[Ding…. Level 90 Transformed Minotaur. This Minotaur resulted from Lang Long consuming the Beast Transformation Pill but this pill was still in experimental stage. It caused him to permanently entered beast stage and boost his cultivation by two massive realms. This process is impossible to be reverted and there's a great chance his soul is lost forever.]


"To think that pill is much more of a nuisance and had this capabilities. Imagine what happened if they mass produce it." He lazily spoke with his Mihawk's persona.

"Tell me about it. You said something familiar happened in your world as well." Jasmine wondered as she floats next to him.

"Kind of, they create it using a machine in a form of a fruit. They even called it 'Smile'"

Jasmine widen her eyes and said "Smile? What kind of name is that?"

"I'll tell you about it later. Anyway, that thing and this pill basically the same thing."

"*Sigh, maybe next time. I am going back to the inner world. Call me once you're done because I wanted to see what the third and final message has to offer." With that, Jasmine disappeared back into his forehead and he can face this beast without her remarks.

The Minotaur was twenty feet tall with hair covered all over its body. Its arms and legs had a slightly darker fur color compared to its other body parts. Moreover, it even grew a bull's tail as well as two massive bull horns on top of its head. The sinister pill came from the Wu Clan transformed that poor elder into something hideous but at the same time powerful enough to counter any martial artist below its level. Its body was full of fur and standing upright like a normal human would as well as carrying a stone axe ripped from the Moon Empress's statue. Its horns were large enough and it almost had the size of a mammoth's tusk. While roaring, Its eyes were almost red in every corner and steam coming out of its nose as it stares Yun Che's figure on the arena.

Seeing the Minatour that large as well as intimidating, he started to wonder why the other Wu Clan members refused to let one of their own used this thing. If that Wu Clan elder managed to use this thing. It might have the power to destroy the whole city and none of the other sect can stop it. He might actually interfere if that happens and exposing his true powers. He slowly sighs as he murmured "That old jackass was right. They didn't lie about this thing being an improved version despite it was still under experimental stage."


Because of his constant dodging, the beast became enrage before it continued to bombard him with more wild heavy attacks. The attacks were heavy enough to shattered and cracked the entire stage in the process. This thing might be acted purely on instinct but he wasn't dumb enough to take that heavy swing especially when the weapon used is actually a stone axe made from stone materials from the knowledge gained from the Apple of Eden. Besides, he wondered why in the world the Moon Empress placed a real and stone hard axe on her statue?



Yun Che continued to parry and attack the Minotaur without any hesitation. Compared to the orc he faced before. This thing is several times stronger and acted purely on instinct. The problem of instinct based creatures is they didn't require any sane mind as medium of thought to attack and it just acted as a wild beast just to satisfy its rage.



The sounds of explosion and parried attacks were heard across the stage as Yun Che dodged the attacks thrown at him. Swinging Yoru against the beast, he used his energy attacks to push it towards the wall several times but this thing is relentless. Every time he smashed Yoru on the beast, he actually used his green energy attacks and send it flying across the stage and smashed it against the wall. He didn't want to use his massive attacks due to the structure integrity of the tomb and such attacks might result the entire cave falling in on them. Besides, he didn't even find the Moon Empress's sarcophagus or the Apple of Eden itself yet. That means, he wasn't ready to destroy this entire cave yet.

The Minotaur continued to rise after being sent flying and charging in on him once more. Its two white horns were glowing with profound energy as it continued to smashed itself onto the wall while attempting to swing its axe against Yun Che.


Yun Che immediately jumped avoiding its wild axe swings before landing a solid haki coated kick on the beast's jaw sending flying to the wall once more. While fighting the Minotaur, a notification suddenly pops into his head.

[Ding… System detected a strand of consciousness is attempting to enter the host's body. System has successfully denied its entrance.]

Yun Che was dumbfounded as he spoke "Wait, a strand of consciousness? What kind of consciousness?"

[Ding… It is unknown but system detected it attempted to enter the host's consciousness several times.]

Yun Che immediately paused for a moment, a consciousness is attempting to enter his mind. Morever, he can't even see and detect it. If it wasn't for the system..."What in the world…."


"This thing is relentless." But no matter how many times he sent it flying, this thing just keeps getting back up. He decided to suppress this thing first before he decided to investigate about the consciousness. It attempted to enter his body and if he didn't have the system, who knows what will happen and moreover, he didn't even see it approached him.

Seeing the smashed arena around him, he thought it was a good thing he had Chu Yueli removed one of the statues to disrupt the light flow to the pyramid. He didn't view the message yet but at least he managed to protect the pedestal from the Minotaur's rampage.

