"Ara…ara… what do we have here?"

The rest of them immediately turned their eyes towards the source of the voice. When the saw the owner, they were speechless to the core as they witness three beautiful fairies as beautiful as the radiating sun floating above in the air as if they descended from the heavens to greet them. The ladies so perfectly sculptured that they instantly forget their purpose coming here. Even ladies from their sacred ground is pale compared to these fairies and even cause them to go gaga as they witness such beauties. One of them seems to dress in all black while the other two dressed in purple and white blue respectively. However, even if they came from a powerful place, they never seen such exquisite clothing.

The five emperor rank disciples were instantly mesmerized by the beauty of these three especially the long braided hair and the short black hair with a butterfly hairpin on the side. They also didn't forget the innocent looking long fuchsia hair with exquisite clothing.

"Such beauties….. why did they come here all of a sudden?" The rest of them went red as they witness the beauty out of this world. Even so far wanted to tackle them and sullied their them. However, the next thing happen was shocking enough for them.

The swordsman in front of them immediately sighs as he spoke "Mio, Retsu…. Cang Yue…. Why are you girls here?"

The cultivators instantly baffled as the heavenly beauties in front of them are acquaintances of the swordsman? Moreover, these girls didn't even panic or restless upon witnessing them as if they didn't even exist. Even their Emperor Profound Realm pressure was entirely ignored by them. The heavenly beauty with the long braided hair suddenly spoke with a voice sweeter than any voice they've ever heard. "Mou….. Yuu-kun…. We waited for you for a while and you didn't come to our meeting point. So, we went out and looking for you."

"Sorry…. Change of plans…. I had to ditch a lot of unwanted attention. Where's Kon by the way?" The swordsman replied.

Suddenly, a golden streak of light suddenly arrived near the swordsman revealing to be some kind of beast. However, this beast looked kind of weak and more of a doll compared to a beast. Then, what shocks them once more, the beast suddenly spoke with an annoying tone. "Korra!!! You tried to kill me, you bastard?!?"

"Hooo...Its you... Well, you're not dead yet?" The swordsman asked with a flat tone.

The beast instantly shouted "Not dead my ass!! You sent that cultivator straight to me while I was searching for a beast to level up. Then, all of a sudden a human flew towards me and exploded the side of the mountain along with him. I almost died with him."

"Hmph, it would be good if you're dead." He replied again but this thing knew he didn't mean it.

The fairy with the butterfly pin on her head also spoke with cute antics gaining the swordsman attention. "But…Danna-sama, never expected for you to be here all of a sudden. We came to see the ruckus over here. I see you have some company?" When she turned her head towards them, this is the first time they witness such beautiful eyes.

"*Sigh, I was worried for no reason. Well, I never understood the capabilities of you three. Still, can't blame a girl for worrying." The fuchsia hair girl started to talk as well. They tried to pry into the cultivation of those women. However, they couldn't even see the cultivation of the two women but only this girl's strength can be distinguished by them as her strength was only at the threshold of the Earth Profound Realm. Compared to them, she is much weaker than their weakest disciple. But, the only thing that baffled them was she didn't even panic and courteous towards them and their aura didn't even affect her.

"What are you worrying, nee-san?. This guy still able to escape from those weaklings with a bored face." The beast replied to the fuchsia haired woman. Then, the woman with the braided hair suddenly asked "That aside, these guys bothering you, Yuu-kun?"

"Kind of, but I had my fun and I am going to sit for a moment. Retsu, you need some leveling up. Am I right?" The swordsman asked her which she instantly nodded. "Hai, me and Kon have been looking for high level beasts for a while now. Mouuu, it seems this place is now unsuitable to train. We need to look for a new place."

"What about these guys? Good thing I didn't eliminate them just now." The swordsman pointed towards them caused these guys to flinch. He turned them into a stepping stone for these girls without batting an eye. But, seeing the capabilities of the fuchsia haired girl. They assume these girls have weaker strength than them. They probably had some treasures to resist their pressure.

"Then, let me handle them for you." The braided woman named Retsu spoke again.

"Kon-sama as well." The beast spoke as it landed on the her shoulder.

As for the other black haired woman, she simply spoke "Then, I'll make sure these guys don't run."

"I'll just stay with him. I wish I could cultivate like you girls." The fuchsia haired girl spoke before the black clad woman landed next to the swordsman to drop her. She knew her limits and decided to play safe by sticking herself next to him.

"Well, have fun." The swordsman just sat on one of the rocks with his hands crossed as if he lost interest with them while the other girl sits next to him. As the two black haired fairies and the beast eyeing them, the group of Sacred Ground disciples suddenly went up their guards. These fairies can resist their pressure without batting an eye and their cultivation are unknown.

"Fairies…..we have qualms with the swordsman not you… It is wise you leave that swordsman to us and if you want…. you can come to the sacred….." The disciple's word sounded like he wanted to rope these girls under the sacred ground banner but these girls don't look intimidated by the slightest.

"Shut up will you…? His business is our business as well." Retsu suddenly spoke with a cold tone.

