Countless people are busy in the mysterious base.

This is also the forefront of China's military technology. There are many people working in this base, and there are many projects. The things developed here are no longer limited to aircraft.

The confidentiality and security levels here are also very high. The entire base is hidden in the mountains. Not to mention the earth-penetrating bomb, even a nuclear bomb cannot destroy this base. The level of this base is completely built according to the doomsday level, directly considering the nuclear war.

The entire base can achieve self-circulation of the ecosystem. Since the construction of this base, the construction of the entire base has never stopped.

The military construction team has been building here non-stop, and the entire base is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more projects can be accommodated.

Xu Huasheng and the old man came to the conference room, which was full of people.

And today, this meeting is very important, because this meeting is related to the development of another big killer in China.

The strategic stealth bomber project, internal code name H-20. Now China's magic modified White Swan has successfully completed its first flight and is in the test flight stage. It will be officially in service in two years.

But this modified White Swan alone is not enough for China. Now China has money and confidence. What the United States has, China must have.

So China must have a strategic stealth bomber.

"Everyone welcomes Comrade Xu Huasheng to tell us about the positioning of the strategic stealth bomber..."

In the conference room, the old man said with a smile, and everyone applauded and looked at Xu Huasheng one by one.

"Thank you, for the positioning of the strategic stealth bomber, we cannot treat this bomber as an ordinary bomber. This bomber must be closely integrated with our Nantianmen plan..."

In the conference room, Xu Huasheng directly talked about it.

Nantianmen plan, everyone in the room has heard of this plan. The entire Nantianmen plan is very large, but most of the entire Nantianmen plan is implemented by Huaxia Electronics Group.

Huaxia Electronics now also has a research institute in this base, and they mainly develop unmanned equipment. Huaxia Electronics has now developed many advanced drones and is very powerful.

Nantianmen plan is a huge plan. The entire Nantianmen Project is developed around the unmanned combat mode.

Drones in the air, unmanned ships in the sea, unmanned combat robots on land, as well as powerful artificial intelligence and powerful unmanned factories, the ultimate goal is to form a combat platform that does not rely on people.

Artificial intelligence is responsible for command, unmanned combat equipment is responsible for combat, and unmanned factories are responsible for production. Once this plan is successfully built, the war mode will undergo earth-shaking changes.

By that time, a country's industrial capacity and technical capabilities are directly related to the country's combat effectiveness.

If China succeeds in building it first, then China can easily destroy many countries without killing a single person.

The H-20 is part of the air strike force of the Nantianmen Project, and it is a very important part.

"Strategic stealth bombers must first meet the standards of strategic bombers, with long range, large payload, and stealth capabilities..."

Xu Huasheng began to write various data on the blackboard. The first is the range. The range of this aircraft must reach between 12,000 kilometers and 18,000 kilometers, and it must have the ability to strike globally.

At the same time, the bomb load must be large and have nuclear strike capability.

The stealth performance must be strong and cannot be discovered. These are the most basic requirements. In addition to these, this aircraft must also have air command capabilities and can be used with drone clusters. At the same time, it also needs to be able to be used as a drone air carrier and can carry special types of drones.

The data was listed one by one, and everyone swallowed their saliva when they saw these data.

These data are very difficult. It is difficult to solve any one of them, let alone bring all the things together.

However, if this aircraft is really developed, then this aircraft will definitely be an air ghost. It can directly penetrate into the enemy's hinterland for strategic strikes.

Even the United States is no exception. The range of this aircraft can directly cover the entire US mainland.

Once this thing is in service, it will definitely be a super killer.

When China develops to a certain stage, it will inevitably have the most intense conflict with the United States, whether in economy, technology, or even in military.

In this world, there can only be one boss.

Just like the Soviet Union and the United States, the cold war between the two will inevitably end with the decline of one country. With the rise of China in the future, sooner or later, China and the United States will be like the Soviet Union and the United States. This is something that cannot be changed.

In the conference room,The discussion about the H-20 project has begun.

As Chinese R&D personnel, they can't be idle. The R&D of Chinese armaments is different from those of the US military-industrial complex.

The US military-industrial complex looks at orders and then develops new products. If there are not many orders or the profit is not enough, they would rather dismantle the production line and disband the R&D team, and will not keep idle people.

Why was the production line of the original F22 dismantled? It was not dismantled by China as rumored on the Internet. Instead, it was dismantled due to various factors.

But China is different. China's scientific research team is all within the system. They work one day and get one day's salary. After this task is completed, you will definitely be given the next task. The country does not keep idle people.

Now China's Black Swan is already in the test flight stage, so R&D personnel must find the next project to work hard.

This is not only true for bombers, but also for other projects.

For example, in the fighter jet project, the J-10 and J-11 are now in service, so the team is busy with the J-20 and J-35.

Now that the J-20 project has made its maiden flight, many idle people have joined the new project team. Now that the fourth-generation stealth fighter has not yet been officially put into service, China has already started the research and development of the next-generation fighter.

It is precisely because of this system that China can quickly catch up with European and American countries in technology and surpass them in the original time and space.

Discussion, everyone discussed fiercely, expressing their opinions one by one.

Xu Huasheng is here to just put forward a general direction. In the end, the design of this aircraft still needs these people to complete it. What Xu Huasheng can do is nothing more than to bring out the technology he knows.

Air Ghost, the US Air Ghost B2 bomber has now been secretly put into service. However, the design concept of B2 is still the design concept of traditional bombers, which is completely different from the design concept of H-20. With China's current technology, it is not too difficult to develop a bomber like the B2. However, China no longer values ​​the stealth bomber concept of the B2. What China wants is the ghost in the Nantianmen.

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