As for Chu Yueli herself, she was watching the entire fight from above. She had her eyes widen all the time as she was watching the entire battle unfolds. In her eyes, Mihawk was overpowering the beast with ease despite being several times stronger than him. She was thinking of assisting him in defeating the beast but when she looked at him and his expression, she gave up on that thought. What shocks her the most was the beast's strength was at the Peak of Tyrant Profound Realm and it was more than enough to frighten the wits out of her but he was able to toy with it at ease.

As she was watching his back, she didn't even realized that her cheeks were red as she observed him fighting on the stage. "No wonder he warned me back then. I wonder what'll happen if I let that man consume that pill, Is he going to save me if it happens?"

As she was pondering, she didn't realize a figure was approaching her from behind and she immediately turned her head. The Figure was mone other than The Xiao Clan elder from before. She immediately gained some distance and glared at him.

"I never knew Fairy Li Yue was a member of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. The rumors of them being absolute beauties really sparks a person's interest in you. But usually, Frozen Cloud Asgard Fairies used veils to covered their beauties but Fairy Li Yue seems fine without your veil." The Xiao Clan elder from before sneaked behind both Yun Che and the Minotaur in order to find Chu Yueli thinking that all the treasures are given to her for safe keeping. Even if she didn't have it, he wanted to use her as leverage to provoke Mihawk.

"What's it to you?" She coldly hissed him.

"Shame that I have to harm that beautiful face of yours unless you gave me the treasure you two possessed on the pedestals. Seems that every treasure displayed there was taken and you two were the only ones that were alive. So, can you hand them over?"

"Hmph, we maybe at the same strength but are you strong enough to defeat me?" Chu Yueli immediately had her guard up before drawing her sword. She didn't dare to underestimated the Xiao Clan elder as that formation will not work against Mihawk but he is preoccupied right now and she had to rely on herself.

"I think I have the advantage, Fairy Li Yue. Come, let me taste the bodies of the Asgard Fairies." The Xiao Clan elder draw his sword and licked his lips to provoke her.

"VULGAR!!!" She immediately engages him to prevent any chances for him to be use that formation. Judging from his spatial ring, he probably kept them in there and she needed to distract him long enough for Mihawk to finish his fight.

As both Mihawk and the Minotaur clashed, the same goes for Chu Yueli and the Xiao Clan elder. She too clashed the same way as both Yun Che and Minotaur but none of them suffered any disadvantages. Chu Yueli continued to attack the Xiao Clan elder without giving him any chance of retaliating. She was afraid he might use the same formation to counter her and she's already had a bad trauma because of them. She relied on Mihawk for long enough now and it's about time she relied on herself. The Xiao Clan elder immediately activated his profound movement art and distance himself from her. Despite being the same strength, her relentless assault prevents him from using any counter attacks to counter her.

"Fairy Li Yue's strength really changed once she donned her Frozen Cloud Asgard robes as if you and the black clothed woman from before were like two different people. Fairy Li Yue or whoever you are, this tomb will be your grave and there's nothing that swordsman can do about it!!!" With a swift motion, he pulled the formation's paper before placing it on the floor. Chu Yueli was ganking him suddenly felt the formation's effect suddenly spread around her. She suddenly felt despair as those moments descended on her once more and she felt on her knees with a scared expression.

"Hmph, Frozen Cloud Asgard really is beautiful but the moment you lose your strength will be the end of you. I wonder if I get to enjoy such beauty in my arms. The formation might not work on him but if I can use you as a hostage, I could easily control that swordsman. It seems that you and him are closer than I thought." He spoke with a sinister smile.

Chu Yueli felt a moment of despair in her head as he Xiao Clan elder was slowly approaching her but she remembered the moment when Mihawk saved her, her sister's face, her disciple and everything. She was pulled from the brink of death before and she refused to descend on that level. Suddenly, she felt something changed from within…

"This energy.... elder sister? No, it's almost the same as her but profound strength is useless in the formation but why?" She felt the changes of the energy inside her body but particularly, her profound energy. She regained her composure once she thought that maybe her elder sister is actually helping her in secret.

"It's the same as elder sister, it's pure but how?" She detected the new form of her profound energy inside her body. It wasn't much but it slowly changes her profound energy into something warmer and purer. More importantly, it slowly resists the effects of the formation.