"You…." The Emperor rank disciple suddenly taken aback. They lower themselves because of these fairies and never expected they just retort their statement. People kneel for months expressing their desire to join their sacred grounds but these girls retort them just like that equals instant humiliation.

"You dare!!! Do you know where we come from?!? Do you wanted to offend the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region?!?!"

Mio instantly sighs as this guys really like to use the names of their master for intimidation which doesn't work for their case. "*Sigh….. you really think telling us the name of that place can intimidate us?"

"Mio-chan…. These guys talk too much. Let's just eliminate them and be done with it." Retsu suddenly flares her blood lust towards the surrounding causing these guys to flinch. A heavenly fairy like her had this kind of blood lust is rarer than any killer in the world.

However, she and Mio decided to boost their confidence by revealing their cultivation. If they reveal too much, these guys might run away and killing them might be a hassle as they tend to possess treasures that can save their lives. When the disciples sense their cultivation, their confidence suddenly boosted as the braided woman power is only at the Seventh Level of Sky Profound Realm which is her full strength while the other possess the Eight Level of Sky Profound Realm. But little did they know, the system helped Mio concealed her powers.

"Hmph, merely weak fairies dare to scare us? So, what will you do about it?" Their senior brother taunted them.

Seeing them took the bait, Retsu simply smiled as she asked "Well then, why don't you offer you lives to us? If you do so, there won't be any pain."

"But, if you refused. Die by own foolishness." Mio continued.

"Hahahaha!!!!! These weaklings dare to be this brazen. You might be powerful in this weak Empire but against us. You're nothing!!!" The men instantly regained their confidence before their senior brother shouted "Men, deal with these fairies but leave them crippled. Let's enjoy their bodies ourselves after we get rid of that swordsman." One of the Emperor rank disciples spoke as he looked upon Retsu and Mio's body with lust. These beauties might be beautiful but they are still weak.

"We'll deal with them." All of a sudden, two peak Sky Profound Realm disciples suddenly boosted their speed towards her. They were scared because of the swordsman before but seeing him suddenly sitting down, they assumed he just used all of his powers against their comrade just now and these fairies just came to save him.

"No offense fairies. You might be a heavenly beauty but you're just weak in our eyes. Now take our swords!!!!" They started to swing their swords towards her but Retsu's expression was still indifferent. The disciples suddenly reminded of the scene before where the swordsman just took their comrades fist without any resistance but these girls are weak but there shouldn't be any problem right?



"What the….." Both of them went speechless as the braided woman raised both of her hands and grab their swords with ease. Those strikes just now were their full powered swing but she just stopped their swings just like that. Kon was brimming with confidence as he stood on Retsu's shoulder. If he were to face these guys, he won't even stand a chance but if he stood on a monster's shoulder then that shouldn't be a problem.

Retsu suddenly spoke with a cold tone again. "*Sigh, I said before offer your lives to us. Don't you think it's important to heed warnings?"

"Guess warnings really are useless to bums like them. Retsu-chan."

"Impossible…..you just mere Sky Profound Realm seventh level. It must be a treasure. Yes… it might be…" One of the Emperor Rank men instantly baffled by this situation. A mere Sky Profound Realm stop a full powered swing just like that?

"Then again, I need some leveling up so…." Retsu merely break the sword aside before stabbing one of her attacker's shoulder causing him to scream. At the same time, she pointed her finger at the screaming attacker's heart before she murmured "Hado #4.... Byakurai…. "



The lightning beam was instant as it came from her finger. That attacker didn't even realize she pierced his heart with a single shot leaving behind a charred hole on his body. Then, the body fell straight to the ground causing all of them went speechless.

[Ding…. host has leveled up.]

A notification suddenly popped in Retsu's HUD. She missed this feeling, for a while now she didn't hear such notification ringing in her ears. Yun Che was right, it was a wonderful feeling. Her second attacker went speechless after seeing his comrade was killed in an instant. Before he could react, he felt an excruciating pain came from his shoulder as well as charred smell. That woman, shot him with the same technique before he even realized it.

Retsu turned towards the beast on her shoulder. "Kon…."

"Hai…. I understand…" Then, the beast on her shoulder suddenly turned into a streak of light before piercing his heart with a single shot and came out from the back. The attacker might be a peak Sky Profound Realm but if he was weakened enough, a weaker cultivator can still kill him. The light from his eyes suddenly died as his life was lost entirely. As for the beast, the streak of light went around him before landed back on the woman's shoulder.

[Ding…. host has leveled up.]

[Ding…. Host has broken through to Level 61, First Level of the Earth Profound Realm]

[Ding…. host has leveled up.]

[Ding…. host has leveled up.]

[Ding…. host has leveled up.]

[Ding…. host has leveled up.]

"KON-SAMA FINALLY LEVELED UP!!!" Kon shouted as he was waiting for the moment of his breakthrough. For months he's been seeking beast to level up but the experience he gained was too little. But, Retsu helped him to breakthrough just now by killing a Peak Sky Profound Realm practitioner and the experience was too much.

"What… happened…?"

"Did that fairy just killed a peak Sky Profound Realm in an instant?"

