Yun Che was lying on the ground with another red palm mark on his face. He was expecting that and Jasmine's face was full of anger. Getting bitch slapped wasn't helping calming it either. She looked like she wanted to skin him alive. She grew up bathed in the respect, worship and fear of others. Except her family, it would be hard to find a few who would dare to meet her in the eyes. She had never thought that her body would actually be desecrated by a common man, moreover by an utterly good-for-nothing!

Yet Yun Che's complexion didn't waver. He stood up slowly and wipe the dust from his shoulder as if the slap was nothing. Well, "I have agreed to all three of your conditions. Earlier you said that I would be granted a new set of Profound Veins, isn't it about time for that to happen?"

Yun Che was smirking inside.

One day, I'll smack your butt until you beg me for more.

"Forget what you've said just now!" Jasmine's expressions were ominous and cruel, with chilling killing intent as cold as ice. However, her visage was in all honestly, too petite and cute. Even if her expressions were much more malicious, it would still be remarkably pleasing to look at, which didn't make Yun Che feel the slightest hint of deterrence. Rias Gremory loli look alike sure was cute even if she's angry.

"….. I definitely didn't say anything.!" Yun Che said with a relaxed expression, but quietly added in his heart: Mhm, if your chest wasn't as flat as the runway at the airport.

He doubt Jasmine even knew what an airport is.

Jasmine's anger slowly diminishes itself. She slowly stands up and said " Hmph, To be able to become my disciple, it's the biggest fortune you'll have in your entire life. From now on, it is absolutely necessary for you to always address me as your Master."

"Nope…." Yun Che bluntly said.

"You're not willing?" Jasmine's moon like eyebrow slanted.

"Of course I'm not unwilling, unless you want your arms getting fried by the system. I might pop some popcorn while you're at it." Yun Che shook his head and sits back down.

Jasmine was speechless and started to think about the shock just now. With the system protecting him, there's no way for her to punish him even if she wants to. And…What is popcorn anyway?

"How about Jasmine? Take it or leave it." He just stared at her while sitting down.

More like taking it, with that system. There's no way for her to say no. Unable to endure anymore, she finally spoke: "You can call me Jasmine, but you must not forget in your heart that I'm your master! Furthermore, you must not forget your duty and place as my disciple!"

"As long as you're not treating me like a gopher, sure." Yun Che agreed her conditions.

"So, jokes aside. When can we begin?" Yun Che said with serious expression. He was unable to contain his excitement.

Jasmine calmed her heart and slowly said...

"Do you know for what reason I was chased, and infected by this terrifying poison afterwards?" Jasmine looked at him seriously.

Actually he knew, but he just plays along.

"Nope, but with that amount of blood on your clothes, I am sure it's something important."

"Because of….. this drop of blood!"

Jasmine slowly lifted her right hand. Her thin and delicate index finger erected toward the sky, and from the area of her fingertips, a drop of a dark-red water droplet-like object slowly rose accompanied by a shimmering ball of eerie light, until it hovered over her fingertips.

"This is… The drop of blood from the Evil God?" Yun Che said seriously.

Yun Che's revelation causes Jasmine to be shocked.

"How did you… " before Jasmine even finish, Yun Che just points up his finger towards the system.

Jasmine looked up and looks at him again.

'That thing must've come from the primordial era.' she thinks.

"So, I am sure you know about the history of this blood." Jasmine asked him.

"Yup, the moment you show it to me, the system pours everything in my head. So I know the whole story." Yun Che said with a relaxed expression as if everything wasn't enough to give him a shock.

Jasmine went speechless. This system of his, what is it actually? If it can do all of this, it can help Yun Che to cultivate but why leaving his body crippled? Is it because it knew this drop of blood was coming to him? Jasmine popped many questions in her head but decided to keep it to herself. One day, she really wants to know everything about the system.

"No wonder they chased you till you're badly wounded. Who couldn't resist such powers?" Yun Che makes his conclusion about the drop and Jasmine's injury.

"Hmph, actually daring to snatch my possession, it's like they're simply asking for a death wish!" Jasmine's eyes was full of anger: "Only after I had acquired this blood of the Evil God, was I able to find out that the power hidden inside was entirely different from my expectations. There wasn't even a trace of destructive power! If one injected it within themselves, it would only forcefully change the structure and attributes of the Profound Veins, and even erase all the built up strength in the old set of Profound Veins! Everything would have to start from scratch! That is all! Afterwards, the profound strength would still have to be trained by one's self bit by bit!"

Yun Che nods his head. Cultivate bit by bit? It was the pleasure he was looking for. The pleasure of leveling up, fighting BOSSes, looting items and gaining experience. The pleasure of every gamer dream of in his previous world. Jasmine was not able to feel the pleasure but for him. It was pure ecstasy.

"I definitely couldn't afford pay the price of having all of my current powers erased just to use this blood droplet of the Evil God. But using it on you, it seemed like it couldn't be more fitting." Jasmine moved her finger, and made the tranquil droplet of dark-red colored blood hover in front of Yun Che's chest.

"Your Profound Veins were broken from the start, and your profound power amounts to nothing. After infusing you with the blood of the Evil God, your Profound Veins will be quickly reborn into the Evil God's Profound Veins. Although I couldn't feel much power from this blood droplet of the Evil God, there still could be a chance that it'll grant you some kind of special power from the Evil God's Profound Veins." Jasmine explains about the benefit of the blood to Yun Che. But…..

Yun Che immediately points his palm towards Jasmine, indicating her to stop.

"Wait, before you infuse me with this blood. I need to tell you something. Something important, something might change your views if you know this secret." Yun Che started to look her in the eye.

Jasmine was preparing to transfer but stops immediately after seeing his action.

'Tell me? What could he possibly tell me?' Jasmine wondered in her mind.

Yun Che took a deep breath and…

"I am actually a shinigami."

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