"I wonder how Fairy Li Yue's body actually felt like." The Xiao Clan elder showed her a sinister smile while she was keeping her head down. As the perverted hand slowly descending towards her. She gathered up the warm energy and her wits in her body before focusing it onto her fist…



She immediately raised it before shoving a knuckle sandwich on the elder's face. Due to its purity, the new energy enhanced her strength and develop some kind of enhancement on her fist and it sent him flying instantly into the nearby wall. She was still under the formation's effect and her body felt like she was a mere mortal but that fist's power she used just now was equivalent to a first level throne's attack.

She was dumbfounded due to the changes within her body. She immediately scanned her fist and found out that the mysterious energy she used just now was actually the same pure energy as her sister. "What is this? It's really is the same as elder sister! But that's impossible, I didn't have the fortuitous encounter as elder sister but…... how did I achieved it?" However, she decided to push the questions out of her head before slowly walked towards the source of the formation. With a swift motion, she ripped the paper apart and the effects of the formation was instantly cancelled. She also regained her profound strength once more. Then, she immediately scans her bodies and found out that her energy was slowly evolving and changing.

"This energy, the warm and pure energy elder sister emits before but this is not hers but it's my own. How in the…." Then, she detected something amiss in her body and found out that her ice heart had shattered.

Her heart was heavy once more as she thought about her years of cultivating that ice heart was instantly wasted as it was shattered from her previous fight. But she didn't felt anything was wrong and her profound energy was stronger than ever. No wonder she felt all these emotions such as fear, despair, happy, depressed and sad thoughts. It was because of her shattered ice heart. But when she looked closely, she didn't feel any weaker like the failures of her sect. She felt like she was way stronger than her previous self as if she was changing into a new person.

"Could it be…... but that's impossible…" She tried to formulate and formed a simple ice arrow on her hand. Seeing it changed in front of her eyes, it really is evolving and looks exactly like her sister's. Normal ice profound energy and techniques looks like typical ice looking attack but hers really looked like her sister's ice. It was some kind of crystal ice and it was much more powerful than an ordinary ice. Before she could test it out, the elder emerged from the pile rubble rubbing his sore cheek from her sneak attack. If he didn't protect his face at time, he was bound to die from that fist and he was also shocked as her attacks were equivalent to a first level throne.

"Impossible…how are you able to use profound strength? You just a peak Sky Profound Realm like but why is that fist attack just now is a throne level strength?? You…. what kind of treasure did you find in here?" The elder roared at her as he was dumbfounded at the changes of her strength. She was the same level as him but to be able to use a first level throne attack was enough to cause the whole empire to shift its eyes on her.

Chu Yueli regained her composure while maintaining the ice arrow on her hand and she shot him with a glare. "You dare used that despicable formation against me. Let's see what happened if the shoe is on the other foot." She immediately engaged him in another clash as both cultivators started to fight once more. This time, she used the pure and warm energy once more and she overwhelms him by a large margin. Her cultivation was still the same but the power behind her attacks was much more powerful and purer. The elder who was the same as her from before feels like he was utterly dominated when she used her Frozen Cloud Arts against him.

Chu Yueli coated her sword with her Frozen Cloud Arts before smashing it on the elder's sword. What shocks her again was the moment the iced sword makes contact with his own, it instantly froze and caused the elder to backtrack his steps. If he was too late by a second, his weapon would have shattered.

"It's that treasure. She found a treasure that elevates her attacks. Damn her, why did she was the one encountered all of this. This is the tomb the Xiao Clan found and it's our right to gain it." The Xiao Clan elder cursed his luck seeing Chu Yueli obtained something much more powerful in this mysterious tomb. What he doesn't know that her unique profound energy was the one doing all the work.

"I won't accept this…. I won't accept this..." The Xiao Clan elder began his relentless assault on Chu Yueli. But now that her energy was slowly changing, she instantly changes the whole course of the battle. The Xiao Clan elder couldn't even fight back as she easily smashed him aside while firing some of her frost arrows. Even with his profound techniques, he couldn't even touch the corner of her clothes as she avoided all of his arts while firing some of her own.

As finale, she instantly appeared next to him using her sect's movement art, The Frozen Snow Dance Steps before giving him a heavy punch in the gut and sent him flying towards the wall. As the high elder of the Xiao sect, it was humiliating enough that he lost without gaining everything in return. What's worst, he fought through the other elders by betraying them in the arena before arrived at this point only to be suppressed by a woman. Moreover, the woman who had attained the help of the treasures gain from the tomb while he himself lied on the floor. He sacrificed almost everything, lose his brother in return and even lose several of his sect's treasured suppressing formation all for the sake of obtaining the treasures from Mihawk and this woman. In the end, he was the one being suppressed while the other two roam free.

"This isn't fair. The heavens are unfair. Why did you two have to be the one stronger? We found this tomb and it's our right."

