At this time, Jiang Shanghu seemed to be a dam that had been filled with water.

He's doing everything he can to keep his dam from collapsing.

And Zhao Yun's words seemed to have carved a fatal gap in him.

Although it is not big, it is enough to completely crush Jiang Shanghu.

"I, I invested 80,000 yuan, and I immediately asked Tianfeng Company to repay the money."

A man was the first to rush up, squeezed in front of Zhao Yun and said.

Zhao Yun asked Zhao Kui to take out 10,000 cash from the box and hand it to him, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have 1 million cash here, it's enough for you to share." "

This opening has been chiseled, and Jiang Shanghu is finished.

"I'm damn your mother, are you all idiots? Whoever of you took the 10,000 yuan today, I won't give you a cent of the principal at that time! In

a hurry, Jiang Shanghu roared.

This sentence can be regarded as a hornet's nest.

If Jiang Shanghu was biting and delaying for a while before giving the money, then these investors really didn't dare to push him to hurry.

But now that Jiang Shanghu has said that he will not give money, everyone is worried that his hard-earned money will be lost.

"Jiang Shanghu, pay back! That's the fucking money I've saved from working for more than ten years, if you dare to hack my money, I want your life! The

first man who ran to Zhao Yun to get the reward, his eyes were red when he heard this, and he rushed to Jiang Shanghu and grabbed his collar and shouted.

At this moment, who cares if you Jiang Shanghu is a celebrity or not, whether he is in a high position or not.

This involves their net worth and lives, and no one will give face.

Under the surging crowd, Jiang Shanghu was instantly submerged.

"Kuizi, protect our money."

Zhao Yun is also worried that once the crowd is chaotic, everything will be done, and the top priority is to protect the cash he just raised.

"Don't worry, Brother Zhao."

Zhao Kui protected the two large boxes in his arms, staring at all those who dared to approach, with a posture of moving if he didn't agree with him.

But fortunately, everyone's target now is Jiang Shanghu.

"Stop! Stop it! A

loud shout calmed down the excited crowd.

Then a team of police officers ran in.

The policeman led by him dragged Jiang Shanghu out of the crowd with a cold face.

At this time, Jiang Shanghu, how could he still have the style of the big boss before, I saw that his clothes were torn, there were several footprints on his body, his face was even more blue and swollen, and he didn't know who to beat.

"I'm grass, fuck you guys, you fucking wait for Lao Tzu one by one!"

When did Jiang Shanghu suffer such a big loss, and he yelled and scolded like a mad dog angrily.

"Okay, Jiang Shanghu, you better ask for more blessings."

The captain of the Economic Investigation Brigade snorted and said: "We have received a report from the masses that you are suspected of illegally absorbing public deposits and causing huge losses.

When Jiang Shanghu heard this, his scalp was numb.

In Huaxia, it's okay to be arrogant and arrogant, but you must not mess with the official.

It's really going to lose heads.

"Misunderstanding, I just accept their investment normally, and there is a formal investment agreement." Jiang Shanghu shouted.

"Have a normal investment? But how did I see so many people asking you for money? If you invest normally, investors can withdraw their principal at any time, which is nothing more than deducting some handling fees and interest, what is going on with you now? The captain of the Economic Investigation Brigade said solemnly.

Jiang Shanghu was stunned for a moment, he turned his head sharply and found Zhao Yun with a smile on his face in the crowd.

At this moment, Jiang Shanghu only felt a cold air rushing from under his feet to the Heavenly Spirit Cover.

"Zhao Yun, you arranged all this!?"

"From the moment you knew that my company's capital chain was broken, you were directing this scene?!"

Zhao Yun chuckled, walked up to Jiang Shanghu and said, "It's not too late for you to understand, I received the gift you gave me yesterday, so do you like the gift I gave you today?"

Jiang Shanghu trembled, pointed at Zhao Yun and roared: "Zhao Yun, you have done things so desperately, you are not afraid of retribution!?"


"Retribution will be meted out, and retribution will be recompensed for people like you."

Zhao Yun's face suddenly turned fierce, and he scolded Jiang Shanghu, pointed his finger, pointed at the man who asked Jiang Shanghu for debts at the beginning, and said: "Look at him, he is just an ordinary migrant worker, who has worked hard all his life to save 80,000 yuan, which may be for the treatment of the elderly, or for the children to study and get married."

"These people, that's pretty much the case."

"What's the difference between you swallowing their money and taking their lives?"

"You call me ruthless? Am I beating you hard?

"At least misappropriate other people's hard-earned money for their own investment, and after losing money, they don't think about how to repay their debts, but they want to get out of it in every possible way, I Zhao Yun can't do such a thing."

Zhao Yun's words attracted the applause of countless people.

These words did speak to their hearts.

Even the captain of the Economic Investigation Brigade nodded slightly, agreeing with Zhao Yun's statement.

Jiang Shanghu's expression was hideous, and he said resentfully: "Okay, Cheng Wang loses, you win, you fart now is fragrant, but Zhao Yun, you remember, I, Jiang Shanghu, haven't collapsed so easily, you wait for me, I will retaliate against you sooner or later!" "

You'd better go back with me and get investigated."

The captain of the Economic Investigation Brigade sneered, and directly asked his subordinates to torture Jiang Shanghu, and he said coldly: "Your problem is very big, and there is also a report from ICBC, saying that you have defaulted on the loan and did not repay it, these problems are counted one by one, you don't want to get out of prison in ten or eight years, and take revenge on this and that, think about yourself."

After saying that, the captain was about to leave with Jiang Shanghu.

And Jiang Shanghu's hands were cuffed, but the expression in his eyes became more and more fierce.

He stared at Zhao Yun and roared: "Zhao Yun, don't be complacent, Lao Tzu still has a backhand, Lao Tzu is waiting for you in prison to be ruined!"

Jiang Shanghu was taken away, and the rest of the people looked at each other.

I don't know who it started, but a miserable cry came out.

Zhao Yun also sighed.

The rich and powerful people had already negotiated with Jiang Shanghu yesterday, and most of the people who could come here today were ordinary people.

They were cheated out of all their savings by Jiang Shanghu, and they could only wait for the law to give an explanation at this time, but no matter what, it was almost impossible to get the money back intact.

But Zhao Yun is not a savior, and it is impossible to use his own money to subsidize them.

"Kuizi, let's go."

Zhao Yun patted Zhao Kui and said.

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