The world was shocked. China's operation shocked the world.

12 strategic transport aircraft, two round trips in one day, a flight distance of more than 20,000 kilometers, the equipment of three anti-aircraft missile battalions was delivered to the hands of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia by China in just one day.

This strategic delivery capability is impossible for other countries in the world except the United States and Russia.

Strategic Air Force, this is China's strategic air force.

The 12 large transport aircraft were dispatched this time, but it does not mean that China only has 12. The Y-20 is a strategic transport aircraft developed by China itself, and its performance is better than the US C17 strategic transport aircraft.

There are not only military versions, but also civilian versions.

The production capacity of the Y-20 is not low. According to the intelligence collected by various countries, the annual production capacity of the Y-20 may reach more than 30 aircraft, which is quite terrible.

A strategic transport aircraft has a very long service life. It is normal for an excellent transport aircraft to serve for thirty to fifty years.

China has an annual production capacity of 30 aircraft, and can produce 300 aircraft in ten years. For China, if it has 300 large transport aircraft such as the Y-20, once a war breaks out, China's long-range strategic delivery capability is quite terrifying.

The sword has been drawn, and this time China has drawn the sword directly in Europe.

12 strategic transport aircraft, transporting three air defense missile battalions in one day, this is not something that can be done by strategic transport aircraft alone.

It also shows the coordination ability of various arms of the Chinese army and the international influence of China. After all, so many transport aircraft, passing through the airspace of many countries, and landing in the heart of Europe without fighter escort, this is something that ordinary countries cannot do.

When it is time to draw the sword, you have to draw the sword. This time, the sword is also telling the world that China is no longer the China of the past. In fact, there is also a taste of warning the United States. China directly sold three air defense missile battalions to Yugoslavia. The meaning is very clear. Yugoslavia, China supports it.

An arms deal also made the Yugoslav people very grateful for China's friendship.

After all, Yugoslavia is not peaceful now. China's helping hand at this time is like sending charcoal in the snow. Unlike the United States and many European countries, they use human rights and other issues to put Yugoslavia into a greater crisis.

After the delivery of three missile battalions in Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia immediately deployed them. The relevant personnel have actually been trained in China, and now the weapons can be put into use.

Just after the delivery of the three missile battalions, in a secret underground command post in Yugoslavia. Several senior officials in Yugoslavia were shocked when they looked at the intelligence information in front of them.

On the big screen, countless flying light spots were moving.

This is not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is that these light spots have all kinds of detailed information. Some information can even be accurate to the specific number of the aircraft and the specific information of the pilot.

This is terrible. China doesn't know how to do it. It can have such a strong intelligence capability.

"This is F117..."

A senior official suddenly pointed to a big red light spot and asked, because the information marked on it is F117.

"Yes, according to intelligence comparison, this aircraft is F117..."

A staff member said directly. This staff member is actually from China. He is a retired soldier, but whether he retires or not is not a matter of China's words.

This command center is very confidential. Only a few people in Yugoslavia know about it.

However, this command center can directly command the three anti-aircraft missile battalions. The command of the three anti-aircraft missile battalions is in the hands of this command center.

The equipment in this command center is all from China. These equipment are directly connected to China's Thousand-Handed Guanyin.

In other words, the three anti-aircraft missile battalions of Yugoslavia are actually commanded by China's Thousand-Handed Guanyin system.

Once a war breaks out, these three anti-aircraft missile battalions will attack the best targets under the command of Thousand-Handed Guanyin.

In fact, China is not naive enough to think that having three anti-aircraft missile battalions can guarantee the airspace security of Yugoslavia.

Once the United States launches an attack on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, let alone three battalions, even ten battalions will not be able to resist in the end, after all, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the United States are not in the same league.

But with the command of Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara, the three battalions of air defense missiles can definitely have some good gains.

What's more, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has more than just these three battalions of air defense missiles.

The Hongqi 9 of these three battalions is just an open deal. In secret, China and Yugoslavia also have secret arms deals.

Among them are the short-range air defense missile systems of the three battalions. Although this short-range air defense missile has a range of only 40 kilometers, it can shootThe range is not comparable to the 300 kilometers of the Hongqi 9.

However, the performance of this missile is very superior, with a range of 40 kilometers, and its main targets are cruise missiles, helicopters, drones, rockets, bombs and other targets.

This short-range air defense missile developed by China uses a tracked chassis, and one vehicle can carry 16 missiles.

The configuration for Yugoslavia is that one battalion is equipped with 12 missile launchers, and one battalion can carry 192 missiles.

The technology of these missiles is also very strong, with active and passive radar guidance, terminal maneuvering and changing tracks, two-way data link control, and a maximum flight speed of 2.6 Mach.

Although it mainly strikes low-speed targets, if a fighter breaks into its strike range, this missile can also strike.

The short-range air defense missiles of these three battalions have been secretly transported to Yugoslavia. Hidden by Yugoslavia, this thing is also controlled by China's Thousand-Handed Guanyin system, and will only be pulled out when necessary.

In addition to anti-aircraft missiles, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia also purchased a batch of anti-ship missiles from China, which have excellent performance.

But this is not the most ruthless thing. The most ruthless thing is that China sold two production lines of flying motorcycles to Yugoslavia.

The production capacity of the two production lines is very terrifying, and up to 500 motorcycles can be produced every day. These two production lines are fully automatic production lines, and only a few people are needed to produce 24 hours a day.

In other words, Yugoslavia can now produce 15,000 flying motorcycles every month. These motorcycles directly use China's Beidou satellite positioning system and are also controlled by the Thousand Hands Guanyin system. As long as China does not activate them, these motorcycles are waste.

But once these motorcycles are activated, they will become big killers.

In the original time and space, 13 NATO countries participated in the Kosovo War. Except for the United States, the rest are European countries.

Now Yugoslavia has a production line for flying motorcycles. When so many flying motorcycles fly out, it will be quite exciting. This thing has a flying range of more than a thousand kilometers, and can fly directly from Yugoslavia to the UK. If so many NATO countries were attacked by flying motorcycles, I wonder how much the euro would fall.

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