"Hmph, still talk about fairness? You killed everyone in exchange for your greed. All of it sacrificed for the altar of your own spite. You used underhand methods instead of relying on your own strength just to kill the both of us. Now, who's laughing now?"

The Xiao Clan elder just gritted his teeth and curse both Yun Che as well as Chu Yueli for existing.

"Now, game's over." She pointed her sword at his forehead and staring him like a sorry existence.


She suddenly dropped her sword before kneeling on the floor and started to clutch her head. The Xiao elder widen his eyes as he saw Chu Yueli suddenly screamed as if she hurts her head. "My head… it hurts…What is happening to me?!?" Chu Yueli felt like something was invading her mind and she slowly lose control of her body, thoughts and soon her consciousness.

'Kyaaaa!!!!" Chu Yueli screamed as if he head was splitting itself apart and she slowly felt her body was getting out of control. Before she could register what is happening, she slowly slips into the darkness of her mind. What the others doesn't noticed that her eyes were slowly transitioning from grey into gold.

The process was instant and her screams quiet down as she continued in kneeling position while looking down on the floor. Seeing her not responding, the Xiao Clan elder suddenly had a sinister smile on his lips and full of killing intent. Whatever crisis she is having right now, it gave him the chance to turn this humiliation back to her.

"Looks like the heavens are fair to me after all. I will kill you and use that treasure to end that swordsman life. Don't blame me for this, Fairy Li Yue." He raised his sword in order to kill her with a single slash...


"What?!? The Xiao Clan elder suddenly widen his eyes as Chu Yueli raised her right hand and grabbed his blade entirely.

"You….." He tried to pull his sword but it wasn't budge from it. But, he was shocked once more when something started to change on her arm. What he saw was her grabbing arm were slowly showing glowing patterns. The thing is, those patterns were almost similar to the patterns carved on those pillars. Before he could react, he suddenly felt his neck was grabbed by something powerful. It turns out she used her other hand to grab his neck and lift him upwards easily.

Suddenly, she spoke with an echoing womanly voice and that it sounds otherworldly in his ears. Something he never heard before as if the language she spoke was alien to him. "Hmph, a woman's body again? I finally found a suitable body but that person's body is impossible to enter. Good thing this soul's state is weak. If not, even possessing this body might take some time. Finally, a body after years of being sealed."

"Now…now… what do we have here?" She suddenly raised her head as she stared him with her golden eyes and glowing futuristic patterns on her arms. Her hair suddenly floats itself in the air as if she was surrounded with a heavenly aura. Despite being in the same strength, her grip was stronger and the elder couldn't even grasp on them firmly.

"Arrkkkk….. Let me go… plee….ase…." The elder struggle to breathe through her strong grip on his neck. He never knew she was this strong before but he had this feeling that Li Yue and the current her aren't even the same person.

"Hmph, pity. This world offers so much possibilities. If only she listened to me in the first place. She could easily dominate this entire world. As for you...."

Suddenly, she increased her grip at the same time draining all of his powers into her. "You…. what are…you..." The Xiao Clan elder felt like he was being sucked dry. All of his cultivation and powers were being drained from his body. He didn't even feel anything as he was being sucked thoroughly leaving behind nothing but an empty bag of bones as he died.

She dropped the corpse of the Xiao Clan elder on the ground before it slowly disintegrates into thin air. This is the worst ending as it was the cruelest way for him to die. 'Chu Yueli' raised her hand and slowly gripping them and familiarizing her new powers.

"Mortals in this world has a very interesting way of attaining power and I gained this much from absorbing this human. You worthless bitch. You might hide the device from me but mark my words I will find it even if I have to tear this tomb apart." She turned her golden eyes towards Yun Che and the giant twenty feet tall beast who were still fighting among themselves.


Yun Che was still engaging but he senses a great disturbance in Chu Yueli's energy. It felt like she's becoming another person as another energy was slowly overwhelming her. However, when he tried to investigate it. The Minotaur would seize the chance to get him.

Yun Che flashed step to avoid another strike from the Minotaur and spoke "Damn, this is getting nowhere. Jasmine, did you sense a great disturbance just now?"

"No… why?" Jasmine replied from his mind.

"I think this tomb has more than meets the eye. The system detected a consciousness tried to take over me just now. Looks like we're not alone after all."

"A consciousness? I didn't sense anything…."

"Chu Yueli…. Something happened to her…"


Yun Che immediately avoided the Minotaur's strike before he decided to go offensive. He wanted to play around a little more but that disturbance the system detected piqued his curiosity. As the beast roars, he immediately activated his side step and engage it with full force. With a swift motion, he instantly slashed the beast's left arm before disintegrating it with his sword waves.

