Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

105 Chapter 105: Dragon's Inheritance

"I passed? I didn't even take the trial. What do you mean I passed?" Yun Che shot the dragon. Deep down in him, whatever the trial was and no matter how hard it is. He wanted to take it. It's a gamer's intuition where they wanted to take and experience even the smallest mission to complete their gaming experience and achievement.

Challengers usually avoid taking more trials, but the Azure Dragon sensed no fear within Yun Che. It feels like this one wanted to experience more than it could offer. It pulls a deep bteath before saying "The third trial was to test the worthiness of the challenger undertaking the trial. Usually involves going relieving your worst memories. My third trial was pretty much the same as the phoenix trial."

Tapping his fist onto his palm, he said "Ooohhh... that's how it is." If things were the same as before, looks like he can skip this one without a nagging feeling.

Then, the dragon continued "But, seeing you able to pass the phoenix's third trial easily. I have considered you passed the third trial as well. Besides, you have shown me enough surprises today even I wasn't able to comprehend despite being a former divine spirit."

Remembering his past encounter, he smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, easily. I took a stab in the gut for it." He said while being sarcastic.

"What do you mean getting stab in the gut, Danna-sama?Mio looked at him worriedly.

" it's a figurative speech. Haha.. nothing much." He purposely avoid the subject. Wouldn't want Mio suddenly hunting down Su Ling'er for that.

"Ara, is that so?" Mio reassured herself.

"So that's it? No third trial? Or anything?" Jasmine suddenly spoke.

"Yes, Soul Reaper Yun Che. You have passed the third trial. You are more than worthy to receive my inheritance. The purpose of the third trial I wish to see if the person receiving the bloodline and legacy are malicious or evil at heart" The Dragon explained.

Then, it continued "Seeing your performance as well as your action in the second trial prove otherwise. Instead of killing the Black Spider of Calamity, you turned it into your ally. You prove to me you are not evil at heart. Although, I am a bit worried about the Demon-like existence in your body."

Seeing the Azure Dragon was a bit worried about Hoyuu, he then reassured "Oh that guy? Don't worry about him. He kept me alive all the time."

Then, with absolute authority, the dragon finally concluded "Then, my doubts are cleared. Soul Reaper Yun Che. Congratulation in completing my trial. The trial of the Dragon God."

[Ding… Dragon God Third Trial: Prove your worthiness to the dragon.]

[Status: Passed]

[Ding... Hidden Objective Triggered.]

"All right, who am I going to fight this time?" Yun Che shouted in his mind. He thought the hidden objectives was as easy as the Phoenix Trial where he figured out a way to bypass the trial but this Dragon God trial was insane. The trials push him into the frying pan before taking him out and threw him into the fire. The second trial was pretty much the same but at least he got Mio from it.

[Ding... Hidden Objective: Passed the trial without taking the trial.]

He breath a breath of relief before saying "Damn, that almost giving me a heart attack."

"Soul Reaper Yun Che, take out the two crystal fragment you obtained from the first and second trial."

Pulling from his inventory, he pulled out two crystal fragments from it before showing it to the dragon. The crystal fragments slowly float above before the dragon produce another crystal fragment. The final and third crystal fragments. With its power, the fragments fused themselves into one crystal in a single motion forming a single pulsing deep blue crystal. Then, the crystal slowly floats in front of him pulsing with energy of the Dragon God itself.

[Ding…. Congratulation host for obtaining the 'Crystal of the Dragon God.']

Yun Che slowly observe the floating crystal in front of him admiring its beauty before the Azure Dragon spoke "Inside this crystal is everything I had, the purpose of this trial as well as the only thing in this world I am preparing to give. For thousands of years in search of a true successor. It is finally come to an end. Soul Reaper, Yun Che. This is the inheritance of the Dragon God Trial. It is yours now."

He bow his head and said "Azure Dragon, I am honored."

"At last, after thousands of years of searching. I can finally pass on. However, I do have one last request for you. The request I wish and hope you can fulfill it for me."

"What is it?" Yun Che grew curious but he knew what the request was but he decided to play along.

