"Oh, there's one more thing. Our young comrade has found a big business for our Ministry of Aviation Industry, but the Ministry of Aviation Industry is unsure, so let's discuss it today..."

In the room, the old man in charge said with a smile, which immediately aroused everyone's interest.

"This young comrade wants to use 10 billion US dollars to let the Ministry of Aviation Industry build a satellite navigation system for him. He said that he is optimistic about the future civilian market. After the construction is completed, this system will be handed over to the country, and Huasheng Company only wants the civilian market..."

After listening to the old man's words, everyone laughed. This young comrade, this reason is perfect. In fact, many people know what Xu Huasheng is thinking, and this is Xu Huasheng's alternative patriotism. Who would use such a huge sum of money to gamble on an uncertain future?

"What do you think?"

The old man asked directly, and everyone looked at each other.

"I think that as long as it does not threaten national security, we should encourage our private enterprises to do it. With our country's current financial resources, we may not be able to start research on our own satellite navigation system. Now that there are companies that want to do it, why not support them? We can't always use the lights of other countries to guide the way for China, right? Besides, they just want the civilian market. Our country is the country of the people, and private enterprises are also an important part of the national economy..."

An old man said directly in the room.

Since Huasheng Group has done one big thing after another, the top management's views on private enterprises have changed from before.

If it was a few years ago, if your private enterprise wanted to do this kind of thing, it would be simply against the sky.

But now, the top management of China has learned to look at the problem from another angle.

"I agree with this view. We can't use old ideas to look at some things. State-owned enterprises and private enterprises are both important parts of the national economy. We need to summarize experience from Huasheng Group. Why can a private enterprise make so much money abroad? Why can a private enterprise create so many jobs? Why can a private enterprise promote the update and progress of many technologies? These are all places worthy of our reflection. After all, in terms of resources, funds, and manpower, any enterprise picked out at random is much better than other factories, but why can't we develop it? I think that some industries can play a catfish effect if some private enterprises are allowed to enter appropriately. We have to put some of our people under pressure so that we can better manage the enterprises..."

Another old man in the room also expressed his views, and this view made others nod their heads in agreement. Keeping pace with the times is very important for a country. Only by keeping pace with the times can we continue to develop.

"I think we can give it a try. Isn't it true that we develop the economy by feeling our way across the river? If we make a mistake, we can just correct it. Besides, in business, the price can be negotiated. If you don't want to give up this piece of meat, the Ministry of Aviation Industry can also invest some money to take some shares. Now we are trying to reform the shareholding system, and the Ministry of Aviation Industry can also give it a try. They have the technology, and under the condition of ensuring national security, they can also try the civilian market. They must learn to generate income on their own..."

Once the other old man in the room spoke, the eyes of others lit up. Yes, the Ministry of Aviation Industry can also try to carry out shareholding reform, and can also try the private market.

"I agree to give it a try. I have been thinking about how to position the role of our state-owned enterprises in our country's economy. I think the most important role of our state-owned enterprises should be stability, protection and control. Stability means maintaining national stability, especially the stability of people's living prices. Protection means ensuring national economic security. Control means regulating the national economy when there are problems in the national economy. Under this premise, some industries can allow some private enterprises to enter appropriately. If our country is a big tree, the state-owned economy is the trunk, and the private economy is the branches and vines, which are the leaves on the branches and vines. Without a thick trunk, the tree is unstable and may fall down when the wind blows. But without lush branches and vines, the tree will not live long. Only by complementing each other can the tree grow bigger and bigger, allowing more people to enjoy the shade under this big tree..."

"Besides, don't our state-owned enterprises do everything? Those who make airplanes can make washing machines, so why can't those who make washing machines make airplanes? This doesn't make sense..."

In the room, the words of an old man made everyone laugh.

This is indeed the truth. State-owned enterprises can do anything. Those who make airplanes can take jobs from those who make washing machines. So why can't those who make washing machines take jobs from those who make airplanes?Besides, it is not to cut off state-owned enterprises with one stroke, but to introduce a catfish appropriately. With the catfish, the economy may be more dynamic.

At this moment, everyone's mind was suddenly opened, and many things became clear.

Since aerospace can be done, can other fields also be done? Power industry? Oil industry? Military industry? After all, there are many private enterprises involved in these industries abroad.

Introducing catfish, coupled with a reasonable regulatory system, some things may have unexpected results.

Everyone talked in the room for a long time, and they didn't leave until very late.

After receiving the reply from above, the Ministry of Aviation Industry was excited.

A big business of 10 billion US dollars was actually approved by the above.

Not only that, the document given by the above also asked the Ministry of Aerospace Industry to try shareholding reform, try the development of the civilian market, and try to generate income by itself.

Simply put, it is to encourage self-employment and self-reliance.

Lin Zuotang smiled when he saw this document.

A big business worth 10 billion US dollars, this huge amount of money invested, the technology driven is not a little bit. The navigation system needs a lot of satellites, the rockets needed to transport satellites, and various technologies are all treasures for the Ministry of Aerospace Industry if they can be broken through.

Huasheng Group does not want these technologies, they want the civilian market of navigation systems. And these technologies belong to the Ministry of Aerospace Industry. Once these technologies are broken through, they can also be used in other fields to promote the development of China's aerospace industry.

Not only that, the shareholding reform and the civilian market also make Lin Zuotang look forward to it.

Looking at this document, Lin Zuotang thought of Xu Huasheng.

"I have to go and learn from him."

In terms of making money, no one in China can compare to this little comrade. Thinking of this, Lin Zuotang made a call directly.

After getting Xu Huasheng's information, Lin Zuotang asked someone to start making arrangements.

He needs to meet this magical little comrade in person. In addition to talking about the satellite navigation business, he also asks the little guy if he has any good suggestions. Maybe a good suggestion will let the Ministry of Aerospace Industry find a way to make money.

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