"Xu, Riyadh Chinatown is about to be completed..."

Abdullah was chatting with the military.

In the distance, Salman and Xu Huasheng were also chatting. This time, both Abdullah and Salman came. However, the two had different tasks. Abdullah mainly talked about military cooperation.

But Salman is now the top leader in charge of Saudi Arabia's economy. Salman's achievements in recent years have once again improved Salman's status within Saudi Arabia.

Now Salman is the third person in Saudi Arabia, focusing on the economy. In recent years, the Saudi economy has also undergone tremendous changes. The entire economy is no longer a single oil economy, and other economies are also developing steadily.

Especially the Saudi Royal Communications Company and the Saudi Royal Automobile Company, both of which were established by Salman.

Now the profitability of these two companies is quite considerable. The business of the Saudi Royal Communications Company has expanded greatly, and their business has expanded to Africa and West Asia.

The number of customers of the Saudi Royal Communications Company is now almost 200 million, and the profit of the Saudi Royal Company is very good every month.

This year's profit has exceeded 2 billion US dollars, reaching 2.143 billion US dollars. Although this money is much less than the money from selling oil, Saudi Arabia is quite satisfied. Because this thing does not sell oil, and this profit is quite high.

Saudi Royal Automobile Company is also doing well now. The cars it produces are not only sold in Saudi Arabia, but also in neighboring countries. They are also selling them, and their performance is quite good. However, the entire company is currently in the loss stage due to the large initial investment.

In addition to these two companies, the fastest growing agriculture in Saudi Arabia in recent years is agriculture.

Now Saudi Arabia's agriculture is quite awesome, and many things can not only be self-sufficient, but also exported.

Huasheng Group has found a new way for them, especially after the super coagulant was taken out, Saudi Arabia also began to produce super coagulant.

Many greenhouses were built with super coagulant, and a lot of food, vegetables and fruits were planted in the greenhouses.

Solar power generation, electricity desalination of seawater, desalinated seawater for agriculture. Now Saudi Arabia's desert is gradually turning into an oasis, and even a tourist attraction.

In recent years, Saudi Arabia has tasted the sweetness of cooperation with China.

When cooperating with the United States, it is always treated as a fat sheep and a sucker by the United States.

Although it costs a lot of money to cooperate with China, at least you don’t get sucked and get things.

People are not fools, and a country is even less so. Especially a country like Saudi Arabia, which is actually very smart internally.

So when Xu Huasheng proposed to build a Chinatown in Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia immediately agreed. Salman even personally watched the entire project.

Now Riyadh’s Chinatown is finally about to be completed. This Chinatown is the crystallization of the friendship between China and Saudi Arabia, so Salman wants to invite Xu Huasheng to attend the opening ceremony of Chinatown.

Riyadh Chinatown is quite large in scale, and this Chinatown is different from other Chinatowns in the world. The entire Riyadh Chinatown looks like a huge Chinese ancient city, and all the buildings are Chinese-style buildings.

It covers an area of ​​36 square kilometers and is a square ancient city with a side length of six kilometers.

The planning of Riyadh Chinatown is very complete, with commercial streets, residential areas, agricultural areas, etc. There is even a university town with several universities planned.

These universities are specially planned by Saudi Arabia. They hope that some Chinese universities can build branches in Saudi Arabia. Some domestic universities are also very interested in this request to allow Saudi students to study in these schools, especially after Saudi Arabia said that even the campus and various equipment will be provided free of charge, some domestic schools that want to expand their international influence are tempted.

For these universities, it is also very important to go abroad and increase global influence.

"Prince Salman, thank you for your invitation, but it is not convenient for me to go abroad now, so I will not attend the opening ceremony this time. But I will send senior executives of my company to attend..."

Xu Huasheng smiled and declined.

Seeing Xu Huasheng's refusal, Prince Salman smiled and understood. Since Xu Huasheng was detained in Canada last time, Xu Huasheng has not been abroad.

Huaxia is very strict in protecting Xu Huasheng, and Prince Salman understands this. After all, Xu Huasheng is too important to Huaxia. If Xu Huasheng has any accident, the loss to Huaxia will be extremely huge.

"Xu, there is one more thing I want to consult you about. If we Saudi Arabia and Libya establish a foreign legion, do you think it is appropriate?"

Salman asked in a low voice. Xu Huasheng was shocked when he heard this question.Sheng was stunned.

Looking at Salman's expression, Xu Huasheng took a deep breath. This dog tycoon is very ambitious. It seems that the growth of national strength in recent years and the fact that the United States is stuck in the quagmire in Somalia have given the dog tycoon a different idea.

Come to think of it, Saudi Arabia has always considered itself the boss of the Arab world.

Saudi Arabia has two of the three holy cities, plus it is rich and has a large land area, so it is natural for Saudi Arabia to strengthen its military strength.

Colonel Ka visited China some time ago and reached many agreements with China. And after returning, he announced the establishment of a foreign legion.

Libya's coquettish operation made many countries shine.

Libya can play like this, and their own country can also play like this. Countries like Saudi Arabia and China have different perspectives on the issue.

In Saudi Arabia, many Saudis think that Saudi Arabia and China are so good, and China has bought so many things from China, so China should send troops to garrison in their country to protect itself.

In fact, many small countries do not reject the garrison of big countries. On the contrary, they think that the garrison of big countries is a kind of protection for themselves. Especially those countries that have no sense of security or have experienced war, they have a greater need for security.

Since Colonel Kadiz announced the foreign legion, Saudi Arabia has also been discussing this matter. However, the situation in Saudi Arabia and Libya is different.

The United States has troops stationed in Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia is the object of protection of the United States. At the same time, Saudi Arabia is also the most important partner of the United States in the Middle East.

Logically speaking, Saudi Arabia should follow the United States loyally. But the bad thing is that the United States has a living father in the Middle East, and this living father and Saudi Arabia are mortal enemies.

As long as this living father exists, these countries in the Middle East and the United States will not really come together. Unless the United States is determined to kill its living father as a token of loyalty.

However, the United States has always played a balancing tactic, and its strategic approach is the same as that of the United Kingdom in the past, playing balance, playing division, and being a troublemaker. Chaos is what they need most, because only in chaos can they fish in troubled waters to gain better benefits.

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