the whole world.

Just that broken warship, no, the entire Philippines monkey is a chess piece in China's eyes. Sometimes things that seem aggrieved, but there are bigger plans.

A great power must have determination, a plan, and must steadily advance its own strategy, accumulate its own strength, and ultimately achieve its goals.

Xu Huasheng and Mr. Liu came to the airport, and the entire airport was almost built.

The entire airport is very large, and it can land large civil airliners and large transport aircraft. Of course, all types of fighters are also no problem, including large bombers.

It is said to be a civil airport, but it can be turned into a military airport at any time as long as there is a demand.

As long as the island is there and the airport is there, China's fighters can land and dock here at any time.

"Mr. Liu, the submarine optical cables and electric cables have been laid.Come here. In the future, this island will not only have no shortage of electricity, but also be able to build communication base stations and Internet networks. In this way, this place will be connected to the mainland. In the future, we can slowly fill up these islands in Xisha. With land, there will be people, and with people, our control over this place will be increased..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile, which made Mr. Liu laugh.

Yes, now there is electricity and Internet here, and there are communication base stations. With these things, many things have become much simpler.

Binmei Island now covers an area of ​​more than 14 square kilometers. If people really live here, 1 million people can be stuffed in. Look at the capital of Maldives, which has an area of ​​less than 2 square kilometers and can accommodate more than 200,000 people.

After the entire Xisha is filled up, an archipelago area can be directly formed. The total area is probably hundreds of square kilometers. With such a large area, it is no problem to live with a million people.

This is just Xisha. The reef area of ​​the four major archipelagos in the South China Sea of ​​China is very large, and the place where islands can be built is also very large.

Especially Nansha, if that place can be filled up, it would be terrible . The area of ​​just one Reed Bank is more than 8,000 square kilometers. What does this area mean? It is larger than ten Singapores combined.

This is just the Reed Bank. If the entire Nansha Islands really want to build an island, the area that can be built is too large. There are more than 230 islands and reefs. As long as you are willing, you can fill in 10,000 or 20,000 square kilometers of land area.

Of course, China cannot fill it all at once, but China can take it slowly. Use sausage-cutting warriors, fill five this year, fill five next year, fill a few by this company, fill a few by that company, ten years, twenty years, thirty years, fifty years.

Take it slowly, one by one, maybe one day in the future, even the countries around the archipelago will have to follow the surname of China.

As for the speed of construction of these islands, it depends entirely on the future benefits of these islands. As long as there is benefit in the future, a large amount of capital will flock in, and once capital comes in, the speed of island construction will become crazy.

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