Six F16s were shot down together, which caused a great uproar around the world.

The impact soon came. Many countries that originally wanted to buy F16s suddenly lost their enthusiasm for this aircraft.

This situation made Russia very happy. It began to promote its fighter jets and pulled out its S300 air defense missiles. It even hired people to spread the word that China's Hongqi 9 was an imitation of its S300 and its performance was not as good as its own S300.

And this statement is really believed by many countries. After all, in the minds of some countries, how can China's weapons and equipment compare with Russia? After all, Russia inherited the legacy of the Soviet Union. Although the Soviet Union has disintegrated for several years, the Soviet Union's residual power is still there.

In addition to Russia, European arms companies also took the opportunity to promote their own fighter jets.

The market is so big. Now that the F16 has fallen from the altar, someone has to fill the empty market.

At the same time, Saxo Airlines also began to promote its S14 fighter jets, and the international military trade market was instantly lively.

At the port of Myanmar, the US arms ship was docked at the port.

A large amount of arms was unloaded from the ship, and these arms were long-range rocket launchers that the United States aided Myanmar. The model of this rocket launcher is the M270 rocket launcher, with a maximum range of 64 kilometers.

This rocket launcher was first put into use by the United States in the Gulf War in 1991. For the current United States, it is definitely a high-end product.

In terms of rocket launchers, the United States' technology has never been very good. Even this rocket launcher with a range of more than 60 kilometers is regarded as a treasure.

If this thing is placed in China now, it is the kind that cannot be served on the table.

Although it is backward in China, it is really a high-end product in the world. This thing can be loaded with 12 rockets or two tactical missiles at a time.

Originally, the United States was only going to provide the Myanmar government army with ten M270 rocket launchers. But now, the United States has become ruthless and directly assisted two battalions in Myanmar.

A US rocket launcher battalion is equipped with 27 M270 rocket launchers, and two battalions have a total of 54, which is a lot.

A salvo can fire 648 rockets.

This rocket is not 107, but a 227mm caliber rocket with great power. If more than 600 rockets are covered by artillery fire, the effect will be terrible.

Revenge, the United States has suffered such a big loss, how can it not retaliate.

The Shan State Republic must be destroyed, only in this way can the relationship between itself and the Myanmar government be closer. Its military presence and influence in Myanmar will be greater.

Now the US Congress has decided to increase cooperation with Myanmar and prepare to make Myanmar an iron chain to block China.

Now that China is building islands in the South China Sea, the United States also feels that its island chain to block China is in jeopardy.

If Myanmar is taken down, and then India and Singapore are united, a new shackle can be formed to lock China.

A large number of M270 rocket launchers came down from the ship, and then these rocket launchers entered the US base in Myanmar.

In a base of the Myanmar government army, officers sent by the United States are formulating combat plans.

"Everyone, this time, we are going to launch a strong offensive against the Shan Republic. The first wave is to launch Tomahawk missiles from our destroyers to destroy key targets, especially their anti-aircraft firepower. In the second wave, our fighter jets will take off from aircraft carriers and carry out air strikes on the Shan Republic..."

An American soldier began to explain the battle plan.

This time, the United States is ready to activate the security treaty, but this time the United States will not use ground forces. Instead, it will provide long-range fire support to the Myanmar government forces.

Moreover, this time, Tomahawk cruise missiles and carrier-based aircraft will be directly used to bomb the Shan Republic, and then the Myanmar government forces will advance on the ground and take down Shan State in one fell swoop.

This time, the United States must not repeat the same mistakes and turn Myanmar into the second Somalia.

If Shan State can be quickly taken, the prestige of the United States will be greatly improved. This time, the United States will let the world know who is the superpower.

The United States is taking action, and China is also taking action.

Now the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier battle group has arrived near the coast of Myanmar, 400 kilometers from the Myanmar coastline.

The sinking of an aircraft carrier last time made the US aircraft carriers very careful when they were fighting. In the past, US aircraft carriers wanted to drive to the doorsteps of other people, but now they stay far away. Even if the enemy launches anti-ship missiles, there is enough time to respond.

The last time the aircraft carrier sank, the United States investigated and analyzed it for a long time.

Finally, it was concluded that if the aircraft carrier had not been too close, if it had not been careless at the beginning, those few anti-ship missiles would not have been able to hit the enemy.It is impossible for a missile to hit an aircraft carrier.

So this time, the USS Carl Vinson learned its lesson and hid far away, and there were destroyers and frigates in front, and various aircraft in the air.

The location of the USS Carl Vinson, coupled with the intelligence from Myanmar, led China to a conclusion that the United States would end up in Myanmar.

However, the United States did not send ground troops, but armed the Myanmar government forces. Obviously, the United States’s end this time should only provide fire support and intelligence information, and will not directly send troops.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if the United States participates in the attack, Khun Sa will not be able to withstand it. Khun Sa quickly disintegrates, and then the Myanmar government forces will definitely attack Long Bang..."

In the conference room, a middle-aged general analyzed.

If Khun Sa collapses quickly, the United States will definitely attack Long Bang. After all, Long Bang is supported by China, which is a famous brand.

And if the United States activates the security treaty and attacks Long Bang, China cannot personally go there, and can only play a proxy war.

Once Long Bang becomes a battlefield, the international situation will change significantly.

After all, such a big war happened at China's doorstep, and the international community will see how China will deal with it. The United States is trying to divert the war to the east and burn it directly at China's doorstep.

"Humph, the United States is really bold. Isn't it afraid of losing more than it gains? Now Myanmar's economy has collapsed. If the government army is defeated, what should the United States do?"

Another soldier couldn't help but say.

"Maybe they think they will win. Just like the Korean War and the Vietnam War, before the war, the Americans were full of confidence. These American devils just don't remember to fight. It's only been a few years, and they have forgotten the pain after the wound healed..."

An old man in military uniform had cold eyes and was full of fighting spirit.

If it was a few years ago, these people might have some concerns in their hearts when facing the United States, after all, China's weapons and equipment were too poor.

But now, China has too many cards hidden. Since the United States wants to wrestle, then let's wrestle. If it doesn't teach a good lesson, the United States will not learn a lesson.

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