In Myanmar, Xu Dafei's operation was carried out very smoothly. Various advanced weapons were directly taken out for experiments, including long-range rocket launchers, tactical missiles, drones, precision-guided flying motorcycles, cruise missiles, flying grenades, precision-guided bombs, fuel-air bombs, thermobaric bombs, etc.

Even in jungles and street battles, unmanned combat vehicles, robot dogs and other equipment appeared, and various electronic warfare and electromagnetic warfare were also used.

The command ability of the Thousand-Handed Guanyin, the coordination ability of various systems, and the Chinese navy, army and air force were also holding many exercises to cooperate with this battle.

Under such circumstances, the warlords in Myanmar were pitiful and were dealt with miserably. Moreover, the intelligence here was completely blocked, and no intelligence could be transmitted at all. Now the whole Myanmar has become blind and deaf, and intelligence personnel from various countries cannot transmit intelligence.

China's electronic warfare capabilities are extremely powerful. The electronic warfare implemented in Myanmar now has affected not only Myanmar, but also some neighboring countries.

For example, Thailand and India have been affected.

There is no signal on the mobile phone, no signal on the radio, no phone calls, etc., and satellite phones are useless.

So what is going on in Myanmar now? Except for China, other countries don’t know at all, and the United States doesn’t know either. The United States knows that Myanmar has taken action, but they can’t do anything at the moment.

The reason is very simple. They started in Iraq. And the ground forces have already started, but unlike Xu Dafei’s rapid progress in Myanmar, the US war situation in Iraq is a bit weird.

Time goes back to the battlefield in Iraq. After the US bombing, the ground forces entered Iraq on a large scale. This time the US military also showed its strong strength.

After mastering the air superiority, in addition to the US troops entering Iraq from Saudi Arabia, a large number of US troops were directly transported to Iraq by the United States using strategic transport aircraft, and large-scale strategic delivery in Iraq.

The US military also demonstrated its strong strategic delivery capabilities. In just three days, they delivered three fully staffed armored divisions in northern Iraq.

Personnel, equipment, etc. were all delivered quickly, and this delivery capability made countries around the world take a breath.

The United States is still the United States. Its strategic delivery capability is too strong.

You should know that the current armored divisions of the United States are very powerful. One armored division has as many as 17,000 people, and its equipment is even more terrifying. There are more than 300 main battle tanks alone.

Now, in just three days, the United States has successfully delivered three armored divisions. This terrifying strategic delivery capability is definitely the best in the world.

Russia can't do it, Europe can't do it, and China can't do it now.

Showing off its muscles, the United States has completely shown off its muscles.

Starting from the north and south ends to attack Iraq, the number of troops has exceeded 100,000, and this number is still increasing.

At the beginning, the US offensive was very smooth, everything was unstoppable, and there was no resistance at all.

After the US armored forces entered the city, there was no trace of the Iraqi troops. Many Iraqi people on the street looked at the US military with curiosity, without much reaction.

This smoothness made the United States itself confused. Damn, what's going on, there is no resistance, there is no resistance at all.

The Iraqi people didn't react much to the arrival of the US military, and they did what they had to do. Live life, work, and watch the excitement.

Such a strange situation made the US intelligence department dumbfounded, and the US military was also dumbfounded, and they had no idea what was going on.

There was no resistance, no cold guns, and no war, which made the US military feel like a punch on cotton.

Faced with this situation, the United States had no choice but to continue to divide its troops and control the cities it occupied. If it did not control them, then there was no point in occupying these cities.

Increasing troops and dividing troops, the US armored forces quickly took down Iraqi cities one after another like a lightning force.

In less than a week, the US military had advanced to the vicinity of Baghdad. This situation completely stunned military commentators from all over the world. It took only a week to push to Baghdad. What about the Iraqi army?

They would not all gather in Baghdad and fight to the death with the US military! If this is the strategy, it would be too stupid. The United States is least afraid of this kind of decisive battle.

Just when the world was looking forward to the United States taking down Baghdad and showing a military miracle, something happened!

In the suburbs of Iraq, the US armored forces were attacked.

An anti-tank missile suddenly flew out and hit a US tank accurately. The missile attacked from the top and directly destroyed the tank. An American MI tank was directly destroyed.The soldiers were also killed.

It was like a cold gun, coming suddenly. And there was only one, and it disappeared completely after it was fired. The US military urgently counterattacked, quickly locked the attack position of the anti-tank missile, and then concentrated fire, and called for air strikes.

After a bombing, the US military came to the place where the sneak attackers were to check, but found nothing, only a tunnel.

But the tunnel had been blown down, and the unwilling US military directly got the excavation equipment and started digging the collapsed tunnel.

The result was tragic again. A violent explosion occurred while digging. In the soil of the collapsed tunnel, the sneak attackers set up booby traps. When the excavation equipment touched the switch, a large amount of explosives buried around exploded directly, directly killing more than a dozen US soldiers gathered together.

This time, the US military dared not dig anymore, and could only call for air support again to bomb this area.

But everything was in vain. After a lot of tossing, more than a dozen US soldiers died, a tank and an excavator were destroyed, and they didn't even catch a hair.

What makes the United States feel the most headache is not isolated to the world. Within one day, the US military suffered more than a dozen attacks in the entire Iraq, all in the wild, all in the same routine, suddenly attacking and then disappearing. After the US military bombed wildly, nothing was seen.

On the second day, the US military mobilized a large number of drones and other equipment, waiting for a new attack, but the sneak attack did not happen again.

For three consecutive days, there were no attacks. But the US military was nervous for three days, and this situation made the US military almost crazy.

Damn it, it's here again, and it's this disgusting mode again. In particular, many US troops have participated in the Somalia War. Aidid's troops were like this at the beginning, and they didn't fight you head-on at all.

Just fire cold guns and cold cannons, suddenly hit you, and then disappear, and when you relax, hit you again.

Now, Iraq is also playing this, which is disgusting.

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