"That beast as well. It was fast…. too fast…"

"Who are these fairies….?" The men from the sacred ground went speechless. Only that braided hair fairy and that weird beast is the only one do the attacking. The other just stood behind her with a boring expression. What's more, the aura of the braided woman suddenly increased to the Eight Level of Sky Profound Realm. Her cultivation just increased the moment she killed their comrade?

Three of their peak Sky Profound Realm disciples were eliminated before they could resist. What kind of existence they have offended? Then, the Emperor Profound Realm disciples suddenly flared their auras as well. Right now, they have to prevent their lower level disciples from getting killed. If this woman can increase her cultivation the moment she kills them then it's only a matter of time they will stand on equal footing.

"Forget about crippling them. Focus your effort to kill these women. Leave none alive. I'll handle that weak woman and that swordsman." Then, all five of them suddenly spread into different direction. Four of them immediately surrounded Retsu and Mio while the other one immediately increased his speed towards Yun Che.

"If that swordsman is weakened by his attack just now then, it might be easier to kill him. If that weak woman beside him is the same then I must prevent her from killing anyone." But as soon as he used his sword arts against Yun Che, his sword suddenly stopped by a red barrier suddenly manifest around him.

"What?!?" The disciple was instantly shocked. His late stage Emperor Profound Realm full powered attack was stopped by a barrier. It didn't even budge from position and the swordsman was relaxed along with the fuchsia haired woman. The swordsman suddenly spoke "*Sigh…. From the start I have merely wished to be a bystander. I have no strong desire to assist them."




"Why…why…. why…. He's merely a peak Sky Profound Realm but none of these attacks are working."

The disciple gritted his teeth as he continued to attack his red barrier but it doesn't even show the notification of its lack of durability. Seeing this development, he merely sighs as he thought "Weak…. The attacks from those generals back in the trial is much stronger than this…"

Back to Mio and Retsu, they've been continuously dodged the incoming skills and attack from those weaklings. Since Mio didn't have a weapon, she just dodged the incoming attacks thrown at her. As a godly beast herself, seeing these ants trying so hard to kill her is kind of amusing. As for Retsu, she didn't even bother using her Yin and Yang powers to deal with these guys. With a bored expression, she spoke "Mio-chan… this is getting too boring..."

"I thought these guys can give us a little bit of resistance but…. Guess being too strong is kind of off as well." Mio converse with Retsu while dodging their attacks. Seeing this kind of situation, the men from before instantly filled with rage.

"You dare…!!! Let's use the domain. At least these ladies can witness the might of the sword region itself." The four Emperor Rank disciples immediately gain distance to the four corners of from Mio and Retsu before started channeling their profound energy. All of a sudden, the scenery around them started to change into a desert with swords sticking from the ground.

"Ohh…this is…."

"This is…. the domain of the sacred ground?" Cang Yue spoke with great interest but Yun Che's expression remained indifferent as a notification pops into his HUD as well as Mio and Retsu.

[Ding…. Host has stepped into the boundary of Heavenly Domain of the Swords. This domain has been activated by the power of four Emperor Profound Rank disciples channeling their power into a single domain. This domain is four times stronger than ordinary domain and has lingering sword wills that allow the disciples to used their sword techniques with full advantage. Users of this domain will have their movement speed increase by a large margin and will be able to manipulate the sword wills to their advantage.]

Yun Che's attacker suddenly smiled as he saw the large domain while speaking to him. "The domain of the swords. Those bitches are done for.The domain has killed countless Emperor Profound Realm cultivators and mere Sky Profound Realm like them won't survive this thing." Yun Che however, just smiled as these guys underestimate these girls too much.

Retsu and Mio still remained sturdy as hundreds of sword wills started attacking them. Since Mio is a Monarch Level beast, her body is on the same level as her and she also helped Retsu leveled up hers. Now, Retsu's body is now a first level Tyrant Profound Realm compared to her previous Emperor rank body she gained from Granz back in the hollow's basin. Also with Mio's help, Yun Che's body leveled up to Mid-stage from his previous first level Tyrant Profound Realm body.

Retsu merely deflected one of the sword wills with her hand. "So, these guys wanted to play with domains. It's been a while since I used my own."

"That's right Retsu, I never seen your domain. Care to show me?" Mio spoke with glittering eyes. Kon was suddenly interested as he never seen Retsu's ultimate domain. "Nee-san, you have a domain as well?"

"What are these girls talking about? Domain?" The attacking men widen their eyes as they heard these girls can use the

"Impossible…. Sky Profound Realm can't use domains. She must be at least an Emperor Profound Realm to cast domains."

"I can…but… I need some points first…" The braided woman spoke as she drew her sword. All this time, she's been suppressing them without using her sword. Then, she muttered the very word that instantly change whole course of the fight.


All of a sudden, the air around them suddenly filled with blood lust so thick that all of them started having difficulty in breathing. As for the remaining Sky Profound Realm disciples, they suddenly had fear in their heart and all that false bravado is nothing compared to this. What's more, the woman's sword suddenly shrunk into a black short sword with red linings and her aura was devoid of innocence. She had the aura of death itself.

