On June 4, after dawn, the US ground forces took action.

A large number of US ground forces entered Iraq from Saudi Arabia. The entry of ground forces marked the beginning of a new stage in the Iraq War.

The world's eyes were all focused on Iraq. They wanted to see how long Iraq could hold out. But no one was optimistic about Iraq. It was beaten into this state in three days. How could Iraq resist?

Just after the US ground forces began to act, Xu Dafei, who received the news in Longbang, Myanmar, had a cold look in his eyes.

"Everyone, the time for the decisive battle is here..."

Xu Dafei's words made everyone excited. The decisive battle is finally coming, and they have been looking forward to it for a long time. Longbang has waited too long for this day.

Not only them, but many soldiers in Longbang have also been looking forward to it for a long time.

Especially the troops composed of refugees who fled from other places. These people hate the warlords in Myanmar, because many of these people have been harmed by warlords, and many of their families have been killed by warlords.

They are now going to make these warlords pay with blood. They have been training hard for this day.

Xu Dafei came to the military camp of Longbang, where the soldiers had gathered.

"Comrades, the time for a decisive battle has come. In the past few years, various warlords in Myanmar have harmed the people, killed each other, treated the people as fish, and made fun of the law. There is no morality. As long as such people in power and such warlords rule for one day, we will not have a good life. So today, we will use the weapons in our hands to seek justice for the world. Many of you are from other states, and many of your families have been persecuted by them. Today, we will tell them that blood debts must be paid with blood..."

Xu Dafei said loudly.

"Blood debts must be paid with blood..."

"Blood debts must be paid with blood..."

"Blood debts must be paid with blood..."

Everyone shouted loudly, many people's eyes were red, they wanted those beasts to pay with blood.

The shouting and killing were deafening, and Xu Dafei nodded with satisfaction.

"Now I declare that the Kingdom of Myanmar is officially established, and I, Xu Zhongyi, officially become the first king of the Kingdom of Myanmar. At the same time, I declare that the recovery operation has officially begun..."

At the venue, Xu Dafei announced a heavy news.

The Kingdom of Myanmar was officially established, and Xu Zhongyi became the first king of the Kingdom of Myanmar. The Kingdom of Myanmar is a constitutional monarchy.

The king is the supreme leader, the army is controlled by the royal family, and the king is the supreme leader of the army.

Under the king, there is a prime minister who manages people's livelihood. The prime minister is elected by the People's Assembly, and can only become the prime minister after the king authorizes him after the election.

The king has the right to dismiss the prime minister, and the king enjoys legal immunity, as well as the right to interpret the law and amend the constitution.

In other words, the king not only controls the army, but also the law. As for the prime minister, that is the prime minister in ancient times, who does the work.

This institutional structure is similar to Thailand, but the power of the Kingdom of Myanmar is even more powerful than that of the Thai king.

In the future, Xu Dafei will be the biggest king of the Kingdom of Myanmar. As long as there is no coup in the future and the system of Myanmar does not change, the Xu family will be stationed in the southwest forever and enjoy wealth for generations.

No one opposed Xu Dafei's announcement. Xu Dafei's authority in Longbang is very high, so Xu Dafei wants to become the king of the Kingdom of Myanmar, and ordinary people have no objection, anyway, they are not qualified.

And those who are qualified to object, no one opposes.

The Kingdom of Myanmar was officially established. Then the entire Kingdom of Myanmar immediately took action. The army of the Kingdom of Myanmar directly changed its name, no longer called Longbang or something, but called the Kingdom of Myanmar something.

After a series of changes, the Kingdom of Myanmar officially took action.

The First Republic of Shan State, Kunsha also received the news of the establishment of the Kingdom of Myanmar at the first time. After receiving the news, Kunsha took a deep breath, and he knew that he had to make a choice.

Kunsha's First Republic of Shan State has existed for several years, and Kunsha has been the boss here in recent years. In recent years, Kunsha and the government army have been killing each other. You hit me, I hit you. The final result is that Kunsha has not been able to expand his territory, and the government army has not gained any advantage.

The reason why Kunsha has been able to hold on in recent years is entirely because of Xu Dafei's support, otherwise Kunsha would have been finished long ago.

Some time ago, Xu Dafei found Kunsha and gave him two choices.

The first is to merge the Shan State Republic into the Kingdom of Myanmar and hand over military power. Xu Dafei guarantees Kunsha's lifelong prosperity and wealth.

The second is to fight the Kingdom of Myanmar. If he wins, he will be the boss, and if he loses, he will be finished.

Kunsha has already made a decision on how to choose. Fighting with Xu Dafei is just looking for death. Xu Dafei showedThe strength is too terrifying. It is obvious that there is a giant like China behind it.

There are so many advanced weapons and equipment that it is frightening. With just my own strength, I can't stand Xu Dafei at all.

"Convene a general meeting..."

Kunsha directly issued an order to convene a general meeting of the Shan State Republic, and soon the top leaders of the Shan State Republic gathered.

"Everyone, Commander Xu established the Kingdom of Myanmar and announced that he would restore Myanmar. Everyone, facing Commander Xu, I want to hear your opinions."

Kunsha asked directly, and everyone fell silent when he said this.

"General, what do you think? I listen to you..."

An officer said directly, and the others also looked at Kunsha.

"I have decided to merge Shan State into the Kingdom of Myanmar. Commander Xu's strength is well known to everyone. Our Shan State has been able to hold on for the past few years, all thanks to Xu Zilong's support. Brothers, we fight for wealth and honor. Commander Xu said that you will definitely be indispensable to future wealth and honor. Of course, I will not force you. If you don't want to be with me, you can also part ways amicably. I won't make it difficult for you..."

When Kunsha said this, the people below reacted differently.

"General, I'm sorry I can't be with you. I have fought all my life, and I still like to fight."

A middle-aged man stood up. This middle-aged man is called Chaka. Chaka is a general who has only risen in the past two years. But he is very capable and is called the God of War in Kunsha's army. He led his troops to ambush government troops many times, and he was good to his subordinates. He was not greedy for money or sex, but just liked to fight.

All the money he got was given to his soldiers, and the same goes for women. Who wouldn't be happy to meet such a boss. So now there are about 50,000 troops loyal to Chaka. These 50,000 troops were the elite troops in Kunsha's hands, and all their equipment came from Xu Dafei.

Kunsha looked at Chaka and took a deep breath, feeling a little depressed. He had always guessed that Chaka was sent by Xu Dafei, but now Chaka's attitude made Kunsha puzzled.

Wasn't Chaka sent by Xu Dafei? It shouldn't be, but if Chaka was sent by Xu Dafei, why was he unwilling to join the Kingdom of Myanmar with him?

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