"The United States announced the establishment of a no-fly zone over Iraq..."

The Iraqi crisis is getting worse and worse, and the United States is acting very quickly. The day after accusing Iraq of having weapons of mass destruction at the United Nations General Assembly, a no-fly zone was directly established over Iraq.

Such overbearing behavior was opposed by many countries, including Russia, China, Europe, Africa, Latin America and other countries in addition to Iraq.

But the United States ignored it and directly established a no-fly zone. American fighter jets took off directly from Saudi Arabia and began to serve in the airspace around Iraq.

This situation caused flights to Iraq to be canceled one after another, and flights leaving Iraq also increased rapidly, but these flights must also be approved by the United States to leave Iraq.

Fortunately, the United States now allows flights to leave. In this case, some countries see a different taste. Many countries have announced that they have begun to evacuate their citizens from Iraq.

However, their way of evacuating their citizens is very simple, that is, to notify their citizens in Iraq and ask them to find a way to leave Iraq. They can leave by plane, drive or take a car.

They can go to Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other countries, and the embassy will assist them.

At this moment, the Internet became lively.

Ordinary netizens also saw that this matter was not simple, and it was estimated that there would be a war.

"Has our country evacuated its citizens?"

"My brother is working on a construction site in Iraq. When will our country evacuate its citizens..."

"Look at other countries, then look at us..."

"Let's evacuate too..."

"Haha, in recent years, many people have boasted that we are strong, why is there no one when we evacuate our citizens..."

In China, a group of paid black fans on the Internet have started to act again. Seeing that other countries have evacuated their citizens, but China has not made any move, they immediately started to act.

And now in Iraq, there are a lot of Chinese expatriates. The number is a very terrifying number. At present, there are more than 260,000 Chinese expatriates in Iraq.

Most of them are from Tenglong Construction. They have been in Iraq for a long time. They have been taking projects in Iraq, but they know best what they are building.

The underground cities in Iraq were all built by them. In recent years, they have helped Boss Sa build a terrifying underground city base in Iraq.

Moreover, learning from the experience of Somalia, these densely packed underground bases are built at a very deep depth, and many bases are built with a lot of special materials.

These materials can absorb radar waves. With these materials, the synthetic aperture radar of the United States cannot scan them. It will be much more difficult for the United States to attack these bases with giant earth-penetrating bombs. After all, you don’t know the location, you can’t just throw them randomly.

The tunnels dug in Somalia were too shallow and dug hastily, just a simplified version.

Iraq is different now. Since Boss Saddam hooked up with Colonel Kadiz, he has been full of a sense of crisis. Most of the money he has made in recent years has been invested in underground bases.

At the same time, the underground bases also stockpiled a lot of supplies, food, medicine, weapons and ammunition, etc. There are even several underground arsenals in Iraq now.

During this period, the European Union sent a lot of money to Iraq. All this money was used by Boss Saddam to buy things. Now Iraq has the confidence to fight a protracted war with the United States. If it lasts for three to five years, Iraq will not be short of supplies.

What's more, Iraq has built several underground transportation channels in recent years, which connect Syria, Jordan and Iran.

These channels allow Iraq to obtain supplies during the war. There are currently more than a dozen of these channels, all of which are secret. These channels will not be activated until the critical moment, and they will be activated one by one. It is not easy for the United States to destroy all these secret channels.

Even if they go all out and finally destroy them all, they don't know how long it has passed. After all, once this channel is activated, a large amount of supplies will be transported to Iraq in a short time.

China has been colluding with Iraq to lay out here for many years. Americans think this is a small pit and it doesn't matter.

In fact, after entering, you will find that the small pit is just a superficial cover. Jumping in is an abyss. It is easy to get in, but it is difficult to jump out.

The evacuation of Iraqi citizens has become a hot topic among countries, and China has also taken action. However, China's actions are completely different from those of other countries.

The reason is very simple, because China has received a specific time to start the war. China is evacuating its citizens, so it is preparing to evacuate them at the right time.

In Iraq, when the United States established a no-fly zone, Iraqi people were anxious.The situation became tense. There was panic in many places, and of course the Chinese employees also had emotional fluctuations.

But they soon stabilized because the staff of the embassy contacted them.

China had long been prepared for the Iraqi incident. All Chinese people in Iraq have been registered by China. During this period, they have been contacted many times to confirm their contact information, addresses, work units, etc., and repeatedly emphasized that communication should be kept open.

So now, China contacted them as soon as possible. The Chinese Embassy had divided them into several groups long ago. Each staff member of the embassy had his own person in charge, and the number of these people was accurate to each person.

On the outskirts of Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, on a flat wasteland, some engineers were busy. In just a few hours, a simple field airport was built.

Not long after the field airport was built, a large convoy appeared in the distance. Buses drove over, and these buses were pasted with conspicuous five-star red flags.

"Where are we going?"

On the bus, many organized Chinese workers looked curious, and they didn't know where they were going. It was just that the people from the embassy asked them to take the bus and said they would take them home.

The motorcade arrived near the night market airport. Hundreds of buses looked particularly spectacular. The buses stopped, and everyone lined up after getting off. The staff checked their identities again.

Among these people, there were not only Chinese people from the mainland, but also people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Among them, there were more than 30 people from Taiwan. They had received a notice before, but Taiwan asked them to find a way to leave on their own.

However, there were no tickets for flights out of Iraq. Just when they were desperate, people from the Chinese Embassy contacted them. They were ecstatic, so they came here with the large group.

Everyone gathered. Just after the roll call and identity verification, there was a roar in the air. Everyone couldn't help but look up and look into the distance. Seeing the scene in the air, countless people cried with joy and were full of pride.

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