"What is all this….?"

"We never had a footing here. These women, they're worse…they far worse."

Then, the woman released a massive killing intent and blood lust all over the direction and the mighty domain that they cast just now suddenly had cracks all over it. In an instant, the cracks were getting bigger and bigger before it suddenly shattered under the pressure. The illusory sword desert instantly disappears.

Seeing all hope is lost, the disciples turned their tails and run all over the direction. Whatever happens, their life took absolute priority. Seeing this, Retsu spoke to Kon before she instantly disappeared "Kon…. better hold on tight."


Yun Che's attacker just now suddenly widen his eyes as he felt the massive blood lust and killing intent just now. In an instant, their all mighty domain was dissolved in an instant the moment her sword transformed. He instantly shouted to his remaining comrades. "What happened….? That woman suddenly transformed from a beautiful fairy into a demon in an instant. We're running….. tell the others to run and report back to the sacred ground."





All over the battlefield. Slashes were heard across the mountain area as Retsu jump from man to man delivering slashes on their body. She is not going to kill them. If they played with domain, she is going to do the same. "The woman…she disappeared! Where are all these slashes coming from…? Run…!!! Run!!!"

Swosshhh!!! As they are about to run, Retsu suddenly appeared in front of them while smiling but that smile of hers hiding some kind of sinister power behind it. "Ara…. Where do you think you're going?"

The four Emperor rank disciples and remaining Sky Profound Realm disciples suddenly stopped on their tracks as they witnessed the demon in front them. In Retsu's HUD, the blood points are stacked to 100 and it's enough for her to use it. Kon hold for his life on her arm as she appeared once more. "So fast…. I feel like I am going to hurl."

"If you threw up on me, I'll slice you apart." Retsu spoke while flaring her scary aura.

"Hai…it won't happen." He nodded his head furiously.

Retsu just sighs at Kon's antics before she looked at those men with cold eyes. "I thought Emperor Profound Realm might be strong but you lot still don't get the distance between us." Then, she raised her sword above her before she spoke the words that might be their last hearing.

"World of Slaughter…."

Suddenly, the bloodied substance around her sword raise slowly above ground before slowly forming an energy dome consist of powerful aura of despair and slaughter. Just like casting an ordinary domain, her power suddenly skyrockets to the sixth level of the Emperor Profound Realm under the effect of the domain.

When the other men looked at her domain, they could fell the aura of despair around them as the peaceful mountain area disappeared and replaced with a dark domain with a pool of that black substances underneath them.




The dripping sounds on their bodies were heard as pungent smell started to surround them. When they looked closely, the pungent smell and drips were actually …


Cang Yue was instantly stumped as she witnessed the true power of Retsu's world of slaughter. If it wasn't for Yun Che next to her, she would succumb to its power and might be traumatized for life. But, she still had some fear as she witnesses the true nature of the domain from Retsu. She knew Retsu was kind as an angel when it comes to people she liked but never knew her bad side was actually this bad. Knowing that she treated her with care and have a strong sisterly bond with her is enough for her to accept this side of her. She was kind of relieved at the same time.

[Ding.... host has activated the World of Slaughter Domain. Anyone targeted by the host will be affected by the power of the domain. All cultivation will be decreased by half a realm from targets while increasing the host's strength by an entire realm. Any targets killed in the domain will fill up the host's blood points by 50.]

Retsu sighs as this is the second time she activated her domain powers. The first time was during the testing period with Yun Che and Little Fairy and he remembered she almost scared Little Fairy at that time when she activated her domain. But, Yun Che was fairly relaxed at that time. The same thing can be say for her fiancée right now.

The men from before felt endless despair coming from the woman herself. All their escape points were blocked from the domain's substance.

Mio was instantly impressed as she observe the dark and scary domain. "Oooohhh, dark and creepy. I wonder if anyone dare to mess with you after witnessing this kind of power."

"*Giggle…. too bad things weren't bad enough for me to use it. The reason I used it because Mio-chan wanted to see it." Retsu replied her question.

Mio pat her back and spoke "Then, I had my share of sight. So, what are you going to do with them?"

"Let's see, Kon…. Since the Sky Profound Realm disciples are weak because of the domain, I am sure you can take care of them right?" Retsu turned her head towards Kon but instead of seeing his goofy self, this one was scared while shaking all over his plushy body. "Nee-san…. What kind …of…domain is this…?... this is too scary…."

"What are you talking about? You stood on my shoulder and it shouldn't affect you that much. You're a man aren't you?"

"Kon-sama…. Kon-sama is a man!!!" He suddenly regained his wits before jumping from Retsu's shoulder and transforming into a lion. But, this lion is still a cub but what they could see was his lion form was slightly bigger than before. Since the Sky Profound Realm disciples' strength were suppressed by half a realm because of the domain, their strength should match Kon's by a small margin.

Kon instantly turned into a streak of light despite being scared by Retsu's domain but it shouldn't affect him at all as she was the one who control the domain. The reason he was scared because he never witnessed such a scary domain after all.

