The burly man continued "Yeah, they tried to send a team into the tomb but it was blocked. Heard it was protected by an age and profound strength restriction."

"Let me guess, send the younger generation below the True Profound Realm?" One of his companions shot in sarcasm. Yun Che nodded in agreement as well as it is common for such restriction to be placed on it. Usually involving younger generations getting in, beat each other up, getting out and offending someone. Pretty cliche and common if they asked him.

"No…" The burly man answered and it pique Yun Che's interest again.

"This time, the restriction required men and women above thirty years old and cultivation of the Peak of Sky Profound Realm can enter." The burly man explained to his companions.

"Wait…what? This is the first time I heard such a restriction being set up." The others nodded as well. Setting a profound cultivation was common but thirty years old? That's the age of a middle age man. None of them have the proper age to enter. Except Mio but only valid in her memories as her age right now has been set as an 18-years-old by the system as if she has been given a new body and age.

"But, usually the younger generation take the stage but this time they required above thirty years old." One of them sighs again. If the tournament is for younger generation, they couldn't enter but when this one is for peak old generation. They won't stand a chance against them.

"The old ways is quite different from nowadays." Yun Che just said in his heart while he shook his head as he listened.

"So, in order to create a ten-man team. The Xiao Clan organized some kind of tournament to allow cultivators with those requirements to fight for a spot. However, the two spots are already reserved for the elders of the Xiao Clan." Well, this is their tomb so its only natural they get the first pick.

"Tournament? Damn, the whole empire will wound up participating to enter the tomb. I mean, this is the tomb of the Moon Empress am I right?"

"You bet. I am also betting that it may attract people of the sacred grounds as well. It seems that they have men stationed in the empire for the past two years. Probably because of the two major event in the continent back then." As they said that, Yun Che and Retsu simply shifted their eyes sideway. Well, they were the main culprits of those events.

Then, one of them decided to ask "So, where's the tournament taking place?"

"It will take place in the Xiao Clan training area in Gao Ling City. Heard they will organize it the day after tomorrow. I am going there to observe the old generation tomorrow." The burly man said concluding their talk before discussing their next step.

Yun Che and the others obtained the information they need. But something still lacking somehow but he decided to asked Cang Yue anyway.

"So, Cang Yue. Where is this Gao Ling City?" He never heard of this Gao Ling City before. The world is much more vast than what described in the novel. All he ever heard about was the imperial city itself but never heard of this Gao Ling City.

"Gao Ling City? Hmmm, I don't remember last time I went there. But the city is a day's trip to the Imperial City." Cang Yue replied while remembering her past travels.

Retsu tilted her head sideways as she too didn't know about the existence of Gao Ling City. "Sister Yue, can you tell us more about Gao Ling City?"

"Ahh, you can say it's a city that serves as the entrances into the territory of the Blue Wind Empire's Imperial City. It is one of the four cities surrounding it. To think that a teleporting formation was hidden there. Make sense as the Gao Ling City was the first city created by our ancestor to serve as the Imperial city's vanguard. Despite it's a vanguard city, it is also quite large but not as large as the Imperial City itself."

Yun Che nodded as he asked the system from his mind "System, any directions to Gao Ling City?"

[Ding… Area mapping complete. Host can head north and the city is located 1000km from this place.]

[Ding initiating direction.]

[Ding…. A side quest has been activated.

Recover The Legend of the Moon Empress

Requirement: Level 70

Description: Explore the hidden secrets hidden by the ancestor of the Cang family.

Rewards: 100000XP and 10000SP]

[Ding…Setting the quest as the current quest.]

Then, a small arrow suddenly pops in his map indicating the direction of the city itself. Moreover, the arrow indicate that his next objective was in motion. The only problem is, how in the world is he going to participate in the tournament? Since it requires men and women above thirty. So, he would need a disguise or a faux persona for it.

The three girls observe Yun Che's expression before he formed a smile on his face. Those girls knew what it meant but Mio was fast enough to asked him. "Danna-sama, you're planning to participate in that tournament right?"

Retsu knew he won't let this kind of event go especially involving exploration. "*giggle…. Of course he's going to participate. Yuu-kun never let this kind of event slips by. But Yuu-kun, even if you could obtain it. You can't actually cultivate them right?"