"It is better for you to absorb the crystal in your body before this dragon tell you it's last and final request. Take it from an old dragon. My era is done and now it is yours to forge a new one."

"Hnn" Yun Che nodded before he sits down next to Jasmine.

"Better absorb it fast, I wanted to know what the Dragon has in store for you."

"Danna-sama? Are you going to be okay?"

"I am all right. I survived worse."

"One more thing, Soul Reaper. Before you absorb the inheritance of the Dragon God. Here's something for you. Something I only intend to give to someone I truly see as a True Successor of my Inheritance." The Azure Dragon suddenly roared to the sky before producing some kind of mystic orb a size of a small ball in front of its mouth. As the process carries on, Yun Che can feel the Azure Dragon's life force was slowly getting weaker and weaker as it channels all its power into the orb.

"Azure Dragon, what are you doing?!?" Jasmine and Mio can't feel the declining life force from the dragon but they can see the silhouette of the dragon was slowly getting dimmer and dimmer. When the process was done, the crystal in front of him slowly floats into the mystic orb and floats inside it.

Panting heavily, the Azure Dragon slowly spoke "Soul Reaper, this is the only thing this Dragon God has ever given to anyone. This is my Dragon's Soul. To awaken the full power of the inheritance, this soul is the only one capable of it. Moreover, the Dragon God's Soul, will refine your spirit and soul, giving you powerful mental strength far surpassing that of ordinary humans. Your soul, will also gain the attribute of the Dragon God from this!"

"You…don't have to do this. I can find another way. I can.."

"No… This old dragon had lived and seen enough for one lifetime. This dragon only hope you will be able to accomplish my mission. Now, absorb the orb and the crystal. I will watch over you until you completed the process." The dragon slowly guides the soul in front of Yun Che and a notification suddenly pops in front of him.

[Ding… Main Mission Sequence 3 (Dragon God Trial) Completed: Complete the three trials.]

[Ding… Azure Dragon's Dragon Soul and Inheritance detected. Compatibility with the host's current body. Initiate absorption?]

"Looks like I need to take this. Mio, Jasmine. See you later." He spoke with confidence.

"Hnn, get back here really quick or I'll beat you up."

"Danna-sama, be careful."

Yun Che gave them a nod before pressing the button. All of a sudden, the floating mystic orb with the floating blue crystal inside it slowly entered his body. Yun Che's eyes slowly losing its colors before closing on its own, indicating he entered Hibernation mode just like the phoenix trial.

He was pushed back into his real inner world as notification pops in front of him.

[Ding… Host has discovered the 'Dragon's Divine Soul'. This soul is required to fuse with the host's body before absorbing the inheritance. Initiate fusion?]

"Whatever you have right now system, lay it on me. Don't need my permission anymore."

[Administration permission acquired. Initiate fusion.]

Yun Che can feel his body was slowly adapting to the Dragon God's soul. Suddenly, the calm sea beneath him started to rumble before forming tornadoes of water. The rumbling of those waters terrorize the realm. But, he wasn't affected by the them. The tornadoes slowly form themselves into a massive crystal ball of water and he can feel a familiar energy came from the crystal ball.

"Is this my soul? Damn, such power." He remembered Old man Zangetsu once told him that his soul clashed with the original Yun Che's soul thus decimating it on the spot. If such a small soul clashed with this one basically asking for death.

Then, different colored water jets suddenly burst underneath him and started spinning around his crystal soul just like rotating rings. From what he saw, the colored water consists of black, red, aqua blue, and orange. He extends his observation and saw the jets of water are not just water. These are representative of his merged soul. The black jet of water was his Shinigami's soul, red one was his Hollow's soul, aqua blue was his Quincy's soul and the last one was orange or his phoenix's soul. But, it was strange. The orange jet of water is thinner compared to his other three souls.

Yun Che started to wonder why he didn't get pushed into his inner world when he was merging with his phoenix soul. Then, it struck his mind as he suddenly remembered that his phoenix soul was incomplete. So this so called merging 'ceremony' only valid to complete and real souls. No wonder the phoenix's jet of water was thinner.

