Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

103 Chapter 103: The Black Spider of Calamity

"You're a cheater!!!! You're a DAMN CHEATING BASTARD!!!!" Hoyuu's voice sounded in his mind. Judging from the sound of it. He was really pissed.

Yun Che sighs as knew this would happen so he slowly said "No I am not, you said before as long as it's your ability. It's okay. Right?"

"But, not this?!?!!" Hoyuu was pissed as he never knew the true capabilites of the Ginrei Kojaku. Shooting thousands and thousands of arrows, he was dumb enough to challenge him. In fact, he fell into his trap.

"Deal with it, the Heilig Bogen is my part of my ability. Now, ten points. PAY UP!!!" Yun Che demanded.

"Bastard!!" Despite feeling pissed, he paid the points anyway. He did agreed to that agreement. Looks like Yun Che got him good.

[Ding… Host has received 10 affinity points from Hoyuu. Remaining affinity points: 40]

Yun Che was smirking inside. With 10 points down, he had to beat that guy another forty times to attain that Adjuchas form. Right now, decreasing his affinity points is the best way to avoid fighting him as that guy used every skill he learnt against him.

"Hmph, I thought I was winning." In Zangetsu's inner world, he sat on one of the buildings feeling depressed.

"You thought. Sorry about that. If I told you that Heilig Bogen had a second stage, you would bust your ass winning this one or didn't bother to accept the challenge. So I keep quiet. Besides, Jasmine was the one spark this idea for me."

"That damn flower. Still, you cheated though."

Yun Che felt his veins thickens as he argued. "You're one to talk. You used that Hollow form?!? It's fair that I used my Quincy form."

"Bastard, how's that fair?"

"Anyway, I win. You asshat. That's all matters." Yun Che strikes his victory pose.

"Tsk…" Hoyuu clicked his tongue as he gave up arguing with him.

Yun Che calms down before saying "You know? I still owe you for helping me clearing this mess though."

"Save it, at least I had fun rather than locked up in your world even if I didn't win." Hoyuu said looking at the bright side.

Clearing his throat, Yun Che continued "So, I ask the system to increase to possession to five minutes instead of three. That's all I can do, man." In the end, Yun Che decided to return Hoyuu's favor. He did killed forty-five thousand beasts. Besides, increase in two minutes don't really bother him.

"Stingy…." Hoyuu shot him.

"Asshole, you should be grateful that I increased it. Better than three at least."

"Hmph, at least it's something. I had my fun so I am going to sleep. If you wake me up, I'll beat your ass." Hoyuu sighs again before accepting his gift.

"Thanks, watch my back in the future. You dumbass." Yun Che smiled as he thanked him. Hoyuu's might be pain the neck but he still helped him in the end.

"I'll try and keep you alive from now on. Have to watch that annoying flower of yours as well. The world's pretty boring without her. Be seeing you. King. Next time, don't keep the fun to yourself." Then, he went silent. He admits that this guy's pretty annoying but he's the last line of defense for his life. Probably if he died, the rest of his Zanpakuto spirits will die as well. He was kind of grateful having him watching over his back. Not like Ichigo, who deny his existence causing his own Zanpakuto to hate him. By the way. he was not sure it was him or not. It seems that Hoyuu had some kind of soft spot for Jasmine. Despite being an annoying fly to her, he still protected her during the Dragon's assault back then.



He slowly flew towards the ground awaiting conclusion. However, the constant ringing from the system disrupted him from his thoughts. "Now what?" He said before pressing the constant notification.

[Ding… Triggering the second trial's hidden objective.]

"Oh, so what is it this time?" He pressed the notification and its content widen his eyes.

[Ding… Hidden objective triggered: Defeat the 100000th beast.]

"Wait, what?"

Thump…. Thump..

Yun Che shift his eyes to the bottom and saw the ground underneath the tower was shaking. Tremor covers the entire realm as this mysterious beast makes its way towards the tower. Judging from the tremor around the realm, it seems like it came from….



Yun Che turned around and he widen his eyes as he saw the air was cracking around in front of him. It literally cracks not like a tear formed when Menos emerged from Hueco Mundo. Besides, this is a separate realm belong to the Azure Dragon. The hollows can't come here no matter what. All of a sudden, the ground underneath him started to rumble itself before a black object started sprouting from the air. The space around him started to crack like a smashed mirror as he prepares himself for its arrival. Whatever this beast is, it was not going to be a pushover. Dirt and dust flew everywhere as the beast slowly emerged from the cracked space looking majestic to the world. The first thing that they saw was eight massive red eyes with fangs staring straight at him.

