"The Kingdom of Myanmar was established, King Xu Zhongyi announced the relocation of the capital to Mandalay, and Mandela was renamed Longcheng..."

"King Xu Zhongyi of Myanmar signed a new decree, and Myanmar re-divided administrative regions..."

"King Xu Zhongyi of Myanmar announced that Chinese would be listed as the official language of Myanmar, and Mandarin would be promoted throughout the country..."

Several consecutive international news directly exploded the whole world like a nuclear bomb. Especially in China, there has been very little news about Myanmar in recent years, only occasional sporadic reports, and everyone only knows that Myanmar is in chaos and too dangerous to go there.

But no one expected that Myanmar would suddenly release a big move.

The Myanmar government army they were familiar with was defeated, and a new government appeared in Myanmar. What the hell is the Kingdom of Myanmar? What the hell is Xu Zhongyi?

There is also the official language of Chinese, the promotion of Mandarin throughout the country, and the relocation of the capital to Longcheng. Looking at the division of Myanmar's new administrative regions, Chinese netizens are confused.

There is Shuntian in the north, Jinling in the south, Longcheng in the middle, Chang'an in the east, and Chaoge in the west.

What about Longmen, Shimen, Dadu, Loulan, Langya, Luzhou, Jiuyuan, Runan, Changshan, Lanling...

Fuck, this is Myanmar, just change your name to Xiao Huaxia.

"What's going on? This is Myanmar? Fuck, those who don't know would think they got an ancient map of Huaxia?"

"Oh my god, King Xu Zhongyi, is this really Burmese?"

"Chinese, do you understand Chinese?"

"Why do I feel like this is something our mother did..."

"Nonsense, our mother is peace-loving..."

"Ugh, so it will be convenient to go to Myanmar in the future, there will be no language barrier..."

"Oh my god, what's going on?"

"Six six six, support King Xu Zhongyi, this is too cool..."

"We have Xu Huasheng, Myanmar has Xu Zhongyi, they were one family five hundred years ago..."

"The Xu family is so awesome..."

Huaxia netizens laughed, and they were all very excited. Even a fool can see that this Burmese kingdom is definitely pro-China.

The policy is like this, and many things don't need to be said. Many people pulled out the map, looked at the location of Myanmar, and then looked at the location of China. Some people suddenly realized that if this matter had nothing to do with our mother, they would never believe it.

With Myanmar's policy, China will be different immediately. If China and Myanmar get along better and become the closest partners, then China will have a western outlet to the sea.

China is like the New Year, netizens are happy, and ordinary people can also see the importance of the new government of Myanmar.

Some people are happy and some are worried. When the United States got the news, they jumped up directly.

In the White House, Clinton held an emergency meeting, and everyone had a serious expression.

They didn't expect the situation in Myanmar to deteriorate so quickly. They also sent a large number of intelligence personnel into Myanmar before, but the result was that a large number of intelligence personnel disappeared. Now the United States knows very little about Myanmar.

Now it's good, the situation in Myanmar is finally clear.

China's conspiracy succeeded, the Kingdom of Myanmar officially controlled Myanmar, and Xu Zhongyi became the new king of Myanmar. Xu Zhongyi and his friends knew that this was the warlord supported by China.

Now he controls the whole of Myanmar, which means that Myanmar has completely turned to China. Anything is possible next.

"Everyone, what do you think?" Clinton asked directly. This was definitely the biggest strategic failure during his tenure. Myanmar's full turn to China will directly lead to a significant reduction in the power of the island chain that the United States has worked hard to arrange over the years.

"We must not let Myanmar develop, we must impose severe sanctions on them."

An old man said directly.

"What is the possibility of military intervention?"

Clinton asked directly, and everyone looked grim when this was said.

"Mr. President, we are now fighting the Iraq War, and we don't have the energy to intervene militarily. Unless we want to get involved in a new Vietnam War, no, it's more terrible than the Vietnam War. We are in Asia and can't win a ground war..."

An old man in military uniform said directly.

What a joke, military intervention? How to intervene? What troops to send over?

Send planes to bomb? Wasn't the loss last time enough? Last time it was just a drone. If they go there now, it won't just be drones. I'm afraid that by then, whatever China has, Myanmar will have it too.

China is eager for the US military to come. The US military is fighting Myanmar, and they are supporting Myanmar behind the scenes. This is the new Vietnam War, which can kill the US directly.

With the strength of the US ground forces, it's fine to bully the Middle Eastern countries, but going to the Asian monster room for excitement, you must have been kicked in the head by a donkey.

A small Iraq, nowLet them have troubles constantly. Not to mention Myanmar, which is full of mountains and forests. Americans remember the lessons of the Vietnam War clearly.

"Mr. President, we cannot intervene directly militarily at present. I suggest that the most severe economic sanctions be imposed on the new government of Myanmar, which should be more severe than North Korea. At the same time, we should vigorously support India and let India contain China. At the same time, we can win over Thailand and Bangladesh. We need to block the Kingdom of Myanmar from all directions and not recognize the regime of the Kingdom of Myanmar..."

An old man proposed.

Since military means cannot be used, then use economic means to curb the development of Myanmar as much as possible. Not recognizing the Kingdom of Myanmar lays the groundwork for the future.

When there is a suitable opportunity in the future, solve this problem. In a word, China must not get Myanmar.

Although they also know that this kind of sanctions may not be very effective, after all, Myanmar is right next to China, and China now has everything.

But as long as the United States does not recognize the regime of the Kingdom of Myanmar, there will be a reason to intervene in this matter in the future.

After a meeting, the United States directly held a press conference.

"The United States does not recognize the new regime in Myanmar. The establishment of the new real regime in Myanmar is another challenge to human rights. In view of the serious human rights issues of the new regime in Myanmar, the United States has decided to impose economic sanctions on Myanmar. Any company or country that has trade relations with Myanmar will be subject to our sanctions..."

At the press conference, the United States directly announced sanctions.

This sanction is very severe, even more severe than the sanctions on North Korea. Any country or company that has trade relations with the new government of Myanmar will be severely sanctioned.

At the same time, the United States announced that the United States will seize any ships of the new government of Myanmar, including ships going to the new government of Myanmar.

No airline is allowed to operate in Myanmar.

Blocked, this time the United States directly blocked Myanmar's foreign trade.

Ships cannot leave the port and planes cannot land. This is not only a blockade of Myanmar, but also a blockade of China. They want to directly block Myanmar's strategic location.

The sanctions of the United States are killing two birds with one stone, not only for Myanmar, but also for China.

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