Suddenly, another jet of water formed before started spinning around his orb as well. However, this jet of water was dark blue. It has the same thickness as his Shinigami, Quincy and Hollow's souls. He didn't need to take a second guess to identify this one.

"The Dragon's soul. It's a complete soul after all. Then, this merging only works for complete souls?"

[Ding… Host is right about that. The phoenix soul was incomplete but it was able to successfully merged with the host's soul. When host find the other half of the phoenix soul, system will initiate another merging just like this and properly fused the soul into the host's body.]

"Then, what will happen to the phoenix inside me?"

[Currently, the phoenix only has half of its original soul so the its size is smaller compared to a real phoenix. When host merged with the other half later, it will grow larger and even more purer compared to its current appearance.]

"Oh, that's good I guess." He was worried something might happen to his Little Phoenix inside his inner world but since the soul's merging later on just complete his phoenix's soul then all is well.

[The merging of the Dragon's soul is now complete. A representative of the host's dragon soul is now being form inside the host's inner world.]

"Wait, representative? Don't tell me...."


Inside his inner world, where the rest of his spirit resides. A mass cloud was slowly formed underneath the system's core. It carries various thunder and lightning earning the attention of all spirits in the realm. All the other spirits gaze their eyes on the mass thunder clouds slowly formed.

Shirayuki and Kuroyuki at this time were gazing on the cloud near the Divine Lake along with Saru as well as Hebi. Old man Zangetsu was sitting on top of Yun Che's spirit tree while Hoyuu was taking a nap on one of the branches.

"So noisy." Hoyuu sounded while shifting his body to make himself comfortable.

As for Yun Che little girls, they were gazing from the back of the phoenix they rode before landing next to his other spirits. From their looks, none of them were widening their eyes from shock. It seems what happen to the inner world wasn't worth that much to earn their attention.

"Looks like master has fused with another soul."

"Another soul? That means Onii-chan got another friend for us. Just like Hino-chan?" Mizu patted the phoenix's back.

"That's right. That's right. Another friend. Look there, Hino-chan, we're going to have another friend." Kaze squealed happily. Mizu and Kaze named the phoenix according to its name in Japanese which pronounced as Hinotori or 'bird of fire'. But to make it simpler, Yun Che pronounced it as Hino-chan. Making its name official until today.

"What now?" Saru asked calmly.

"Just wait I guess, I sure this one is the same as Hino-chan. Nee-sama? Are you okay?" Shirayuki asked Kuroyuki who started to stare at the rampaging clouds with misty eyes.

"I felt a sense of familiarity with this one." She spoke calmly.

Shirayuki was disbelieved as she shouted "Ehh?!? Don't tell me we have a third sister?"

"No, that's not what I meant. I mean, like seeing a kin of mine. Both of us sisters through our powers and element but this one. I don't know. It's like meeting a distant family." Kuroyuki explained.

"Not only you, Kuroyuki-chan. I felt the same thing as well." Hebi sounded next to her.

Her doubts were answered as soon as the storm of cloud suddenly formed into a familiar shape to Kuroyuki. The clouds and lightning shaped itself into a long snakelike cloud before the lightning covers the it in a bright light. The process was long enough as strong winds and current sweep through the air creating a shocking sensation but none of the spirits are fazed by it. It wasn't long before the coiling lightning shaped itself into a shape of a dragon complete with claws and head as well as long tail. A dragon made entirely out of lightning.

When the process was complete, the lights crumbled into pieces as it reveals the shining blue scales underneath it before revealing other parts of the body. The lights crumbled revealing the claws as its arms and legs. Moreover, it reveals the fin like scales travel from its head towards the end of its tail resembles the fin of a fish. Lastly, the lights reveal the head of the dragon. If Yun Che were here, he can see the similarities between this one and the Azure Dragon. This one have all its features including dragon whiskers, massive antlers on top of its head as well as demonic eyes. Then after everything was formed, six dark blue magatamas slowly formed on its neck similar to the phoenix.

Similar to how the phoenix introduced itself, it shows the world its might before roaring to the skies of inner world.