"You could have done this from the beginning." Jasmine commented as he easily overpowered the beast by slipping to a blind spot and cut its arm. Although it was a cruel method, but at least he slowed the beast rampaging for a moment.

"Haaa…. Where's the fun in that? I wanted to test this thing's capabilities before going offensive. Turns out, that pill really almost perfect its beast form. Did you see the offensive powers of this beast? If rage wasn't the problem, it could pose a threat to cultivators one day."

Jasmine just nodded and she spoke "Too bad it was still under testing. This is much better than that orc the other day. By the way, this testing you always did is going to get you killed one day."

"You worry too much." He lazily replied.

The Minotaur roars once more in rage before engaging him. Looks like losing it didn't even care about its losing arm. All it cares was to have Yun Che killed. But this time, he parried the axe strike before slowly coated his sword with haki. With a swift motion, he sliced the axe apart from its handle causing it to staggered for a moment. Yun Che to this time to grab the hilt of his sword before he instantly stabs the poor beast right on its gut. The make things worse, he immediately released a powerful energy strike through the sword as it penetrated the gut before exploding behind it.


Guts, blood and bones were gushing all over as the energy wave he sent through Yoru exploded from inside the beast through its back. As it let out a cry of agony, it slowly falls to the ground letting out a pitiful sound. Blood spilled over the floor as the beast struggle to stood up after being hit by such devastating attack. It was mercy enough he didn't use any big moves or his Zanpakutos. Truth to be told, this is the first time he actually fought a Minotaur. Instead of dodging and rolling like typical gaming, he just clashed their attacks and push it back to the wall as his method of testing its strength.

Yun Che stood on top of the spill blood and he sheathes Yoru as he spoke "If this pill was the one that stuck up kid used back then, I think I might be the one who'll pull a desperate fight."

Jasmine suddenly reappeared next to him. "Good thing he was carry a low level pill huh?"

"No…. Desperate fight is all I wish for." He replied with his casual Mihawk's voice.

"*Sigh...… You know…. I still can't understand your way of fighting stronger opponents."

"At least I had fun. That's all that matters. Now….. Let's claim those experience points." However, before he could deliver the Coup De Grace, a figure suddenly appeared on top of him and deliver it instantly onto the beast. What's worst, he could sense the vitality of the beast was instantly extracted the Minotaur's body and entered the figure's body in an instant. He could sense the Minotaur's vitality was being drained as it was getting smaller and smaller the more the figure absorbed it.

"What in the....." Jasmine was shocked as she saw the vitality of the beast was extracted easily. Both Yun Che and Jasmine slowly widen their eyes witnessing the figure who slowly emerged from the smoke produced by the Coup De Grace just now.

[Ding…. Lang Long's was under the Beast Transformation Pill's effect when he was extracted so host will not get any experience points from the beast as host is not the one who delivered the final hit.]

Yun Che didn't even noticed the notification as his eyes was fixed on the figure who just emerged from the cloud of smoke. It was none other than Chu Yueli herself. But, she was much more different than she felt. Her aura didn't even felt normal and it was more like otherworldly as her silver hair floating around her aura. Her cultivation isn't the same as well. When she came from above just now, he was slightly stunned when he detected her aura actually at the First Level of the Emperor Profound Realm but when the vitality of the beast slowly entering her body. It was slowly changing her aura as well.




She was slowly ascending towards the Fifth Level of the Emperor Profound Realm in one swift motion and she gained all of it by absorbing the vitality from the dead Minotaur. It was quite logical as the dead Minotaur had the cultivation of a Peak Tyrant Profound Realm master and she absorbed it with just a first level throne body. Both Jasmine and Yun Che widen their eyes as she instantly jumped multiple levels just like leveling up but they never heard about vitality absorbing before. Even if it exists, it would be deemed forbidden as it actually went against the will of the heavens itself.

"Wait, the Xiao Clan's elder's aura is gone. So that means...…" He didn't even need to complete the question as its already been answered. Moreover, what shocks him the most was the patterns flowing from her shoulders to the tip of her fingers on each of her arms. She might wear her Frozen Cloud Asgard robes but those patterns actually visible through her clothes.

"Those patterns, is that …the pattern of the Isu?" Jasmine commented as she remembered the patterns carved on every pillar on the hall as well as the random images from the Apple of Eden when she came through here.

Yun Che wanted to tell her that its impossible but....."No…that's impossible…could it be?" Jasmine was right, both of them saw the golden and glowing pattern of the first civilization on her arms. To Jasmine, she just knew that the patterns were actually from the Isu but as for Yun Che, those patterns actually mean something.