With that, Kon engaged all twenty-one remaining Sky Profound Realm disciples. Under the effect of the domain, the movement and powers were suppressed by the aura of despair around them. They could only watch as Kon bombard them with beam attacks and explosive fireballs. Added with haki based attacks, he immediately target their weakest to obtain more experience points.

One of Emperor Realm cultivators increase his movement skill before started to engage Retsu to force her out of the way so the others can escape. "Huarrggghhh!!!" He shouted as he swings his sword with full power against her…. However…..


He just used all his power and strength into that strike but she simply raised her creepy sword and just parry it like it was nothing. "I told you…. Offer your lives without resistance…." Retsu increased her strength and coated her sword with haki. With that, the blade instantly went through the sword like knife through a butter before…


[Ding…..Host has leveled up]

[Ding…..Host has leveled up]

[Ding…..Host has leveled up]

[Ding…. Congratulation host for achieving Peak of Sky Profound Realm.]

[Ding…. Maximum level cap has been achieved. Host cannot advance into the later stage of the mortal realm until the administrator has complete the main mission. Any experience gained will be stacked and restored to the host once the mission has been completed. Please contact the administrator for support.]

Retsu was instantly shocked. She cannot advance her cultivation to the next realm? The system told her that Yun Che must complete a certain mission before she could level up. So she's stuck in this level until then. She'll make sure to ask Yun Che about this later.

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"SENIOR BROTHER!!!" The remaining three could only watch as their senior brother was slashed into two parts entirely by her. One of them shouted "You bitch!!!! How dare you kill our senior brother?!?" They could only watch their strongest senior brother killed under the sword of that woman.

"Then…why don't you have fun with him?" Retsu simply smiled before raised her hand above their dead senior brother before she spoke…


All of a sudden, blood suddenly raised from the substance below them before engulfing their dead senior brother. In an instant, it slowly formed into a humanoid body before shaping itself into a red humanoid with wearing a shiny red armor and a red long strap on its shoulder. They also didn't forget the great sword behind it. As for the design, none of them were familiar with the alien design of the humanoid being as it formed in a kneeling position in front of her.

Retsu just smiled as it's been a while since she used her third bankai skill, Blood Knights. Last time, she dismissed her blood knights because they're too weak to became her guards but Yachiru told her that her knights can leveled up the same as her making her regret about dismissing the knights from before. Since then, she wanted to find some bad souls so she can turn them into real blood knights this time. She will never harm an innocent being but since these late stage Emperor Profound Realm rats are in front of her, it saves her the trouble of leveling them up from scratch. She can also level these things up with her experience points but they must be present by her side to initiate leaching mode. The knight suddenly rose from the kneeling position before standing in front of her awaiting orders.

"Ehh?!?... Retsu-chan, what is this? What is this??" Mio suddenly arrived next to her with glittering eyes.

"*Giggle… this is my blood knight, one of my bankai skills. I create it from blood of a dead cultivator. The blood knight will assume the dead's cultivation and skills and turned into my loyal bodyguards. It's not really took the dead's body, just their blood." Retsu explained while she shown her knight to Mio. Yun Che was observing from a distance was instantly captivated by the knight as well. Looks like the knight was designed by the system based on his memories since Retsu wouldn't know how medieval knights should look like. He made a mental note to take a look closer later as this is his first time seeing the revival of a blood knight in front of him.

"So cool….!!!" Mio suddenly go around her knight to take a better look. This is the first she seen such an exquisite medieval style armor. Moreover, it's really a knight in shining but red armor.

"Ara, I almost forgot. Blood Knight…. No loose ends." She gave her order to her new knight before it nodded its head. Then, it immediately disappears before engaging the remaining three.

Seeing the knight created from their senior brother, the rest of them tried to reason with it. "Senior brother!!! We're your juniors. Please open your eyes."

SLASHHH!!!! The blood knight merely slashed the disciple in front of him. Since his cultivation was weaker than the blood knight assumed cultivation. He was helpless in front of him.

"Second brother!!! Damn it!! Let's use it…. Heavenly Star Frenzy!!!" The remaining three could only watch as the knight just hacked their second brother to death. They gritted their teeth before immediately channel their profound energy to create hundreds of sword auras. If their senior brother is now this sinister thing, then they could only kill it. But, what they refused to believe is the red humanoid was also raising its hand like them. In an instant, hundreds of sword aura suddenly formed above it as well.

"How did it knew Heavenly Star Frenzy?!?!" They were speechless as this thing is created from their dead senior brother. It means it has his skills and cultivation. It instantly launched all those sword auras to the remaining disciples and they countered it using their own. But, instead of sticking around. The blood knight instantly gained speed before engaging three disciples under the rain of the heavenly sword aura. It didn't even felt pain as the auras pierced its blood body.



The knight's swordplay was getting faster and faster as didn't mind the bombardment of the sword auras. It immediately activated another skill gained from the blood it assumed before raising its sword against one of them and.....


The disciple couldn't even avoid the sword as it was getting faster and faster before it slices his shoulder. "Arrgghhh….my shoulder….. Fourth brother, you have to live, I will hold him down and you will use the ultimate technique against it."

"But third brother, you'll die."