If this roar was to be heard in the realm of the living, the whole Profound Sky Continent would prostate itself to its might but it wasn't enough to faze the Zanpakuto spirits. Hell, it didn't even wake the sleeping Hoyuu. The process was complete and the Azure Dragon's soul was born into the inner world. It flew all over the peaceful world with its massive shining blue scaled body learning more about its new home. However, its attention was drawn to Kuroyuki who was standing by the lake.

Seeing her, the massive Azure Dragon slowly travel towards her carrying its massive body. Sensing its incoming approach, Kuroyuki slowly floats towards the Dragon accompanied by Shirayuki and the others before standing toe to toe with it. Their figure was considered small in front of the dragon.

"No wonder I sense a familiarity. It was a dragon."

"Nee-sama, you're an Ice dragon right?"

"That's right, despite being different. We dragons look after each other." Shirayuki raised her hand towards the Azure Dragon in an attempt to touch it. Surprisingly, it didn't even resist an allow her to touch it. The others follow her action and give the dragon a touch as well.

"But, Onee-chan. If the dragon is too big. How do we play with it?" Mizu asked with an innocent expression. She didn't even fazed by its might and size.

"That's right. Onee-chan. This one can't even live somewhere in the inner world." Kaze spoke.

"Hmm, the girls are right. Where are we going to put you?" Kuroyuki patted the Azure Dragon's nose. All of a sudden, bright lights covers the dragon once more.

"Now what?" Hebi spoke.

What everyone can see was the lights covering the dragon slowly getting smaller and smaller. When the Azure Dragon revealed itself once more. Its size was smaller compared to its massive size. The dragon still remains the same but the size can be compared to a standard size of a snake. However, its horns and whiskers looked like it shrunk. Even the six rotating magatamas shrunk as wells. It gave Kuroyuki a smell before wrapping itself on her arm and rubbing its head on her cheeks.

"Ara, so cute. Do you have a name?" Shirayuki squeal in delight before asking it.

The Azure Dragon look at her before shook its head.

"It understood us?" Hebi sounded. She too felt a sense of familiarity with the dragon as well. Probably she's a snake which is a long line of descendant of a dragon.

"Yes, just like our Hino-chan here. It's a smart one and by the way it's a she." Kuroyuki said to the others earning a nod from the small Azure Dragon.

"It's a female dragon? Master really do attract a lot of females nowadays. Even had Hino-chan and the Azure Dragon as female soul spirits." Hebi sighs as she remembered that the inner world mostly consist of girls. Except Zangetsu, Hoyuu and Kon.

"So, what are we going to name her?" Mizu and Kaze jinxed with each other.

Everyone give it a though before Shirayuki sounded. "Well, 'Ryujin' means Dragon in our language. Why don't we call her 'Ryu'?"

"Ryu-chan. I like it." Hebi smiled.

"Ryu-chan, her name is so cute. Just like our Hino-chan." Kaze happily said while hugging the phoenix close to her.

"So, Ryu. What do you think your new name?" Kuroyuki asked the Azure Dragon. It simply nodded excitedly as she was given a name.

"Yip" Ryu produced a cute sound. She was roaring but since she was too small. Her roars sounded like a 'yip'.

"So cute." The others thought instantly.

"So, Ryu-chan. Where are going to live? Hino-chan likes to sleep underneath the big tree over there and she sometimes accompanied both of us. You can stay with us." Mizu suggested.

"There's no way she would sleep in the manor. She's a dragon. Let she choose her own place." Kuroyuki suggested.

The dragon 'Ryu' looked around for a while until something caught its attention. Its eyes were fixed on the glittering lake below them. She unwraps herself from Kuroyuki's arm before diving towards the lake.


"Ara-ara, looks like she took a liking to the lake." Kuroyuki spoke again.

"Seems like it." Saru spoke to them. Then, everyone can see she suddenly jumped outside the surface before went in it again. Producing yipping sounds as she jumped all over the lake indicating she chose her place to live from now on.

"Mizu, Kaze and Hino-chan? Why don't you take Ryu and explore the world together. Surely its going to be a while before Yuuki-sama returns." Shirayuki suggested to Mizu, Kaze and Hino.