Jasmine's first world seeing the emerged object was "A Spider?"

The spider smashed the cracked air and emerged from the hidden space from the realm. It looks like it was observing Yun Che's battle just now and now revealed itself as the hidden BOSS. He fought and destroyed a lot of spiders just now but this one is really different. It carried a dark aura and have a thirst for blood shocking Yun Che and Jasmine. This one is really different from any spiders they fought before. When the spider revealed itself, Yun Che widen his eyes seeing this spider up-close. It was really massive. Not only that the spider was coated with shining armor scales covering its whole body.

Finally, the spider emerged and stood itself in front of Yun Che. He positioned the Ginrei Kojaku next to him before raising his guard against this spider. This thing is no laughing matter. Based on the pressure around it and the dark aura. This thing is far stronger than the two generals he fought in the first trial.

[Ding…. Defeat the 100000th beast: Level 91: The Black Spider of Calamity.]

Yun Che's eyes started twitching before saying "Is this a freaking joke? A monarch level spider? Dude, my full strength didn't even pass the peak of Tyrant Profound Realm and a stronger one appeared? Hey..hey.. Is this for real?"

From above the tower, The Azure Dragon observed the spider before saying "I see it's just as crazed as ever."

Jasmine looked at the dragon and spoke "Sounds like you two are acquainted."

"Sort of, this dragon captured that spider from the era of the gods when it's clan waged a war against this dragon back then. We emerged victorious and this dragon captured and sealed this beast inside this realm." The dragon replied.

Hearing the spider is a beast from the realm of the gods, Jasmine exclaimed "So this spider is a godly demonic beast?"

The dragon sighs and said "Not godly anymore. For thousands of years this spider and I have been residing within this realm without any source of strength. Without it, it slowly loses its godly powers and returned back to a mere Monarch. However, even as a Monarch. This dragon will still not underestimate it."

"So, you captured this one as a prisoner. Locked it in here and didn't feed it. No wonder it looks hungry."

"This spider is this dragon's sworn enemy. Why in the world that I should take care of it? Besides, this realm has 99999 beasts. It can fill its stomach every time."

"Not anymore. This guy killed those beasts remember?" Jasmine remembered his bizarre move just now.

"For The Spider of Calamity to appear. It seems that this thing is attracted to him." The Azure Dragon thought to itself.

Yun Che was listening from below through Jasmine's tenteikura. Looks like this thing had a long history with the Azure Dragon. Wonder why it appeared? It is because he killed all its meal or is it something else?

Without warning, the spider suddenly spits a black substance towards him. Yun Che detected the incoming intent and immediately move outof the way. Looks like this thing is bend on killing him. When he looked closely, that substance appears to be…

"Spider webs? It can shoot from its mouth?" When he looked closely, those spider webs are indeed sturdy and strong. As expected from a Monarch Level spider. Wonder how strong is it if these webs can be turned into clothes?

Seeing Yun Che was pondering, the spider didn't stop there before attacking him once more. Its efforts turned out futile as he managed to avoid of its attack at the last moment before jumping away.The acidic substance from its fang dripping to the ground and melts the ground as it glared Yun Che with absolute intent.

"That armor, arrows won't work just like the dragon from before. Using the empowered arrows might take a while to channel. If I do it, the spider will take this chance to attack. Looks like I have to use the traditional way of fighting." Yun Che dismissed the Ginrei Kojaku before pulling something from his inventory that he purchased from the system a while back. He slowly pulled five silver colored rods before placing them on his belt before he pulling one of them and channeled his spirit force inside it. The energy inside the rod slowly converging into a rampaging energy before solidifying itself into a form a short blade. What he pulls from his inventory was actually a Seele Schneider or a soul cutter.

The Seele Schneider was actually an artifact where Quincies can channel their powers into forming a supported weapon. Yun Che's mastery of Spirit Weapons was only limited to Kojaku and Ginrei Kojaku. He still didn't learn to manifest different weapons or purchase any related artifacts from the system. Moreover, some of the artifacts required his Quincy mastery of spirit weapons to be in the absolute for him to use it. Spirit Weapons and haki weapons are two different things. Furthermore, the latter is more much weaker than a Quincy spirit weapon. Useful to mortals but different story when it comes to Quincies.

Immediately activating his Purgatory and Hollow's mask, his energy blade transformed to dark red as well as the linings of his clothes. He immediately boosts his speed before executing multiple flash step towards the spider. Even if the spider's greater strength and speed, it couldn't even best Yun Che's flash stepping. He immediately moved towards its legs before slicing it clean. The scales might be thick on the head and body but the legs were always the weakest of all scales. He executes his speed as fast as he could before slice all the legs clean causing the spider to fell to the ground.