"It's the mark of the member of the Isu race." Yun Che subconsciously replied.

Jasmine turned her head towards him and asked "Mark? but she was a human through and through."

"Yes, but her aura felt different but she still had that pure frost aura inside her. It means she might be possessed by something and that consciousness from before kind of fits the bill." Yun Che remembered that all Isu members had patterns on their bodies which differentiate them from ordinary humans. Only Isu members possessed those patterns but Chu Yueli wasn't an Isu member. She was human but there's only one explanation for it.

The Minotaur's corpse was slowly drying up before disintegrating to dust and 'Chu Yueli' slowly turned her body around and faced them. Yun Che immediately had his guard up as he saw Chu Yueli's current expression and appearance. She was still her but her eyes were glowing with golden colored pupils and her aura didn't feel like her at all.

She was somebody else….and the way she spoke triggers a familiar feeling within Yun Che as he did know those patterns.

"Ahhh, so delicious. I never knew this method is enough for me to attain this level. Way stronger than my previous self." 'Chu Yueli' spoke with womanly echoing voice as he observed the patterns around her arms. However, the language she spoke sounded other worldly to Jasmine but Yun Che clearly recognized and understood them. She actually spoke the language of the Isu. As someone who researched the Apple of Eden back in his home world for a while, he managed to learn this language back in his original world.

"What is she talking about? Do you get any word that she says?" Jasmine turned her head towards Yun Che but he didn't give her any comments or remarks. He remained stoic as he draws Yoru once more before he immediately spoke "Who in the world are you?"

"Ahh, where are my manners? You barbarians or low level mortals wouldn't understand our speech." She mocked them in her language.

She slowly moves towards them before she switch to the language of this world and spoke "You're the mortal from before. To be able to defeat such beast means that your body had limitless potential. It was strange that I wasn't able to possessed it. You have something that even my infinite knowledge was not able to comprehend…." As someone who is otherworldly as well, Jasmine learnt countless of language back in the God's Realm and she never heard of a language so different compared to the newly acquired Japanese language.

Yun Che kept his composure as she was actually referring to the system but hearing her called it 'something' means his secret is still saved. But, he had to keep the act and ignorance about their race so he simply said "Possessed? Judging of your current appearance, I assumed you possessed my friend Yueli?"

"Yueli? So, this is the name this body originated. The naming sense of this world sure is weird. Hmph, such primitive barbarians."

Yun Che decided to keep calm as he wanted to extract more information on this so called being. If he was right, Chu Yueli right now is possessed by the soul of the an Isu. As for how he knows that it is a soul because of the current Chu Yueli right now had the Isu soul suppressing hers means this soul is now controlling her body and she didn't have a single way of resisting it but her soul is still there. The thing is right now, how is he going to save her without actually harming her?

More importantly, how in the world an Isu member existed in this world. The only thing they sent were the Pieces of Eden into this world according to the message spoke to them by the Moon Empress. Unless.....

"I asked once more, who in the world are you?" Yun Che pretended not to know the Isu's existence at the same time he was quite excited on the inside. He only met several Isu members but he couldn't gain any information from them. To be able to witness a living member even if it is only a soul was a bliss.

"Hmph, a low level human like you doesn't have the capabilities to know my name." She suddenly raised her right hand before forming something familiar. Yun Che had his guard up as he saw the changes and widen his eyes. "This is…"

Suddenly, sparks and balls of energy was instantly formed on her hands before pointing it towards Yun Che. Then…





She fired several golden energy blasts at him in an attempt to kill him however, he easily anticipated its trajectory and avoided her strikes. Yun Che recognized those shots just now. Those are standard Isu energy blast that their members can use but now that she had the body of a Fifth Level Emperor Profound Realm, the attacks were stronger and it actually blew a crater on the side area of the stage. She even shot more energy blasts in an attempt to kill him however all of them were easily avoided by him. She even wondered how her high speed attacks were easily avoided by a near miss. She was certain this mortal couldn't even avoid it.

"You are not an ordinary mortal after all. Your body is really unique. Your body didn't even feel human." She started raising her sword before engaging Yun Che once more. One thing he learnt from the Isu was their combat experience was way more advance and she was able to utilize energy strikes even using a mortal as a medium. To be able to transfer her soul into Chu Yueli's body was powerful enough.

Moreover, these capabilities can only be utilized by the Pieces of Eden and for a human able to use its powers without the pieces as a medium means the one possessing Chu Yueli right now is a genuine Isu member.