"Haiii!!" The girls shouted before running to the lake along with the phoenix. By the looks of it, Divine Beast usually have qualms with one another but the Phoenix seems to not have any problem with the Azure Dragon.

"Ara, such cute children. By the way, Nee-sama? On Ryu's neck, why did she have six rotating magatamas? Our Hino-chan only has three." Shirayuki asked her older sister.

"Who knows?" Kuroyuki shrugged her shoulders.


Meanwhile, back to Yun Che's inner world. After the soul merging was a success. Continuous notification suddenly pops to him at the same time. He had to clicked them one by one to understood what he gained from them.

[Ding…. Host has successfully merged with the 'Dragon's Soul.']

[Ding… Host has obtained a new skill. 'Dragon Soul Domain']

"Hell yeah!!! I was waiting for this. The famous dragon soul domain. Yun Che's trump card. The absoulute intimidation skill." Yun Che shouted as he saw the notification.

[Ding… Dragon Soul Domain

Dragon Soul Domain is an incomparably overbearing mental Domain. However, even though it's a mental Domain, it still needs part of the host's Spirit Force to support it. It affects the person by sending them into a nightmare like state. They will not be able to use all of their profound strength if any at all to either attack or defend. It is extremely taxing on the mind to use.]

[Ding… Compatibility between the Host's Dragon Soul Domain and the Will of the Evil Conqueror.]

[Ding… Compatibility between the Host's Dragon Soul Domain and Sharingan's Illusion.]

"Damn…. this means…" Yun Che was shocked. The Dragon Soul domain has the compatibility between his haki and sharingan. As for the results, he was unable to control his excitement to find out.

[Initiating Fusion.]

[Fusion Successful.]

[Ding.. Congratulation host for creating "Will of the Dragon Conqueror."

*This skill enables the host to use it as an intimidation skill that force the opponent to lose consciousness just like host's previous evolved Haoshoku haki. However, anyone below the host's cultivation realm has their fate controlled by the host. Host can use the fear within them to force them to lose consciousness or expand the fear to kill them. As for opponents above the host's current level, intimidation can affect those with higher will power but they will remain conscious. However, mental strength will be consumed if host wish for them to lose consciousness.]

"Holy shit!!! That's OP man. Force them to lose consciousness or killing them? But it only works below my cultivation realm right but who cares!! Intimidation can now work on those above me?"

[Ding… Congratulation host for creating the skill 'Dragon Soul Illusion']

[Cast a smaller version of the Dragon Soul Domain using the host's sharingan that only affects one person. The illusion can affect opponents before sending them into a nightmare state. The illusion will use the dragon's intimidation power to stagger the opponent before making them submit. However, host must be aware if opponents have the ability to dispel the illusion. Dragon Soul Domain will activate itself if the illusion was being dispel by the opponent. Don't worry, a permission notification will be sent before the activation as a safety precaution.]

"Damn, a smaller version. Then, I can cast this one and have the domain backed me up if things go south. Hahaha… This is great. This is too great. One new skill and two evolved skills." Yun Che nodded before making a mental note to test these skills later.

[Ding… System has discovered six drops of Dragon God Blood Essence within the Dragon God Crystal. Proceeding with the merging process.]

Yun Che nodded before gave it a thought. "Six drops? The dragon was generous to give me six drops. Even the phoenix only gave me three. Wait, could it be the phoenix soul was incomplete and it can only gave me three? This means the other half of it has the other three drops? Only one way to find out I guess."

[Ding… Merging successful. Host now possessed the Dragon God Bloodline. The merging of the bloodline with the host awaken the following bonuses.]

Yun Che felt his body was changing into a new one. He suddenly felt his blood was getting hotter in his body. Then, he felt his body was stronger and sturdier compared to before. Even stronger after being enhanced by the Great Way of the Buddha. When, the warm sensation was offer. He gave his arm a squeeze. He widen his eyes as he slowly felt that his bones were getting stronger and harder. He felt like he could hold the entire world within his palm.

Seeing the latest notification, he wondered "Bonuses?"

