Zhao Yun's words were not to scare Li Shiyun.

Qian Dafu can be prosperous in the Shanghai market, and if he has no ability, it is insulting.

And judging from the first contact, Qian Dafu's trickiness is not comparable to that of Bailong and Bai Mancheng at all.

"Rich money? Is that the rich businessman in Shanghai? Li Shiyun asked with a wink.

Nodding, Zhao Yun said: "He originally agreed with the official of Barrage City that the northern suburbs of Barjiang City would be developed, and his plan was to build the northern suburbs into a business center of Barrage in the future, and it can be seen from here that his ambitions are very big."

"Imagine if it is really done for him, and the entire business center of Barrage City will be his territory in the future, then how much will his strength and wealth swell? At that time, even the officials of Barrage City will be polite to him.

"Secondly, after he knew that I took the two pieces of land, he immediately reached a cooperation with Bai Mancheng and his son, and made two plans, that is, to force me to sell the two pieces of land to him at a low price, if I sell it, it is the best, but if I don't sell it, he decisively chose to give up the northern suburbs and go to the eastern suburbs."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yun beckoned to stop a taxi and continued: "This shows his decisiveness.

"In the end, even though he really needed to find a local snake-like figure in Lanjiang City to cooperate in development, he still used this to force Bai Long, Bai Mancheng and his son to take out 50% of the company's shares, and the cooperation that should have been equal status turned into an absolutely powerful party wantonly squeezing the other party."

This shows his selfishness and ruthlessness.

After saying this, Zhao Yun spread his hands and said: "People who are ambitious and resolute and never hesitate, and are full of selfishness and ruthlessness, do you think such a person can be easy to deal with?"

"Now we have brought down the Bai family, but this rich man is the real henchman."

Li Shiyun had never seen Qian Dafu, but in Zhao Yun's description, a gloomy and vicious face naturally appeared in his mind.

"But it's okay, I'll take care of it."

Zhao Yun smiled at Li Shiyun and pulled her into a taxi.

In the past two days, a big melon has exploded in Barrage City.

Bai Mancheng was sent to the hospital because of the brawl, and the beater heard that he was a thug from the county below, so he was directly arrested by the police station.

That's not all, after Bai Long rushed to the hospital, he didn't know what was going on, and suddenly he had a cerebral hemorrhage in Bai Mancheng's ward and was directly sent to the emergency room.

Fortunately, Bai Long was in the hospital at the time, otherwise he would have lost his life if it was too late.

But even so, someone with a heart still smelled a hint of unusualness.

"Dad, Dad!"

Wu family, Wu Lianshan kicked open the door of his father Wu Haicheng's study, and when he rushed in, he said excitedly: "Dad, have you heard, Bai Long and Bai Mancheng are finished, the two of them are lying in the hospital together and can't get out, this time it's a lot of fun, hahaha."

Wu Haicheng put down the documents in his hand, took off his glasses and said: "What are you shouting, how old are you and still so frizzy, and is there any city government anymore."

Wu Lianshan waved his hand and smiled: "Aren't I happy."

"What is there to be happy about, you feel happy, I feel shuddering." Wu Haicheng said in a deep voice.

Wu Lianshan was stunned for a moment, looked at Wu Haicheng strangely and said, "Dad, are you okay?" The white dragon father and son are our worst enemies, and now the two of them are in the hospital together, are you still not happy? "

You know a."

Wu Haicheng scolded and said, "Do you know the truth?

"Bailong father and son didn't know what nerves to have, and took out the only 50% shares of their company and all the real estate, cars, movable and real estate, and I heard that they had made up more than a billion yuan and threw them into gold futures, and they didn't have a penny left in two days."

Wu Lianshan's eyes widened when he heard this, and he was shocked: "Are they crazy?

"Whether they are crazy or not, I'm afraid only Zhao Yun knows best."

Wu Haicheng's eyes flashed with light and dark, and said: "Others are outsiders watching the excitement, and half of our bodies are in the bureau, so we can see some doorways, if this matter has nothing to do with Zhao Yun, I don't believe it."

"I have an old friend in the ICBC city branch, who manages credit, and their city branch just approved a loan of 1 billion yuan to Zhao Yun two days ago, and the collateral is the two pieces of land in the northern suburbs, and Zhao Yun got the money and turned around and invested all in the gold futures market."

Wu Lianshan was shocked when he heard this, and subconsciously asked, "What about his loss?" "


Wu Haicheng sneered and said: "Just this morning, he paid off the loan in advance, including the principal and interest, and the interest was not less.

"Conservative estimates, in this wave, Zhao Yun not only did not lose money, but made a profit of at least 500 million."

Wu Haicheng took a deep breath, calmed down the turmoil in his chest, and said with some envy and helplessness: "The principal loan of 10000000000000 yuan came out, and it only took a few days to earn 1.5 billion, this kind of money-making speed, and doing a fart business, Lao Tzu has this ability, and directly closed the company door and lay at home to sleep and enjoy life."

Wu Lianshan thought for a long time, and suddenly asked, "Dad, what's the situation with Qian Dafu now?"

Wu Haicheng threw out an invitation and said, "Qian Dafu asked someone to send it, please ask me to go for tea in the evening."

Wu Lianshan frowned and said, "Originally, Qian Dafu chose Bailong to be his dog, but now that Bailong is finished, he has set his sights on us?" This can't go.

"It's up to you to decide whether to go or not?" I don't even count!

Wu Haicheng sighed deeply and said, "Qian Dafu, we can't afford to mess with it, so we can only go and see what he has to say first."

Wu Lianshan gritted his teeth and said, "Dad, aren't you planning to abandon Zhao Yun and cooperate with Qian Dafu?"

"Do I have a reason to refuse?" Wu Haicheng asked rhetorically.

"Compared with wealth, compared with power, how can Qian Dafu not crush Zhao Yun, he came from Shanghai, with a large amount of money, just to engage in the construction of the river, and Zhao Yun, there is no comparison." Wu Haicheng sighed.

"Doing business, especially regional development, this is not stock futures, good luck is useless, not only need capital, but also need contacts, in this regard, Zhao Yun is too bad, this is the background, understand?"

Wu Lianshan said unhappily: "Anyway, I think you are doing this, it is not righteous and not authentic."

"Righteousness is worth a few dollars, you bastard boy, if it weren't for your old man, I would have stabbed people behind my back, and I would turn my face for the sake of profit, who would provide you with a life like a son?" Get out of here, it's not your turn to speak, I'll count it myself. Just

when Wu Lianshan was kicked out of the study by Wu Haicheng, the three-story small building in Lanjiang City is now downstairs with the signboard of Shengtang Company.

A Mercedes-Benz slowly stopped, Qian Dafu's fat and greasy body struggled out of the car, looked at the small building in front of him, and said disgustedly: "Such a dilapidated place is really shabby, in our Shanghai market, people who pick up garbage in this kind of place do not stop felling." "

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