"No, I am doing this to ease my boredom. You know me... doing this just to kill some time. Besides, me and Kon are males. We can't cultivate that thing. What about you girls?" He replied while thinking some ways to cause some ruckus at the tomb area later.

"Then, are you going to cultivate it, sister Retsu?" Cang Yue asked her. Knowing her talents, she can successfully cultivate the art without failing. Far better canditate than her.

"Hmmm…hmmm…" Retsu shook her head and she replied "We soul cultivators walked different path compared to other cultivators. Besides, I walk the path of slaughter, blood and restoration. Pure Yin energy is far too boring for me and even if I cultivate it, my demonic fox won't accept them easily. Besides, I never planned cultivating this method."

Cang Yue nodded in understanding before turning her attention towards Mio. "Then, sister Mio?"

"Me? Hmmm. Nope. I am not interested in cultivating such arts. I am more of a spatial arts kind of woman and my way of cultivation is much darker compared to Moon energy. So I have to pass…" Mio replied casually. She was already a monarch and moreover she had complete control of the darkness itself. However, Yun Che warned her not to expose the abilities as a darkness cultivator as those cultivators are the enemy of the continent itself.

"Then…. Who is it for?" Kon sounded underneath Yun Che's robes.

"Aren't we forgetting someone?" Yun Che slowly said while shifting his attention towards Cang Yue followed by others.

"Me???…Yun Che… No…impossible.. Someone like me…" Cang Yue murmured softly. Yun Che can sense that she was disappointed before as she couldn't enter the tournament and obtain it herself. Even if he can help her with the system but her cultivation was still lacking. But seeing that Yun Che was willing to enter the tomb for her. She felt she owes him a lot already. She felt she was pushing too much burden on him.

"There you go downgrading yourself again. You have to stop that Cang Yue. Besides, you're the only one capable of cultivating it and you'll honor your ancestor if you succeeded. We'll help you all the way..." Yun Che reassured her.

Cang Yue was still feeling like she's the worst possible choice. She gripped the corners of her kimono and said "But…there are others worthy…"

Then, he immediately stop her downgrading moment as he spoke "No, I am not leaving you behind. Each of us had something special in our arsenal and you on the other hand still sticking to old methods. You need something more fitting for you. Plus, you're the Blue Moon Princess. It's about time, the Moon Princess rise up and surpassed the Moon Empress."

Mio continued "Yue'er, the past is in the past. Your ancestor failed doesn't mean you have to fail as well. Retsu-chan and I will help you.. Danna-sama will do whatever it takes for you to succeed. Ease your worries and have confidence."

"Yun…Che…Everyone… Thank you...thank you for doing this for my sake… I can't." She slowly shed a tear as they are willing to help her cultivate. Turning her into someone worthy enough to stand by their side.

Yun Che just pat her head affectionately and said "Don't worry, you're one of us now. I can't leave you behind after all you've been through. Then again, the cultivation of the tomb required cultivators above thirty years old and had the cultivation of the Peak Sky Profound Realm can enter it. My cultivation is perfect so I'll enter that tomb."

"Then, I'll enter as well. Its been a while since I last stretch." Retsu suddenly spoke while thinking on the trouble she can cause later.

"Well, you can't Retsu. Your cultivation still on the seventh level of Sky Profound Realm." Then he sent a tenteikura to her on that moment and continued "Besides, the system can help us disguised ourselves surpassed our age and it can mask our cultivation lower than our current but not higher."

"Muuu…" Retsu shot him a cute pout but Yun Che petted her head affectionately. She might have the strength of a monarch but she didn't have the requirement yet.

As he slowly petted her soft head. "Don't worry, watch over Cang Yue for me."

"Hnn… I will Yuu-kun." She replied while enjoying his touch causing others to look at her with envy.She did have the perks of being his fiancee.

Seeing them getting all lovey dovey, the jealous Mio immediately pull his petting hand and place it on her head as she ignored Retsu dissappointed glare. "Then, Danna-sama. I can enter too right?"

Seeing her this aggressive, Yun Che simply smiled at her antics. "I doubt it. I mean. It required the Peak of Sky Profound Realm but yours is too high. Besides, your strength maybe attract some attention. So to be safe, just let me handle this matter. I am planning to make a debut using a persona so all of us can remain low profile until the tournament. So Mio, Retsu... just let me handle this matter...okay..? "

"But, even if you can enter that selection. How in the world are you going to disguise yourself?" Cang Yue asked him once more as she didn't know about system's disguise feature.