"That thing just killed our second brother. If I die, I'll take him with me." The so called third brother immediately increased his speed towards the knight before holding it down with all his power. He immediately shouted "Fourth brother!!! Now!!!"

"Third brother…. I am sorry… Heavenly Star Frenzy…!!!" The remaining disciple instantly created his own Heavenly Star Frenzy before throwing the auras at them. The technique immediately bombards both the blood knight and his third brother decimating them on the spot. He could only watch his third brother died by his own hand. The fourth disciple instantly turned around and shooting both Mio and Retsu with killing intent. Using his own senior brother, it killed one of his comrades before the last one sacrificing himself to kill it. He will never forgive them for what they did just now but couldn't help thinking that their greed is what caused this in the first place.

Seeing the blood knight splattered apart, Mio just sighs before she turned her head towards Retsu. "Guess that thing has its own limit."

"Not quite…" Retsu shook her head.

"Ohhh….?" Mio suddenly widen her eyes as the splattered blood knight from before slowly assembling itself. Then Retsu's voice sounded "As long as I have my reaitsu, I can recreate it as long as I want. Basically, its immortal."

Mio clapped her hands."Wow…."

The fourth disciple can only wallow in despair as the knight before rose up from the ground like nothing happened to it. It slowly walks towards him before raising its sword in the air. All the fourth disciple could do now is regretting on their offense against these beings.

*Stab.....With the sound of the blade just now. He finally died under the attack of the blood knight.

The last disciple who tried to attack Yun Che from before instantly arrived before the blood knight. He was too late when he detected his senior brother lost his life just now but his movement was really slow. His shaking hands was either from fear or anger as all four of his comrades lost their lives to this thing. Moreover, one by one. His Sky Profound Realms servants fell under the attack of that golden lion. None of them stand a chance against that thing. He could only shout to the heavens as rage started to fill his sanity.

"You demon!!!!" He lost his sanity as he started to move towards Retsu but only having his blade parried by the Blood Knight. In an instant, the blood knight threw a punch directly to his face and caused him to land in the middle of the domain.

"Demon? Who do you think is the true demon here?" His thoughts were disturbed by the swordsman from before suddenly walks towards his accompanied by the fuchsia haired woman.

"You chased me because you wanted the things I gained from the tomb. It was your greed that cause your own demise. If we're weaker than you, we will either lost our lives and these girls might be sullied by you. If we let you go after losing, you'll report to the sacred ground and you'll after our families and friends to find us. Don't you think that's it is futile to us regardless of the result?" Yun Che still remembered the moment when Xuyi let one of the men who attacked her village go and ended up bringing stronger beings and killed her family. He's not the type of leaving behind lose ends.

"You….." The last man gritted his teeth as he heard his statement.

Then he continued. "It's either you or us. Our strength might be powerful but we can fight the sacred ground on equal footing but we will not risk the innocent people here getting involved in the crossfire. Killing you might be the best decision." Cang Yue instantly understood what he was talking about. Sometimes, their kindness of letting their enemies go will bite them back one day. It's not that he kills for fun. He kills because it was the right thing to do. Sometimes to protect others, they have to soil their hands with blood. If she let them go, stronger ones will appear. If she run, her family dies. If they run then her people will die and lastly, her empire. This is the rule of the jungle where only the strongest survived and the weak perished.

"You…. then I'll take all of you with me…. Heavenly Might Absolute Form – UNIVERSE!!!!" He remaining disciple pressed his hands on the ground and in an instant, a sixty-meter sword light immediately formed in the air.

"Hooo, as expected from the sacred ground disciples. Only you lot can create this technique instantly even as an Emperor Profound Realm." Yun Che and the others turned their head towards the sky and the massive sword light immediately caught their attention. This thing is much bigger than the thirty-meter sword he sliced back in the arena.

"If my brethren die and SO WILL YOU!!!" He immediately channels his profound energy to push the massive sword light to the ground. He used every ounce of his strength to create this sword light and was prepared to die along with them but none of them have fear or despair in their eyes. This caused the disciple to yell as he controlled the sword to smash them.


"Mou…..shut up will you?" He turned his head around and saw the black haired woman with the butterfly clip on her head suddenly spoke. With a bored expression, she raised her delicate hand in the air before making a grabbing motion.

Crack….crack…crack…. Cracking sounds filled the air as the remaining disciple widen his eyes while gawking as he witnesses the current event. The sixty-meter sword in the air was suspended before slowly cracking all over. It wasn't long until cracks filled the glowing sword before….


The massive sword suddenly exploded leaving behind residues of sword light all over them. The disciple refused to believe that the strongest technique from the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region was instantly destroyed by a single hit.

"Is that it?" The swordsman in front of him spoke as if the strongest technique in front of them was totally a joke just now. Then he turned around to the woman who destroyed his technique just now and instantly shocked to the core. Mio decided to remove the system's restriction so this man could die an honored death.

Her cultivation wasn't actually an eight level Sky Profound Realm. It was really....