The spider's body fell the ground as he appeared in the distance still holding Seele Schneider on his right hand. He might be part Quincy, that doesn't mean he can't use a sword. But, the spider didn't even flinch as black substance suddenly covers the cut legs before restoring it back to normal. The process was so fast that it completes in a blink of an eye.

"Chee, High Speed Regeneration. I thought only hollows possessed this ability." He kept on his guard observing the spider slowly getting back up. Then….


He slowly widens his eyes as he heard an alluring voice in the air. It sounds more like a woman but he felt his spine was tingling the moment he heard this voice. "You…you can speak?"

"*Giggle… Of course I can speak mortal. Interesting… It's been a while since I fought a human that can resist me. More….more…. show me what else you can do!!!" The spider immediately jumped towards him before firing web bullets as well as poisonous webs towards him. Yun Che was slowly getting uncomfortable before teleporting near its face and landed a solid kick horizontally.

The kick sends the spider flying and tumbling before shattering any ground and hill nearby. What he heard after that wasn't a thread or even anger but a perverted laugh. "HAHAHA…More..more..more… DOMINATE ME MORTAL!! EHe-he-he-he-he" This thing was even excited from his attacks.

Now, he was really uncomfortable. "This thing…THIS THING IS A FREAKING PERVERT!!!

It slowly healed the damage taken before laughing like a perverted woman. "Hya-ha-ha.."

Yun Ceh straighten himself before asking"You…are all your meals excite you that much?" He asked at the same time feeling tingly all over his body.

The spider answered with a heavy breathing a well as flaring black aura around it."Ehe-he… Normally potential meals didn't even excite me that much. But you… something about you… seems delicious… your pressure…power… and even smell. It sends chills to my body even when you attack me. This is the first time I wanted to be DOMINATED!!!"

"Damn, this thing is a loose screw." The spider slowly attacked again but this time it buried all of its legs' tip underground. Yun Che kept his guard up but all of a sudden…


The tip of the leg suddenly emerged beside him like a wild vine. If he didn't have his haki, those tips would stab him clean. He jumped around avoiding the continuous vines shooting from the ground trying to stab him. Seeing that, the spider didn't give him a moment to stand up. He jumped to the air before forming a massive ball of rampaging energy on his hand. Due to its strength and level, the arrows won't penetrate the scales and the spider can use its spatial abilities to hide the moment he used the arrows. Moreover, this spider has been observing him from the beginning and it knew about abilities of his Ginrei Kojaku and his Evil God arrows.

Stabilizing the rampaging Evil God's third art energy on his hand, he immediately jumped avoiding any attacks came on his way. Executing his utmost speed, he teleported to the spider's head and….

"Destroying Sky Decimating Earth!!!" Yun Che smashed the big ball of red energy onto the spider's head.


When the rumbling energy smashed to its face, it disperses around the spider's body before causing a massive explosion and sending the spider flying into the distance. He did infuse with some of his energy to produce a devastating effect. Moreover, if it's head is destroyed then the regeneration should stop. The spider smashed to the ground before covering it with piles and piles of rocks.

"How's that for size?" Yun Che was confident that kind of attack will be enough to eliminate the spider. If things escalated to critical limit. He had to resort into using his Zanpakuto. However, before he could react. He heard a rumbling sound in the distance as well as the shaking of the earth. Not long before the spider re-emerged from the ground damaged from the blast but the next thing happen shocked him the most. The black spider healed itself back to full power in an instant in it the most shocking thing was it the suction power came from its fang.

"What in the flying fuck?" Yun Che widen its eyes as he saw the spider was absorbing his Evil God third art.

[Ding… The Black Spider of Calamity used the host's attack just now as nourishment. The Spider of Calamity Leveled up to Level 92.]

"Shit…. Now look what you did... you dumbass." He widens his eyes and clapped his hands sarcastically to himself.

The spider laughed in a creepy manner. "Ehe-he-he..Your energy. Its delicious!!!!"

As it levels up, the Azure Dragon let out a big sigh as it observes the spider. "This is why I sealed that thing. It grows stronger by absorbing the energy given to it. That kid made a good decision not using his spirits this time but that attack just now empowered it even more.

Seeing this situation, Jasmine wondered how the dragon defeated it from before."Then, how do you defeat it?"

"It took me a long time to defeat that perverted spider. In the end, when it was injured enough. I took the opportunity to sealed it. I doubt it even remembers me as this thing only thinks about hunger at that time."

