Yun Che's body started to grow brightly. It was too bright. Everybody started to close their eyes. They were shocked but at the same time covers their eyes to avoid the bright light.

Xiao Yulong was shocked as he wanted to move for the attack but something hold him in his place.

He felt pressured.

Everyone was still covering their eyes until the light started to dim and compressed into a form of a body.

Everyone could see the body shape light until the lights crumbled and flew into air. Starting from the leg, everyone could see the wedding footwear he was wearing had been replaced with strange footwear and the feet were white. The lights crumbled even more until they say black clothing started to shape itself until the belt was seen. The arms and torso was visible. Everyone could see the clothing was strange and the torso has a red strap from the right shoulder until the waist. Finally, the lights crumbled until they see Yun Che's face and black raven free hair flying in the air.

Lastly, his aura was slowly visible in the air.

The whole manor was silent. Everyone, Qingyue, Lingxi and whoever was there. They were shocked to the core because the crippled had been replaced with someone else. His aura was nothing they felt before, they couldn't gauge his strength. It's like he had no aura at all.

Everyone felt it, it's like they were pressured. No matter how strong they are, they were pressured and rooted on the spot. Qingyue, though that she was a genius but in front of this being, she was nothing. If the being wills it, she'll die on the spot. Everyone was rooted, not being able to move.

Yun Che controlled his reaitsu perfectly. The aura compressed and covers the whole city. If he spike it too high, he'll kill everyone as well as alert those from above. He knew Qingyue's master was watching on top of the city's tallest tower and she too was rooted on the spot. Unable to move and felt endless pressure swept her. She someone of the Sky Profound Realm was rooted on the spot. She though while enduring "What kind of being they actually provoked?"

Ignoring her, Yun Che opened his eyes. Everyone started to feel endless fears from those eyes. Being pressured rooted and paralyze. They felt that hell was coming over and the reaper was waiting to harvest their souls.

They were right. The reaper is coming.

Yun Che was standing on the stage emitting a spirit pressure simply too scare them. Didn't actually though that mere Level 1 reaitsu was enough suppress everything even a sky profound realm expert.

Shinigami Mode was OP..too OP man…..

Yun Che however was in glory. He was wearing his shihakushou proudly even if he did not draw Zangetsu yet. Those with weaker strength instantly falls to the floor as in they were carrying something heavy. Yun Che prevents his aura from affecting children and mothers. All those around him weren't spared.

"How's that?" Yun Che looked at Xiao Yulong.

Xiao Yulong was scared shitless the moment Yun Che talked to him. He wanted to run but his legs would not move.

He was an idiot. He provoked someone he shouldn't. He provoked the grim reaper itself. He was really courting death.

"You said I could attack any way I like right?" Yun Che looked at him.

"I am going die…I am going to die..I DON'T WANT TO DIE…"Xiao Yulong shouted in his head.


Yun Che knew there's no seal command for Zangetsu but he fashion some to make him looked badass. Yun Che stands on the spot and put his right hand on his left waist as if he wanted to draw a sword.

Xiao Yulong faces was devoid of color and people around the manor have their eyes as big as tennis balls when they hear and saw what Yun Che did.

"Cast of your fears and Pierce the Heavens"

His right hand was compressing the energy he was about to draw. The energy was massive accompanied by small lightnings.



The energy draw from his right hand slice everything including the gate of the manor. The energy was too strong and it disintegrates any small particles until the slash reaches the top of the nearby mountain. The slash was too strong until it blew the top and destroys everything. When the energy dissipates, all eyes were onto the mountain. Shocked faces were everywhere as clear as day.

The top of the mountain was gone and perfectly cut.

The cut had alerted the nearby cities. Some powers send experts to observe which being had performed such power. When they arrived at the mountain, they were shocked. The top of the mountain was gone and it's like it was being disintegrated. The powers would stop at nothing to find such senior and curry favor with him.

The smoke around Yun Che dissipates and he was holding Zangetsu Shikai Mode on the back of his head. The blade was shaped just like knife with black color shrouded top half of the blade and white on the lower half. The sword has no hilt but was covered with white straps so long until it reaches the floor.

Everyone was shocked and silent. Qingyue and Little Aunt were no exception. They have seen what he can do and some of them wondered. Is this the crippled they always talked about?

Technically, he's still a crippled but his soul form was a Shinigami.

"Sigh….I missed….."Yun Che said casually.

All of them wanted to puke blood.