[Ding... Merging of six drops of blood has given the host the bloodline of the dragon and a 'Virgin Yang Seed. It will be passed on the first time host and a woman of choice did the deed, after doing so the other party will also have some Dragon God blood as well as empowered a person to jump several levels in cultivation.]

Yun Che widen his eyes again before smiling sheepishly. "All right... I read about this thing before. Last time, Yun Che gave his virginity to save Little Fairy. Now, I have this one as well. I don't who am I going to give this one to"

[Ding… For your information host, system can generate more Virgin Yang Seed with the cost of 5000 SP if host desire to empower more women in future. However, Virgin Yang Seed can only be given once into the woman. ]

"...…." Yun Che was speechless. Totally speechless. So can give his virgin yang seed to anyone, regenerate it again and give it to another one? What in the world? On second thought, maybe he can use it as a mark for his women.

Shaking his head and dismissed the thought. He said to himself "I'll think about this later. What's next?" By the way, he couldn't help but feeling his cheeks went red just thinking about the possibilities.

[Ding… The merging of the blood and soul has transformed the host's body into the body of a True Dragon. This body has been merged successfully with the Great Way of the Buddha and empowered the Body into the First Level of the Tyrant Profound Realm. Moreover, the blood of the Dragon God strengthens the host's body, the meridians, profound veins, bones, flesh, and skin. It increases to the toughness of the body to be comparable to the body of a True Dragon and gives incredible regenerative power to the inheritor.]

[Ding… Host's body is now at the First Level of Tyrant Profound Realm.]

[Ding… As results from host's body transformation. The regenerative power of the Great Way of the Buddha will still remain the same but host's regeneration and body healing powers has been enhanced. Any wounds regardless big or not will be instantly healed and broken bones restored. Host will be invulnerable to impossible to be wounded by opponents of the same level. However, 50% defensive powers are applied to counter opponents above the host's cultivation but the experience needed to level up the Great Way of the Buddha will not decrease and host will be able receive full experience points even with the body's buff.]

"Damn, my body will be even stronger than steel and immovable as a rock. Wait, if I got hit by a truck, I can still come out unscathed?"

[Lastly, Host's bones have been empowered with Dragon God Marrow. It makes the bones like fine steel, and the marrow like an impregnable fortress. Any lost blood and strength during the battle will be instantly restored as it also possessed regenerative capabilities for it. The marrow will continuously generate new genuine dragon blood and increased Dragon God's bloodline even in sleep. When marrow has been implemented. Host's body experience will gain 1000 XP for every minute in sleep. The marrow also capable in regenerating any lost blood essence. Be it Dragon Essence or Phoenix's Essence.]

[Ding… Congratulation host for obtaining the Achievement "The Rebirth of the True Dragon." Complete the main mission "Dragon God Trial." Experience gained 10000XP and 5000SP. Hado #34Kongōbaku. (Adamantine Blast)]

Understanding his rewards and calm his excitement, he slowly stood up and stretch himself. Now enjoying the sensation of a stronger body, he said to himself. "Now, that's done. It's about time for me to return to the real world. Those two girls are waiting and I feel bad keeping them this long."

Yun Che stood up to initiate the log out session. Suddenly….


"Wait what? I thought the bonus was over?" He pressed the new notification and the next one shocks him to the core.

[Ding... Host has triggered a special reward from the system.]

"Special reward? Last time it gave me Nemu for summoning Kon. Now what?" He pressed the notification and it popped in front of him.

[Host has completed a special hidden mission from the system.]

1) Obtained the Dragon God True Dragon's Body (✔)

2) Obtained the Dragon God Bone Marrow (✔ )

3) Obtained the Dragon Soul (✔ )

4) Obtained the Dragon's Blood (✔ )

[All there Dragon God inheritances are obtained. Special hidden mission achieved. A special reward is now available to the host. Do you want to open it?]

"Well, no harm's done right?" He immediately pressed the button and this one really cause him to fell on the water, good thing he can float stood on it.

He shouted as he rubs his eyes and wonder if this is a big joke to him. "Wait...wait.. seriously?!?!?"

[Ding... Congratulation host for obtaining a special reward from the system:

[The Dragon Transformation.]

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