"Don't worry, I have a transformation art that allows me to transform into anyone regardless of age. Even against the age measuring pearl, this art is foolproof."

"Goodness, there's an art capable of that?" Cang Yue was quite shock by it but Mio and Retsu didn't have any reaction whatsoever.

"Yeah, it's an art I rarely use. Besides, I want to use this person to make a big debut in that tournament. I already cause enough attention and it's about time I lay low for now, shifting the attention to the guy I am disguising as later."

"But who are you going to disguise as, Yuu-kun?" Retsu asked him as she too was curious on his alternate persona.

"For now, let me worry about that…."

As they set their discussion. The food came was faster than expected. The problem is they ordered twenty servings of food without batting an eye and shifted everyone's attention including the pedestrians to them. Not only these women are beautiful, they are even eating a lot. But some people didn't actually believe them and started mocking them for showing off. What shocks them the most was only the one with fuchsia hair eat very little and slowly but the rest of them were eating faster than the eye could see. It was fast but they still maintain the elegance of a lady while eating. They didn't eat like messy ones but the speed was enough to cause everyone in a shock.

One by one the plates were stacked next to them and it was finished before the next serving arrived. The same thing happened over and over again. The waiters and chef almost gave up but they have to work for the purple coin passed to them. What they didn't noticed that it wasn't four people ate the servings but it was five. Kon turned into a streak of light as he jumped from food to food without anyone noticing.

After a while, the twenty servings are instantly finished and some of the waiters collapsed after running in and out of the restaurant.

As Yun Che took a sip from the cup, he patted his stomach. "Damn, that hit the spot."

"Kon-sama can't take another bite." Kon sounded feeling full from inside his cloak. His speed was fast enough as to eat as fast as lightning without anyone seeing.

"Compared to our cooking, these barely satisfy me but we take what we can get." Mio slowly said as she wiped her mouth elegantly with a napkin.

"Haii… Yuu-kun said we must never waste food. But, I was hoping to ate more." Retsu slowly saidas she wiped her mouth. Even twenty servings isn't enough to satisfy her. No wonder they tend to hunt larger beast and managed to finish it in a day.

Seeing them eating like glutton, Cang Yue sighs at their capabilities. "Muu, how do you two eat while maintaining those beautiful and alluring bodies. Even I have to watch my own eating habit."

The rest of the observing people were and gawking shocked to the core. How in the world these man and women able to eat so much? Whoever married them in the future will stuck with the duty of feeding these women and the man's life will be hell especially his wallet. Good thing Yun Che can cook and had the system supporting him. Otherwise, keeping these girls fed will be a handful.

They ignored the whispers around them as they left the restaurant but Yun Che decided to toss another purple coin to the waiters. They looked at him with dumbfounded look as he left but decided to bow in appreciation to him.

While exploring the city, they finally found a moderate inn they could stay for now. It's a good thing typical young masters harassing ladies quite uncommon in this small town. Otherwise, both he and Kon might have to do some beating all the way. For them to stay in such a low level inn cause quite a stir among people there. In the end, he ordered two largest rooms with a single purple coin for them to stay so he could avoid the attention where he hogs the three girls at the same time. At first the manager couldn't accept the coin but he gave it without expecting anything in return because that's the only thing he got. Well, he did use all of his low level coins feeding his Little Aunt and Retsu back then.

Despite all of that, they might have some issues on who get to stay with him. In the end he dismissed the thought of them staying together and he chose a room for him and Kon while the other three girls can have the other room much to girls pouting. The reason was he wanted to decide on his next disguise and both Retsu as well as Mio knew he wanted to use the system's interface so they decided to give him some space. But that doesn't mean they can't sneaking in on him.

"Huarrgghh, the bed after a meal is the best thing." Kon leaped from under his cloak and landed on the bed.

"You sounded like an old man, you dumbass."

"You're the dumbass. By the way, who are you going to personating as?"Kon asked while sitting down on the bed. Yun Che decided to sit on the floor while give this matter a thought.

