With the consensus reached by the Huishang and the Baoneng Department, the domestic securities market has been in turmoil.

Domestic investors have also found that suddenly there is a huge capital battle between the two parties.

The struggle between the two bears is so fierce that there is no foreplay at all, and it is a direct climax when it comes in.

The two sides seem to have a tacit understanding for a long time, there is no nonsense at all, if you sell short, I will buy long, and I will buy as much as you sell.

ICBC Fund and Zhengxin Fund are the two core funds of this turmoil, and the stock market began to fluctuate violently like a roller coaster.

In less than 2 hours, Pangu's total of 28.9 billion positions were all closed.

"Mr. Zhao, the liquidation has been completed, and the current account has a floating loss of 3.1 billion, and the remaining position is 25.1 billion."

This shocking loss figure made the data analysts' voices tremble when they reported.

Guan Haili was also frightened, and kept looking at Zhao Yun.

At this moment, Zhao Yun pursed his lips slightly, and said: "ICBC Fund bought 2 billion, Zhengxin Fund built 30 small accounts for me at the current price, slowly absorbed funds, and used a low price and a small amount of money, a maximum of 200,000 Huaxia coins at one time, and kept buying, trying to avoid being discovered by the other party."

After finishing the order, Zhao Yun picked up the phone and dialed Yan Chongjing's office number.

"Uncle Yan, I need you to make an announcement in the name of Pangu Group." Zhao Yun said straight to the point.

Yan Chongjing, who was in a meeting with the executives, raised his hand to signal the executives who were reporting to shut up first, and then said, "You say the content." "

Pangu Group wants to raise ICBC Fund, and the target proportion of shares will reach at least 20%."

"Reason." Yan Chongjing frowned and said.

With the current size of Pangu Group, announcements are not something that can be issued randomly, especially for a listed fund.

The so-called holding of cards means that once you hold more than 5% of the shares of a certain stock, you must raise your cards, that is, public information.

This point was introduced after the improvement of the rules of the securities regulatory system, but now, there is no such statement.

"To stimulate the market, I want to increase ICBC's share price by at least 30% today." Zhao Yun said.

Yan Chongjing hesitated for 2 seconds and said, "Okay."

10 minutes later, Pangu Group officially issued an announcement to raise the ICBC Fund.

An announcement stirred up a thousand waves.

The securities market was in an uproar, and then investors immediately reacted and began to pour in frantically, and large sums of money frantically snapped up the shares of ICBC Fund, and the price of ICBC Fund immediately skyrocketed.

At this time, in the trading team of the Huizhou Chamber of Commerce and the Baoneng Department, Zhang Tianhao and Wu Mingrui laughed.

"Guan Haili is really still young, trying to use this kind of news to stimulate the market, and then buy the funds into ICBC Fund to avoid our sniping? Think too much.

Zhang Tianhao gave an order in high spirits, "Shorting the ICBC Fund on a large scale, sell all the purchases in the market, I ate all these lists, just now Pangu lost at least 30 billion in order to break free from the trap, they have such a small amount of money on hand, how long can they bear it?"

Wu Mingrui glanced at the screen, suddenly frowned and said: "Zhengxin Fund has also risen, the increase is not small?"


Zhang Tianhao sneered, and said indifferently: "ICBC Fund and Zhengxin Fund were originally the leaders in fund securities, and Pangu raised ICBC, which led to a sharp rise in ICBC, and this advantage of a sharp rise radiated to Zhengxin Fund. What

Zhang Tianhao said is very reasonable, and anyone with a little experience and technology in the securities industry can understand this.

It is common sense that a leading stock will drive the industry sector up.

But Wu Mingrui subconsciously sensed that something was wrong.

"Okay Lao Wu, don't worry about it, Pangu just has so much money, the two of us together can crush him casually, how long can he play with that money? In the securities market, strength is king, and what is strength? It's money! The two of us have a combined total of more than 48 billion available funds, and I can flatten Pangu while lying down.

Listening to Zhang Tianhao's words, Wu Mingrui shook his head and said with a smile: "Maybe it's really me who is too careful." The

protection of ICBC Fund was immediately contained under the joint suppression of Wu Mingrui and Zhang Tianhao.

When investors in the market realized that someone was deliberately manipulating the price of ICBC Fund, they all calmed down.

The momentum of the bulls slowed down, and the already powerful bears immediately became more rampant.

The price of ICBC Fund did not rise but fell.

This extraordinary performance was immediately noticed by the Securities and Futures Commission.

"Director, this malicious manipulation of the stock price is too obvious." A staff member reported.

The director frowned, and said with a face full of anger: "These capitalists are too rampant, what do they think of the domestic securities market? Their ATMs?

"You star, collect all the materials, and I'll report to the leader immediately."

In Pangu Group, Zhao Yun crossed his fingers with his hands against his chin, and his eyes stared at the market data without blinking.

"Mr. Zhao, the price of ICBC funds has been suppressed and can't get up at all." Guan Haili said.

"How is the position of Zhengxin Fund?" Zhao Yun asked.

"30 accounts have been opened, and each account has not exceeded 200,000 per transaction, and now the total position of 30 accounts is about 1 billion." Guan Haili said.

"The heat is not enough, add another fire to them."

Zhao Yun laughed.

"Short 5 billion ICBC funds, and then long 2 billion Zhengxin funds."

This completely different operation made the corners of Guan Haili's mouth twitch.

"Mr. Zhao, isn't this nothing to burn money to play?" Guan Haili couldn't help but ask.

"With the money burned now, our enemies will soon send it back in double as much, you just have to do it." Zhao Yun commanded.

Guan Haili sighed and immediately gave an order.

ICBC Fund, which was already under strong pressure from the short side, immediately collapsed after Pangu Group defected and joined the sale.

The price fell by a full 20% in half an hour.

Panic spread in the market, and countless funds began to flee from ICBC Fund in a frenzied manner.

ICBC Fund officially issued an announcement immediately, saying that the fund was operating well and profits maintained the expected growth, and severely accused Yunyun of the capital that maliciously manipulated the price of the fund in the securities market.

To put it bluntly, it is a scream that has no ability to fight back after being beaten.

It's basically not much different from farting.

Funds are still fleeing.

ICBC funds are still plummeting.

And these fleeing funds, seeing that the Zhengxin Fund next door was actually rising against the trend, they immediately didn't need to say anything, and squeezed into it in one go.

Just when Zhengxin Fund began to rise like a rocket, Wu Mingrui and Zhang Tianhao were dumbfounded.

They also realize that they have been tricked by Pangu!

"Haley, the dog thief! More cunning than his uncle Guan Sheng! "

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