"Impressive, let's see whether you have the capabilities to avoid this." Suddenly, she started to channel her energy along the golden patterns of her arms. Yun Che detected these changes before raising his sword to block whatever she was going to do. In an instant, she raised both of her arms before using Chu Yueli's profound energy along with the being's powers to utilize the attack.


A massive golden Isu patterned dome suddenly exploded pushing him towards the distance. The dome didn't actually look like a dome at all. It actually looks like a massive dome shield carved with Isu patterns all over it. He remembers such attacks being used as an area of affect to protect the user from being surrounded.

Yun Che regained his bearings before sliding until the edge of the stage while using his sword as a shield.

Jasmine commented next to him. "So, this is the power of the Isu race?"

"Yeah, they might be a race who relied on technology but make no mistake in underestimating them." Yun Che replied her.

Seeing Yun Che withstand the assault, she raised her both of her arms once more and produced multiple golden energy balls. Similar to the golden dome, it also has the Isu pattern all over it.

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"Now, block this!!!"

She controlled the orbs to shoot multiple energy beams all over the place and he simply used his flash step to avoid the beams. However, the orbs seem to track his movement and those things couldn't keep up with his speed.

"Let's top it up a notch." Yun Che smirks at the being's aiming skills but those beams really annoy the crap out of him so he decided to confuse those things so he can close the distance between them.


He activated his Broken Shadow Flash before jumping all over the arena creating afterimages one after another. The orbs registered all of them as targets before shooting his afterimages which simply phased through them but didn't even take an ounce of damage.

Seeing Yun Che's performance, 'Chu Yueli' smirks as she continued to fire the energy beams on him. "Impressive, you are better than that old vessel of mine. You're much better."

"Old vessel? What are you talking about?" Yun Che's illusions started to speak at the same time. The real him flashed step through the energy blasts before started to smash the golden dome with Yoru. What the being didn't know was it maybe looks stronger but it depends on the body cultivation and fifth level Emperor Profound Realm Isn't something he can't handle. He just defeats a level 90 Minotaur and this being's strength isn't going to cut any of it.

"That stupid vessel of mine. She had all the powers in the world as well as my device. That ungrateful mortal ended up sealing me in here and hid my device. I sacrificed my entire life molding her into a perfect vessel and she betrayed me in the end. Of course, you will not understand this. Mortal. I will force you to become my vessel whether you like it or not!!!"

Yun Che's mind triggered something when he heard about the vessel. If he was right, the Moon Empress is probably its vessel from before. He didn't know the history behind it but it seems she hid the Apple from the soul's reach and sealed it somewhere in this tomb.


The energy from Yoru smashed the golden dome with ease and 'Chu Yueli' seems to have trouble maintaining its powers at the same time control those energy orbs. With enough force, Yun Che channeled his powers and causing the dome to crack like a spider web. With ease, he easily smashed the dome and caused her to lose her bearing before being sent flying to the edge of the arena.

Yun Che cancelled all of his techniques before approaching her with Jasmine on his side. "Now, mind telling me who you are?"

"Haha….haha… To think exist a mortal able to defy the greatness of an Isu. In the end, you're just a mortal destined to be control by us." She had her had bow before and she started channeling her energy once more into her hands.

Suddenly, she smashed the ground once more producing the same golden dome and push him out of the way. Slowly levitating in the air, she immediately forms multiple massive Isu energy sphere and shield herself from the interference of the outside world.

"I was merely testing you and you proved to be stronger than I anticipated. I only use the strength of an 'Emperor' based in this world at it seems it didn't pose any disadvantage to you." She suddenly waved her hand and suddenly six portals like energy suddenly formed above him and he immediately widen his eyes as he saw the people came out of the portal.

"These people…." He murmured quietly.

What appeared to them right now was the missing elders from before or what is left of them. However, he recognized the two missing elders from his own arena and the other four maybe the missing elders from the other arenas.

"Dra..cule.. Mihawk…."


"Help me…." The elders beg for him to save them but looking at their critical state. Saving them might be fatal for them. It's better for him not to do anything rather than having his back stabbed in the end.

"It's a good thing you primitive humans always fighting one after another, I had to wait until you're at the end of your miserable lives before taking you away. Now that you're here, you can serve as my meal."

Raising her hands, she draws the vitality from the other elders causing them to scream in agony as she pulls their life away from them. Yun Che wanted to stop the process but his instinct told him that he wanted to see what kind of capabilities she can pull next. Moreover, he had other trump cards as reserved if situation acquires. For now, he wanted to see how the show unfurls. It's a good thing the real Chu Yueli was unconscious or else, she would've gain so much trauma from this alone.