"Hmm, I was thinking of some famous men from our previous world though but there aren't any reasons for choosing them." He was thinking of personating himself as famous members from bleach like Ichimaru Gin, Kyouraku Shunsui, Jouchirou Ukitake and most importantly, Aizen Sousuke. As Aizen was kind of badass but without the correct Zanpakuto, personating as any them will leave a bad taste. He could personating himself as Ukitake but that guy's personality is not fun as he was more of a shut in type. So, scratch him out of the list. He wanted to personating as Aizen but he felt like Aizen's persona was needed if he wanted to do something drastic but for tournaments, nope. Besides, without Kyouka Suigetsu. It felt his persona as Aizen may not be perfect. But personating as Aizen somehow needed when he arrived in the Realm of the Gods and obtained his Zanpakuto later on. That's where he'll make his debut as Aizen if needed.

He needed someone that can cause enough sensation. More importantly, above thirty years old.

"More importantly, no man in Bleach can fit that description. Maybe someone else will do… but who…" He was thinking of other animes aside from bleach. Then, suddenly an image of a man suddenly appeared in his mind. Judging from his fighting and capabilities. He's perfect.

"Damn…. He's perfect. He'll take the attention of me for the time being. If I use him, I can cause some ruckus without using myself. I always wanted to personified as him even in the previous world."

Seeing Yun Che suddenly smiled, Kon asked "Hooo… who is it..?"

"Hehe…. it's a surprise…" He immediately accessed the item medication feature and started designing the clothing of that particular man. Seeing the clothing was perfect, Yun Che started smiling to himself before saying "You'll become the perfect attention grabber shifting the world's attention from me for now. I can't enter the Moon Empress Tomb tournament as I am but you'll be perfect."

He used the leftover fabric from his first outfit and asked the system to design it for him. He wanted to ask Shirayuki but she can't make men's clothing so he has to rely on himself for now. More like relying on the system.

"I left the designing for his features later on. But for now, it's time to create his weapon." Then he pulled out the Dragon Fault obtained from the Azure Dragon back in the trial. This thing became the original Yun Che's faithful sword until he broke it in the Primordial Profound Ark in the future. Seeing this dragon's head like blade being disassemble to create something new kind of sucks.

"Am I going to disassemble this weapon to forge a new one? Yeah, I am…" Without feeling guilty, he decided to diassemble the sword anyway. Well, it was bound to be destroyed and eaten in the future. So, what's the use of keeping them?

"System, disassemble the Dragon Fault Heavy Sword and turned it into forging material. But keep the blade's quality. Morever, disassemble all the weapons and armors obtained from my adventures."

[Ding… Disassembling initiated….]

Seeing the blade being disassembled into crafting materials kind of feeling suck but its better than letting the blade collecting dust in his inventory. This time, he uses it to create a perfect weapon for his disguise. Moreover, all the armors, spears, swords and any items he obtained before being disassembled as crafting materials. He didn't need them anymore and besides, these items enough to cause a sensation among normal cultivators as they still empowered items.

[Ding… Disassembling complete… Do you wish to create a new sword?]

Yun Che pulled out a design from his head for the sword he wanted to create. Seeing this blade, it'll be the only normal blade without any powers in his arsenal but the truth is he wanted to wield this blade for a long time now but this sword only exists in fantasy realm but now he had the chance of wielding it. He'll take it any other day.

When Kon saw the sword's design in thesystem's design feature, he suddenly spoke "Damn, that's one big sword. That man you're about to disguise as use this sword?"

"Yeah, it's the strongest sword in that world. It didn't have any divine status but that man wielded it like a true swordsman. Besides, his title, looks and weapons perfect for making his debut in that tournament."

[Ding… Do you want to use this design as its permanent form? Host needed to be warned that host must dissemble the blade once more to redesign it. So are you sure?]

"Yes…System, initiating the forging. Fuse all the disassembled blades materials into the dragon's fault original blade." He had the materials disassembled just now fused into a form of a single blade. Those swords might be weaker but those materials were perfect to empowered it. Besides, it could increase its stats and durability. He even had the materials from the disassembled armor fused into the clothings. As the fusion was initiated, he can see the blade's color was slowly transitioning from original dragon fault silver into black.

[Ding… Administration permission acquired… Initiated automated assembly. Estimated completion time is one hour.]

"Good....Now's a perfect time to design his features." Another notification pops in front of him as he was about to begin his persona design.

[Ding… Host can now give this sword a name.]

"Yes..use the sword's original blade. System…rename the sword to…"

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