"Uncle, Myanmar's development will take a long time. I'm afraid it will take a long time just for infrastructure construction. The following roads, railways, airports, and various water and electricity projects are all big projects."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile.

"Hehe, let our country do it. Anyway, I don't have any money now, so I can only borrow from our country. Our country is not afraid of my debts now. Roads, railways, water conservancy and electricity, these things are all handed over, and the operating rights are used as collateral..."

When Xu Dafei said this, Xu Huasheng also laughed.

Yes, money is not a problem. These infrastructures in Myanmar can be handed over to Huaxia, and the money can be borrowed from Huaxia Bank. Just use the operating rights as collateral.

Huaxia is also happy to build these projects, although it seems that these projects are not profitable, or even have little profit. But it can increase Huaxia's control over this place.

Xu Dafei has no second thoughts now, but it does not mean that Xu Dafei's successor will not have second thoughts in the future. Huaxia has spent so much energy, so it is natural to firmly control this place.

To put it bluntly, if there is a real chance in the future, China will even incorporate the entire Myanmar into its territory.

Xu Dafei and Xu Huasheng don't mind this. To put it bluntly, Xu Dafei just wants to be an idle prince and enjoy the wealth here.

If the country really needs it in the future, Myanmar needs to be incorporated into China. Xu Dafei will also operate directly in the country and hold a referendum, leaving no handle for the annexation.

It is not impossible in the future, provided that the United States is completely defeated by China and China becomes the undoubted hegemon of the world.

At that time, naturally someone will come out with the map of the ancestors and tell the world that this place, this place used to be ours. We were just weak before, which made them split.

Now, they all have to return.

At that time, it is time to redistribute the interests of the world.

"Uncle, the railway must be built first. The first railway is to build directly from Kunming to Daxing Port, passing through Longcheng in the middle..."

Xu Huasheng took out another railway map, and Xu Dafei nodded.

Daxing Port is actually the original Kyaukpyu Port. It's just that it has been renamed Daxing. If it follows the original name, this railway will come out from Kunming, pass through Lincang, and then a line will pass through Mandalay, and then reach Kyaukpyu Port.

Now Mandalay has been renamed Longcheng, and Kyaukpyu has been renamed Daxing.

This railway line is crucial to China. After the construction of this railway, goods from the Middle East and Africa can be directly transported to the southwest of China by rail. It can directly drive the development of the southwest economy.

And this line is not only a railway line, but also a natural gas pipeline and an oil pipeline.

At that time, oil and gas ships coming from the Middle East will no longer have to go around a long circle to the Chinese port. They can be quickly transported to China through pipelines directly at Daxing Port.

This is the western outlet of the strait, which directly drives the development of the western economy.

Products in western China can also be quickly transported to the port by rail, and from Daxing Port to the sea, quickly transported to Africa, the Middle East, Europe, etc.

This saves thousands of kilometers of shipping distance, which can greatly reduce the freight of Chinese products. And it can directly drive the rapid development of the western economy.

This is the significance of the seaport, and Myanmar, as a transit country, can also charge some tolls. This railway is the same as the Chinese standard. When the time comes, the customs of the two countries will cooperate directly, and the products will no longer need complicated customs declarations. The procedures will be simplified, and you can get on the train directly from China to Daxing.

There are not only ordinary railways, but also high-speed railways. There are many planned railway lines in Myanmar, and there are also many high-speed railway lines.

Although large infrastructure requires large investments, the benefits will also be great after it is built in the future.

Now Myanmar has a lot of waste to be rebuilt, and large infrastructure can also drive employment and allow many people to find jobs.

"Oh, uncle, the tourism industry is also our focus in the future. After we build it, we will have more advantages than Thailand. We will not touch the last one, but we can guide the first two legally. We can learn from Singapore and the United States and build a Las Vegas in Myanmar to guide the industry. The adult industry can also be developed, but it must be managed in a standardized manner, with a license, legal taxation, and regular physical examinations. This will also guarantee the rights and interests of customers and practitioners to the greatest extent. And they are legal workers, and social security can also be paid for them. These two industries do not allow private entry and are directly controlled by the royal family. The profits here are quite large. And royal control can also avoid the involvement of various forces. In addition to the strict punishment system, if a transaction occurs except in specific areas, heavy penalties will be imposed..."

Xu Huasheng began to give Xu Dafei advice.

This business isChina has no chance to do it, but Myanmar can. Special tourism, the profit is huge.

This kind of thing can't be stopped. If you stop it by law, someone will do business illegally.

Instead of this, it is better to guide it legally. As long as it is strictly managed, it will be more convenient to manage.

It is legal in specific areas and specific places, and everything is fine. It is illegal outside the specific area, and it will be severely punished as long as it is discovered.

And both sides are punished, so no one dares to mess around.

You consumers don't dare to mess around either, although it may be cheaper outside. But if you are caught, you will be sentenced to ten or eight years, which is not worth the risk.

Practitioners don't do it either. They make a little money from you, but if they are caught, they will be sentenced to more than ten years, and the fine will be a hundred times or even a thousand times.

Damn, if you make 200 yuan from you, you will be fined 2 million yuan and sentenced to ten years. No one will take this risk.

Heavy punishment is used in troubled times. Over time, everyone gradually accepts it. Just like China's crackdown on drugs, a consensus among the people is formed.

"Xiao Sheng, this is good. We can also grab the Japanese business. The Japanese can make movies, so can we. And it's legal. As for actors, there are enough actors in just one Southeast Asian country. When these industries develop, the domestic market alone will be enough for this industry to make a lot of money. Moreover, the language here is fluent, the transportation is convenient and safe, and the cost performance is higher than that of Japan, South Korea, Singapore and other countries. It is also legal. Moreover, we can also recruit from Africa, the Middle East, Europe and other countries, focusing on a wide range of choices and exotic customs..."

Xu Dafei imagined it. It's really cool to invest in a country. You can do whatever you want. It's up to you to decide whether something that is illegal in China is legal in Myanmar.

When it's done, tourists from China alone can make the business prosperous.

Some things are better to be unblocked than blocked. Besides, this industry is legal in many countries. Whether it's the United States, Europe, Asia and many other countries, it's reasonable and legal for Myanmar to do so.

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