Same process happened to the elders as they were reduced into bags of bones before disintegrating into thin air. With those vatilities, her cultivation jumped once more.

"Sixth…..Seventh….Eight…..Nineth…..Peak...It seems that her breakthrough stops at the pinnacle of the Emperor Profound Realm. But, don't underestimate her. She's not the same as that brute of a creature from before." Jasmine commented as she saw her levels was getting stronger. In a span of a few minutes, she jumped from Peak of Sky Profound Realm to the Pinnacle of the Emperor Profound Realm. It was enough to cause a sensation in the Empire and might be the whole continent. The current her is actually stronger than Chu YueChan herself.

Yun Che nodded at her remarks and said "I know, I was more concerned on her abilities as an Isu. The Isu are much more powerful as mortals but if they had the powers of the cultivators. We can kiss this world goodbye. It's a good thing she didn't have the Apple of Eden itself."

"Good thing?" Jasmine shift her eyes towards him.

"Remember when I said the Apple's true power can only be unleashed by the Isu race themselves. If she had the Apple, I might resort using some of my trump cards." If things escalated to the point that it was deemed impossible. He might have to use some of his trump cards and he wasn't hoping it comes to that.

Seeing the bones crumbling to dust on the ground, Jasmine gritted her teeth and said "This is too cruel. Yun Che, whatever happens you must stop her here. We mustn't let someone like her to roam the outside world." She speculates that if she were to unleashed in the real world along with the Apple. She could raise her cultivation even to the divines by killing innocent and spill their blood. Even the Realm of the Gods will fail to stop her if she had the apple as she could control an entire army with it. Even the mind of the divines can be control with the right power.

"But, I couldn't risk it. I am not killing or sealing Chu Yueli. She's not involved in all of this." Yun Che decided he'll find a way to free her but he wasn't prepared to kill her. Even if he did, Chu Yueli would die for nothing as the soul would find another vessel to dwell in.

Jasmine was getting annoyed and shot "What is her life meaning to you? Whether you make sure she is dead or she'll cause more harm in the outside world."

"I'll figure something out. I am not killing her off." Besides, if he killed her. How is he going to explain himself to Little Fairy?

Seeing Yun Che's determination, Jasmine sighs before she spoke "If things escalated to that point, I hope you know what to do."

"I will...." He nodded.

The process was finally complete as 'Chu Yueli' floated in the air while surrounded by the energy spheres protecting her. Now that her cultivation has achieved Half Step Tyrant Profound Realm. She was much more powerful than before. She looked at Yun Che with an evil expression and spoke…..

"You will become my new vessel when I defeat you. That so called Moon Empress might be my old vessel and I will use you to tear this place apart until I get my device. I traveled into this world with a purpose. I will not rest until I find my comrades and control this entire realm."

"Comrades, world…. So that's how it is…" Yun Che had enough before decided to kick the bucket. He need to find a way to extract that soul from Chu Yueli's body without killing her. So, he decided to go offensive. His next words caused Jasmine and the Isu mode 'Chu Yueli' to widen their eyes in shock.

"I asked you once more. Who in the world are you?" He was calm in his Dracule Mihawk persona but the most shocking thing was he actually used the Isu language to speak to her.

"You….you knew the Isu language?" Jasmine asked him but she was ignored entirely as he focused on the gawking expression of the being.

'Chu Yueli' was shocked seeing a mortal able to use the language of the Isu perfectly. She immediately shouted "How do you able to use our speech?!?! Who are you!!!"

He calmly spoke "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."

"You…. very well. Since you are bound to die and become my new vessel, I'll let you know my great name. I am one of the nine great warriors and high members of the Isu race in Eden. You can call me 'Ares'. For too long I awaited a male's body and I am not going to dwell in a woman's body for long."

Yun Che finally knew the soul's real name and his last sentence triggered something in his head as well. He said 'a woman's body' so does this mean the soul is actually a male?

There's one more thing that floats in his mind. " A high ranking members of Eden?"

Ares replied in Isu language and spoke "You might be well verse in our speech and you know nothing of our origins. Eden is our great realm and where we come from. We discovered your dimension through our world's research and we found out that this world had mortals capable of reaching Godhood. Something we Isu desire to obtain so we came here."

Yun Che focused his eyes as his expression goes serious. They traveled from their realm to discover the secrets of cultivation as he feared. Now that he knew why they traveled here, he ask the being Ares on more time. "And your target in this world is…."

Ares started to laugh sinisterly and answered in cold tone. "To enslave this entire dimension and plunder the secrets of achieving Godhood."

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