Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 106: pondering

"Mr. Tangning, can I ask you one thing?" One day, Catherine suddenly came over to Tangning with a sad face.

Tangning replied without hesitation, "If you have anything, just say it!"

Catherine answered, "Mr. Tangning, do you remember what I told you before, Jonathan has been mysterious all day, now I know why!"

"Why?" Tangning asked curiously.

"I found out that Jonathan secretly joined the KKK!" Katherine whispered.

Tangning couldn't help but exclaimed, "What?! Jonathan joined the KKK? Are you sure, Catherine?"

Catherine nodded vigorously and replied: "It's definitely true, two mysterious men came to him that day, I overheard their conversation in the study, and they were talking about the KKK, and they were going to Richmond. What a meeting, but today Jonathan told me that he was going to Richmond for something, and when he asked him what was going on, he lied to me that he was going to see his comrades!

Although I don't know much about the Ku Klux Klan, from what they have done, I can tell that this is not a good organization, so Mr. Tangning, can you help me persuade him, you are his best friend, he Definitely listen to you! "

"I'm not sure if he can listen to me, but I'm definitely going to persuade him about this!" Tangning nodded in agreement.

Originally, Tangning wanted to ask Catherine why she didn't persuade Jonathan, but then she thought that Jonathan was a very macho guy, and for some reason, she always felt that Catherine was afraid of him, so she didn't ask.

So that night, Tangning found Jonathan and asked him with a frown, "I heard you joined the KKK?"

"Who did you hear?" Jonathan asked warily.

Tangning shook her head and replied, "I promised to keep it a secret for her!"

"She? A woman?"

Just when Jonathan was thinking about who this woman was, Tangning interrupted, "Jonathan, although I don't know much about the Ku Klux Klan, I really don't think this is an organization worth joining, so quit it?"

"Quit? Why quit? And Tony, how can you not know much about the KKK, this is based on what you wrote in the novel!" Jonathan asked inexplicably.

"But I didn't say in the novel that I wanted to torture and kill people!" Tangning replied angrily.

Jonathan waved his hand and said, "Oh, it's all rumors, Tony, don't believe it!"

"Are you sure it's a rumor?" Tangning questioned.

Jonathan nodded vigorously and replied, "Of course it's a rumor, Tony, have you seen the scene of the KKK's torture?"

"Of course not..."

Before Tangning could finish speaking, Jonathan interrupted, "That's not it, so Tony, don't be deceived by those people with ulterior motives, our Ku Klux Klan is to protect everyone's peaceful and stable life, and some attempts to destroy These people are strangled in the bud!"

After persuading for a while, Tangning realized that Jonathan was extremely persistent, and she had no better means of persuasion, so she had to give up temporarily!

After Jonathan left, he said to Catherine, "Mr. Booth, the founder of the Ku Klux Klan, is my friend. When I get a chance to get to know him, I'll see if there is a way to persuade Jonathan!"

"Hey, that's all for now!" Catherine sighed.

After returning home, Heidi greeted Tangning and said, "Tony, Mr. Newman and Melina are waiting for you in the reception room!"

Barrett-Newman is a British publisher, and he represents the British copyright of Downing's "Gone with the Wind" and Heidi's "Hascarlett", so I heard him coming, especially with Melina. Together, Tangning generally understood what he meant.

Sure enough, after a few chats, Barrett said, "Tony, haven't you sold the British copyright of "Soul Break Atlanta" with Miss Anderson?"

"Of course, I'll keep it for you!" Tangning replied with a smile.

Barrett cooperated: "Tony, you moved me so much!"

He then took out two contracts and handed them to Tangning and Melina, "Are you satisfied with this contract?"

Tangning glanced at the numbers above and thought it was not bad. She was about to speak, but Melina didn't read it at all, she said, "I don't need to read it, I'll listen to Mr. Tangning!"

Hearing what Melina said, Barrett looked at the two of them, and then glanced at Tangning knowingly, although Tangning knew that this guy had misunderstood, she still said, "I'm generally satisfied, but in The distribution ratio of the author's remuneration needs to be revised, because Miss Anderson is the main creator of this "Soul Breaking Atlanta", so it should not be distributed equally, but should be..."

Before Tangning could finish her sentence, Melina interrupted, "It must be distributed equally, otherwise I will refuse to sign the contract!"

This time, Barrett misunderstood even so that when we had dinner together at night, he teased him in a low voice: "Tony, I'm really jealous of your charm!"

"Don't get me wrong, Miss Anderson and I are purely cooperative!" Tangning explained.

"That's how you explained your relationship with Heidi to me back then!" Barrett teased.

"Then there is no Heidi now!" Tangning defended.

"What happened to Scarlett in London?" Barrett asked.

"How did you know about Scarlett?" Tangning asked in surprise.

"I heard what Kelly said!" Barrett replied.

"Could it be you and Kelly?" Tangning couldn't help but exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, Barrett replied a little depressedly: "I would like to, but Kelly doesn't want to!"

"She managed to master Kanpur Manor. How could she remarry and give away the manor, so I guess she probably won't get married again..." But halfway through the sentence, Tangning suddenly realized a problem , that is Kelly's situation is similar to Nicole's, her husband died and took over the manor herself, the difference is that Nicole's husband died of illness, and Kelly's husband was killed by several of them, but Looking back now, it seems that there were doubts and rumors about Mr. Murphy's death at the time. Could it be that Nicole is also...

Just as Tangning was full of thoughts, Barrett muttered, "I don't want to covet her manor, I just want to be Kelly's lover, but she doesn't want to."

PS: Thank you for "forea111", "Automatic Weird Phone", "No Flowers in the Foggy Moon", "Shen Zhe", "Huang Zhengwei", "I Love Fat Girl", "The Ballad of Travelers Far Away", "Da Fen Qi" Support and support for "Flying Dante" again! Another wave of subscriptions!

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