The Middle East was furious.

200 missile boats, 100 in Saudi Arabia, 20 in Qatar, 20 in the UAE, 20 in Oman, 20 in Egypt, and 20 in Syria.

Six countries, 200 missile boats, the number of missiles is unknown, but there are 200 missile boats, and the number of missiles must be even more terrifying.

After the delivery of 200 missile boats, the six countries even announced that they would form an Arab joint fleet. Saudi Arabia even announced that the Arab world needs a strong navy to protect itself, and at the same time the Arab world also needs more autonomy and unity.

Saudi Arabia and other countries even proposed to strengthen the rights and power of the Arab League and make the Arab world more united.

Saudi Arabia said this at this time, and the meaning is very clear. Saudi Arabia wants to be the boss of the Arab world, and Saudi Arabia wants to be the leader.

If it was in the past, Saudi Arabia would be so prominent, let alone others, Colonel Ka and Boss Sa would definitely be the first to disagree.

What qualifications do you have to be the boss of the Arab world? Just because you have money? What's the use of having money? There are US military bases in your country. You have no qualifications to be the boss.

But this time, Colonel Ka and Boss Sa didn't say anything, as if they didn't see half of it, which was very strange.

In fact, the reason is very simple, because there are experts behind them now. They are eager for Saudi Arabia to be in the limelight. If Saudi Arabia is in the limelight, the pressure on their side will be much less. It is the hard truth to develop slowly.

As for the missile boats, Boss Sa must be envious, but Colonel Ka is not too envious. Because these things, he can get them if he wants, and he has better things, such as ground-to-ground missiles with a range of more than 1,000 kilometers and heavy anti-ship missiles with a range of 500 kilometers.

And he also has a foreign legion, and there will be Chinese radar stations in Libya in the future. In terms of favor, it is not certain who His Majesty favors more.

As for Boss Sa, he is now working hard to dig in the underground base. The United States has now deployed heavy troops in Saudi Arabia. But these troops did not go to Somalia, but instead had a rhythm of rushing towards him.

Although the fighting in Somalia is still going on, many people now see that the United States is using Somalia to test weapons and train troops. Various unmanned equipment is constantly being put into use, and various new fighting methods and new weapons are being put into use.

If this set is used on Iraq, no one knows how long Iraq can last.

In addition, Colonel Ka has exported anxiety to Boss Sa, and Boss Sa has now become a hardworking little mole, constantly digging underground, especially in Baghdad, relying on the shield machine smuggled in secretly, Boss Sa has been digging inside.

Colonel Ka and Boss Sa don't talk, Iran only speaks by itself and has little influence. In this way, Saudi Arabia has been in the limelight.

Such a limelight makes the Saudi people very proud. Everyone hopes that their country will be strong and promising. Now that Saudi Arabia has a promising future, the people naturally know it.

Huaxia, Yanjing, and Iranian envoys urgently met with people from Huaxia.

Of course, they dare not accuse Huaxia of selling missile boats to Saudi Arabia. They can only change to another method. That is, I want what Saudi Arabia has, and I want more.

This time Iran came here not for missile boats, but for more powerful warships.

"Mr. Liu, we know that you Chinese have a warship called 051H. We hope to buy several such warships as the main warships of our Iranian Navy..."

In Yanjing, the person who received the Iranian envoy was Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu now likes doing business very much. The naval business is really profitable. Now Mr. Liu has experienced the fun of selling arms.

You can make a lot of money by selling a warship.

The money earned from selling 200 missile boats to the dog tycoon has given the Chinese Navy money to order its own warships.

Now, Iran is here, and it must be here to give money. Although Iran is not very rich now, Iran, like the dog tycoon, has many resources at home.

The fourth largest oil reserves in the world and the second largest natural gas reserves in the world, these two things are enough to make countless countries excited. The United States dreams of taking down Iran. But Iran is too hard to chew, so the United States has never dared to come down.

"Mr. Lemony, 051H is the latest missile frigate developed by our country. The performance of this warship is very advanced. Foreign arms sales are also very sensitive, but Iran and our China have a long-standing friendship. If your country wants to buy this warship, we can also consider it. We can also make some modifications according to your needs..."

Old Liu said with a smile.

The 051H warship has now been launched and is in the experimental stage. It may be finalized in a few months.

This warship is called a frigate, but its strength is veryIt's powerful. The full load displacement is 4,800 tons. This tonnage is already very powerful for a frigate. It's okay to call it a destroyer.

This warship is a frigate in the Chinese Navy. But in other countries, it is a destroyer.

For example, in the Pakistani Navy, this warship is used as a destroyer. It can not only anti-ship, but also air defense, anti-submarine, etc.

The modular design was taken into consideration when the 051H was designed, and its comprehensive combat capability is very strong.

Such a warship is definitely the main force among the main forces in a country like Iran, that is, the flagship of the navy.

If Iran has several 051Hs, the Middle East will definitely be lively. 051H is very powerful, and it still uses a vertical launch system.

Although there are only 36 vertical launch units, it is also a vertical launch. And the vertical launch system is very advanced, it can be installed with a variety of missiles, can launch air defense missiles, can launch anti-ship missiles, and can also launch cruise missiles for ground attacks.

At the same time, it can also carry anti-submarine helicopters. The most abnormal thing is that the radar used in this ship is still a phased array radar. Although the takeaway version uses a passive phased array, it is also a phased array. Moreover, if there is a strategic need in the future, these warships will be modified in the Huaxia shipyard, and the passive phased array can be upgraded to an active phased array, which will be more powerful.

Coupled with the advanced command system, this thing is also very advanced in the world. Many performances are better than the Arleigh Burke class.

If Iran gets a few such warships, then Iran can not only walk sideways in the Persian Gulf, but also have a great influence in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.

Liu Lao began to introduce the 051H warship in detail to the Iranian special envoy Lemonni. The more Lemonni listened, the more shocked he was. The more he listened, the more excited he was. Iran wanted such a warship too much.

But such a good warship should be very expensive. Not only is it very expensive, I am afraid there will be many political conditions. Thinking of this, Lemonni looked at Liu Lao with a solemn expression.

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