"Sovereign Profound Realm?" He spoke within his heart. No wonder she could destroy the sword technique easily. They really offended someone stronger than them all this time. Even the woman who cast this domain is enough to take down their strongest men without effort. Seeing the endless despair, he could only shouted "Just who….WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!!!!"

"You won't live to know about it." Yun Che immediately cast his powerful Will of the Dragon Conqueror on this one and killing him with his own fear. Since his strength was reduced by the domain, it was enough for his base cultivation to kill him instead of knocking him out.


As the last Emperor Profound Realm disciple fall, the rest of lower rank disciples fell under Kon's relentless assault. As one died, he was getting stronger and stronger. His cultivation also spiked to the Peak of Sky Profound Realm. Technically, all three of them are on the same level except Mio. But he is still the strongest among them as his techniques was still kept under leash. Then again, it turned out better than he hoped for.

"Yun Che, is it wise killing them? They did come from the sacred ground after all. If news were to leak back to them, they will send a Monarch to deal with us and if you aren't here one day. What would happen to us?" Cang Yue worriedly spoke.

"Don't worry, these disciples' death will be unknown if we keep it that way. I lead them into the Kido barrier I cast on these mountains this morning. I knew you girls would be here the moment you detect that barrier and making this your rendezvous point with me. Anything happened in the barrier will be unseen in the outside world. If they went missing, they won't trace anything back to us." He explained to her.

"Besides Yue'er, the people of this Empire won't be involve with the sacred ground. So, naturally. They have to keep their mouth shut. More importantly, they wanted Dracule Mihawk. Not us…." Mio spoke with a cute tone as she pat Cang Yue's back to reassure her. Cang Yue nodded as Yun Che and the others always making countermeasures before executing their plans. They care for her after all.

Suddenly a streak of light suddenly landed on Yun Che's shoulder and it reveals itself into none other than Kon himself.

"Yare…yare… They were no match for Kon-sama after all." Kon spoke with big smug on his face.

Yun Che just replied with his dull Mihawk's voice. "Say someone who scared to the death before fighting."

"Easy for you to say, if it wasn't for Nee-san's domain. I would be beaten to a pulp by them." Kon then turned his head towards Retsu and saw her blood knight standing next to her. "So cool, so this is a blood knight?"

"Speaking of which, this blood knight looked really powerful. Is it really assumed the dead's cultivation?" Yun Che asked her.

Retsu replied while showing her knight to him. "That's right Yuu-kun. But, because of the disciples' strong cultivation. I had to expend blood points to resurrect this one."

"How many points you need to make a Blood Knight?"

"If it several realms stronger than me, it cost around 20 blood points just to build one. If its weaker, 10 points will do and I can only create as well as store six knights in my spirit world." She answered. Since Cang Yue knew about the nature of bankais. So she won't mind using this term in front of her. Technically it is correct after all.

"Sounds about right. So, you won't revive the other disciples to complete your collection?" Yun Che suggested.

"But won't it be boring to have six knights with the same skill set?" Cang Yue expressed her thoughts.

"Not really, I can fuse the knights into a single knight and it will upgraded their cultivation."

"Then, maybe we can try to find a powerful monarch in the future and turned him into a knight. Imagine having knights with different skill set." Yun Che's eyes was glittering as well. Retsu's bankai really is a jackpot after all.

"Can't wait to try it, Yuu-kun." Retsu immediately revive the previous four Emperor and two Sky Profound Realms disciples since she had 100 points from killing two disciples just now. Since her limit is 100, she had to make the best out of it. In an instant, she fused all the knights into her first knight skyrocketing its cultivation into the Third Level of the Tyrant Profound Realm. Since experience points was getting larger and larger, it's a hassle to level them up. Its better she focused on one before finding stronger people to turn them into knights.

It's a shame she dismissed her previous knights or else its cultivation might be higher than this.

[Ding…congratulation host for creating a Third Level Tyrant Profound Realm Blood Knights.

Name: ????

Current Skill set

*Heaven's Might Sword Formation - Heavenly Star Frenzy

*Yuan Yang Combination

*Heaven's Might Absolute Sword - Moon Break

*Heaven's Might Absolute Sword, Final Form - Radiant Sky

*Heavenly Sword of Extreme Lightning

*Heaven's Might Absolute Sword - Universe

*Sword Spirit Doppelganger]

Yun Che was right, this thing really did learned all of the skills gained from the dead disciple. "Hmmm, what should I call you?" Since the knights fused with each other, Retsu could see the sheer difference between the previous knight and this one. She can say that this knight is much more sturdier compared from before.

"You can call him Ichika, the second knight can be Nika, the third can be Sanka…" Kon suggested.

"You're really suck at naming." As Yun Che spoke, he slowly transformed back to his original self. Now that Mihawk caused enough sensation to shocked the entire empire and possibly a sacred ground. It's about time he lays low for now.

"What was that you bastard?" Yun Che grab Kon's head before giving it a squeeze. Despite being the same level as him, he is still stronger than Kon by a large margin. He ponders for a while before suggesting a name for Retsu's first knight. "Then, what about Ignis? I mean he is a knight after all. We can give him a knight's name. So what do you think, big guy?"