Jasmine sounded in her mind. "The demon beasts from the era of the gods sure are weird."

Yun Che tried avoiding using his energy moves on it. The art he used just now using almost a quarter of his spirit force but that thing used it to level up. Now, Zanpakuto are out of the question. If he used them, he just going to give this thing more and more energy. He tried to engage the spider with a hand to hand combat but the more he attacked, the excited this spider will become. Even he loses his composure and feeling a little bit uncomfortable after a while.

Seeing this relentless spider, he suddenly had an idea. Wild and dumb it might be. He could at least tried. "You said you wanted to be dominated right?"

The spider stopped attacking before observing him. "Ehe-he, I admit you are quite interesting for a mortal. It's true I wanted to dominated. I wanted a good fight as well as a good meal. You can provide me with all of them. If you can defeat me. I promised to serve you as my master. Then again, with your puny strength. Dominating me will be just a silly dream."

Cancelling his Seele Schneider and stood up, he slowly said "You know, I might be weaker than you but in terms of dominating. I could be quite fierce." Unaware to the spider, Yun Che's eyes slowly transforming into his sharingan.

"You really are interesting. You have no slight of fear after seeing me. Most mortals died before me simply fear me and that alone excites me. You.. have none of those feelings. If you can't defeat me. I will turn you into my slave."

"Sorry, you perverted spider. Yours truly here will never going to be someone's or something's slave."

"You might say that. AFTER YOU DEFEATED ME!!!" The spider slowly grew excited before running towards him with an intent to enslave him. However, Yun Che didn't move a muscle. He just stood there with his rotating Sharingan observing the spider. Before the spider could approach him, his eyes contracts as flaring aura around him started rampaging.

Suddenly, the aura around him blasts itself to the heavens engulfing anything in the entire realm. The blast was invincible but the spider, Azure Dragon and Jasmine could feel it. The absolute aura of domination. The aura of a great conqueror.

When the aura blasted through the Azure Dragon. It felt quite the intimidation from it. It slowly thought "Such power!! This one carries the power of the Heavenly Kings? No..this is not the power of it. Even the Heavenly King is not a match for this aura. It carries the same power as my soul. What is this power?"

As for Jasmine, she felt his dominating aura. If her soul wasn't empowered by the system, she would passed out from this aura. Even after all of that, she still felt the fear from his aura. Her body slowly shook itself from the fear as she said "You idiot, I never knew your Haki was this powerful. You could conquer the entire world with this alone." This is the first time she felt his haki entirely. Even Retsu's haki paled in comparison compared to him.

The spider's movement was immediately halted as it slammed to the ground. Slowly raising its head along with its shivering body. It spoke out its words "Your aura, this intimidating pressure. Ha ha ha… I finally found you. Intimidating aura, delicious energy not only that you're strong as well. Even if my body crumbles, I must make you MINE!!!" Despite feeling intimidated, the spider slowly moves towards him by dragging its massive body.

"Eeeeekkkee, this thing is a pervert. A loose screw pervert!!! It didn't even have the slightest will to give up." Then, Yun Che immediately released his Absolute Suppression and suppressed the spider on the spot. Because of the pressure, the spider felt like its body was carrying a million tons of weight. It couldn't even move but it can still project its thoughts to him.

Feeling suppressed and unable to move, the Spider of Calamity slowly gave up and said "Mortal, you really are interesting. Thousands and thousands of years passed since the era of gods, you managed to suppress me this much. This alone is enough for me to admit defeat to you. Now, end my life. I finally found the best opponent I have ever faced. I could die with satisfaction."

With that, Yun Che removed his suppression and shut down his haki. Using Will of the Evil Conqueror while maintaining Purgatory and his Hollow's mask at the same time using Absolute Suppression took a toll on his mental strength. Not to mention that Haki is used to suppressed three giant realms above him really tires him out. He powers down all of his power ups before fell on his knees while breathing heavily. The Black Spider of Calamity slowly got up and observing him but it didn't do anything. It gave up just now but Yun Che could feel this thing actually suppressing its desire to gobble him up.

He said while panting "I have no intention of killing you. In fact, I have a proposition." Yun Che straighten himself before looking at the spider's eight glowing eyes. Even if he used his haki and suppression, it was not enough to kill it. His fate is unknown if he runs out of haki and energy to support his powers. He still had one more method but that'll require him to get close to the spider. He didn't expect the spider would just give up after all of that.

Gathering his wits, he slowly said "I wish to make you my follower."

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