Missed? More like if he wanted to he can annihilate the whole city if he wants to. That was a perfectly controlled sword wave. It travel passed Xiao Yulang and hit the manor's gate before travel swiftly to the mountain's peak. Everyone actually gulp internally the moment he said that he missed.

Yun Che was preparing his second act. He points the sword at Yulang and prepares his left arm to channel his reaitsu towards his sword.

Everybody in the manor prepares to run because if a casual sword wave was enough to destroy a mountains peak, what's this going to do then?

"Hmphh….prepare yourself….BAN.."

All of a sudden…

"Uggghh…"he suddenly smelled a pungent smell came from his front.

Due to his heightened senses, the smell maybe invisible to others but the smell was enough to get him off focus.

Xiao Yulang had pissed his pants while standing. He cannot even scream anymore but his mouth was still open.

Forget it…the act was not finished though but he thinks the sword wave was enough.


But he still had to complete the mission. Stabbing Zangetsu on the ground, Yun Che immediately Shunpoo in front of him and punches his Dantian. The profound energy dissipates like a balloon and he immediately fire a Byakurai on his head. The shot killed Yulang instantly but he mission was not registered as completed. He immediately found Xiao Yang trying to escape after his redraw his reaitsu. Yun Che targeted another Byakurai and just like that it pierces Yang and blew his body apart.

Just like that the murderers were killed on the spot. Shocking everyone as he grabbed Zangetsu on the ground and looked at the crowd.

[Ding…completed the mission – Killing the Murderers.]

[Host has gain 10000XP points and 5000SP].

[Host has unlocked Hado #90 Kurohitsugi.]

[Kuroshitsugi was mastered immediately and achieved level 20.]

As Yun Che was recounting his rewards, Qingyue was feeling a bit conflicted. The waste she hated so much destroys everything and shows her powers beyond her understanding. She felt something, she felt safe. As long as she's behind this person, she could overcome anything. She looked at Yun Che and started to feel admiration. She admire someone who could not even cultivates able create havoc beyond her understanding. She was proud. Proud because she was marrying someone she admired.

But dreams are made to be crushed.

She saw it, she saw the eyes of that changes her forever. She felt endless hatred coming from those eyes. She looked at the source and it turns out, the gaze came from her own husband. Her own husband gaze her with the gaze of hatred. She felt it again. The feeling that torn her from the inside. The feeling was the reason she cultivates. She cultivates for the sake of getting stronger in order to overcome the feeling. Over the time she develops an icy wall to keep the feelings at bay but under this gaze, years of built up cold wall crumbles immediately.

No…stop this….

I don't like this…

Please..don't look at me like that..

The cold and haughty Xia Qingyue silently lets a tear out after seeing that gaze.

Yun Che only looks for a moment, but he did not know the gaze was actually piercing her. He turns towards the crowd and silent follows. Yun Che was channeling his reaitsu to his throat to enhance his voice.

"I do have 2 wishes"…..his voice was soft but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"One, my aunt and my grandfather will be treated well in the clan. If any mistreatment falls before them, don't blame me for doing the same thing as I did before."

"And Two, Xiao Clan…"

Those two words made every Xiao Clan member flinch. They were scared shitless after seeing such power in front them.

"Xiao Clan, the endless torment I felt in your clan. I wish to return them two or threefold right about now. But, I am not going to do it today. I will return later to collect debts from you. If profound strength is your pride then I am going to return it with profound strength. My body may be crippled, but once I have restored it. You better prepared yourselves. If you dare to run away, I will hunt you down. One by one if I have to."

"From now on, my Surname Xiao will be cast off. I will be known as.....

YUN CHE!!!!"

His shouting actually increased his reaitsu making anyone feel suffocated immediately.

Everyone from the Xiao Clan actually felt endless fears right about now. Most of them wanted to prostate right now to beg forgiveness but after seeing how bad they treated him, they wanted to hide forever. They could actually appease Xiao Lie, maybe he can appease Yun Che's anger.

After redrawing his reaitsu, Yun Che looks at the crowd, his wife and the rest of the clan.


Then, he disappears….

Somewhere far from Profound Sky Continent.

The spiking of reaitsu wasn't go unnoticed. Due to the purity of the power, it caught the attention of something. Something that draws itself towards the reaitsu. Yun Che didn't know that he actually brought calamity towards Floating Cloud's City. All of a sudden…

The space around the island was suddenly twisted and a portal was slowly opening.

The portal looked like an eye from far away.

If Yun Che saw this, he recognized the portal immediately. After the portal was opened, contaminated reaitsu started to fill the sky and creatures started coming out of it.

The creatures had white mask on them.

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