The knight turned towards Yun Che before nodding its head. He never expected this thing to understand him but anything goes.

"Ignis…. Such a powerful name. Then, your name shall be Ignis from now on." Retsu nodded before she sets the name for the knight.

A notification suddenly popped in Retsu's HUD.

[Ding…setting the knight's name to Ignis. Host can now summoned Ignis whenever is necessary. Ignis will use the host's reaitsu to stay in the real world and will not require the host's bankai to be summoned. Whenever he is destroyed, a fixed amount of reaitsu is needed to revive him.]

With that, Ignis went back into Retsu's inner world waiting for the summoning of his master. Now that everything is now over, Retsu dissolved her bankai and the World of Slaughter instantly disappear. Cang Yue could finally breathe easily. She might be unaffected by its capabilities but she was still affected by the pungent smell of death and pressure of despair creeping around her.

Now that everything is done, Retsu asked "So, Yuu-kun…. Anything from the tomb?"

"Kind of...…" Yun Che grins and tapped into his inventory before he pulled the glowing feather Huan Xuyi gave him.

"This is…." Mio's eyes widen as she saw the glowing feather.

"So beautiful" Retsu and Cang Yue jinxed as well.

Yun Che shows the feather to Cang Yue and spoke "This is the Moon Empress's inheritance. It contains her will and her exclusive cultivation art prepared especially for you."

"For me?" Cang Yue was instantly shocked. Yun Che was the one going into the tomb but the Moon Empress prepared this glowing feather especially for her?

"She's been watching you from the very beginning. You will, kindness, your refusal to give yourself up is something she's been watching all this time. You're the only one who is worthy of receiving her gift. I merely deliver her inheritance to you." He answered her question before she even asked.

"But….. I just someone so weak. I couldn't even stand next to you. Why… me?" Cang Yue was flattered but why the Moon Empress decided she should be the one who inherit her powers.

"I am sure she had a reason for choosing you. Whatever she wants to say, is all in this feather." He decided that Xuyi should be the one who tell her destiny. He slowly let go of the feather as it makes its way towards Cang Yue. But instead arriving on her hands, it passed them before entering her body like a rippling effect on water.

Cang Yue's eyes suddenly widen as the feather started entering her body. Not long after that, her eyes suddenly closed before she slowly fell from above. Yun Che who was beside her instantly caught her delicate body before she fell to the ground. He did forget that they are still floating above it right after the battle with the sacred ground disciples.

[Ding… Cang Yue is now in hibernation mode. Until she completed the message and receive the inheritance, she will not wake up from hibernation.]

Seeing Cang Yue suddenly fainted in his arms, Retsu worriedly asked "Yuu-kun? Is she going to be okay?"

"Yeah, she's in hibernation. We can't do anything for now." He reassured her.

"Hibernation?" Mio tilt her head aside as this is the first time she heard such word.

"It means she's asleep until she obtained the inheritance. So until then, we just have to watch her sleeping body." He explained and she nodded her head in understanding.

"So Yuu-kun, how are we going to get away from here? There are a lot of cultivators outside the barrier. Removing it will reveal our current position." Retsu detected a large group of ground and air cultivators heading this way. Probably because of Yun Che's Getsuga Tenshou from before indicating their current positions.

"Those ants. Danna-sama, can I eliminate them?" Mio spoke while grinning at the same time flaring her darkness aura around her. Good thing the barrier protect their position or else she might get detected by them. But, Yun Che pat Mio's shoulder to calm her down and shook his head. "No….no… We cause enough ruckus already and I really don't want to reveal myself right now."

"Then, any ideas how are we going to escape?" Kon sounded from his shoulder.

"I can think of one way." Yun Che pulls another item from his inventory. It was none other than the Apple of Eden he obtained from the tomb.

"Danna-sama, this is?" All of them instantly glued their eyes on the golden orb he was holding.

"I'll explain later…. Right now, I kind of needed one of its power." He immediately activated the apple causing it to surround them with golden aura at the same time amazed Retsu, Mio and Kon. He activated the invisibility function of the Apple and it immediately surrounded them with a dome like energy. What grabs their attention was the energy dome cause them to go invisible from the outside. Xuyi did mentioned that the apple's invisibility is full proof and no one can detect it. Same with the herb he obtained from the Dragon's cave but this is way stronger.

"Retsu, dissolve the barrier. Don't worry, they won't see us." Retsu nodded her head before dispelling the barrier Yun Che cast from before. He was right, the large group of cultivators seems to be looking for something but even if they are right in front of them, they can't even see anything. With that, Yun Che carried the hibernating Cang Yue and the rest of them flew away from the area.

When they get far enough, Retsu deployed Minazuki while Yun Che dismissed the Apple's power before placing Cang Yue on Minazuki's body. Retsu had her curiosity before she approaches him and take a closer look at the apple. "Incredible….. what kind of item is this….?"

Yun Che pat her head and said "Like I say, I'll explain later. We need to get to a place. We can lay low there for now."

"A place?" Mio wondered.

"Yeah…. I need to send someone home. She deserved it." He spoke earning a dumbfounded gaze from Kon and the girls.

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