Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 110: unemployed slave trader

"Tony, I feel like I'm going to lose my job this time!" Sheffield said to Tangning drunkenly.

"Sheffield, what happened to you, so pessimistic?" Tangning asked curiously.

Sheffield took a sip of wine, and then replied: "Tony, you haven't been to the port recently, you'll know when you go and see, less than a year ago, when I advised you not to buy those black slaves, no matter your health How bad the black slaves are, everyone is rushing for them, and the prices are not cheap; but now you go to the port to see, even the most robust black slaves are not bought, tell me, what else can we do in this industry How could I not be unemployed?"

"This is also something that can't be helped. Before, everyone rushed to buy black slaves because the war caused everyone's black slaves to disappear, and they were anxious to plant cotton; but now the cotton of the white flowers is picked, but no one comes to buy it. Um, accurate It's not that no one buys it, it's just that the price is too low, since it's not profitable to grow cotton, why would everyone buy so many black slaves?" Tangning explained.

Sheffield sighed: "Hey, in fact, I also understand this, it's all caused by this **** war! You fight between the north and the south, the south can't grow cotton, those British businessmen will naturally go to other places to harvest cotton, otherwise he What about the textile mills? Now you don't fight, but the cotton business has been taken away by those Egyptians and Indians.

Especially those Indians, I really feel aggrieved you American slave owners. You said you spent money to buy a few black slaves and you were scolded like that, and even people from your own country came to beat you!

But if you look at those Indians, they don't need to spend money to buy slaves at all. Dalits everywhere are slaves themselves. Uh, by the way, you probably don't know what Dalit is..."

"I know, the Indian caste system, Brahmi is the highest and Dalit is the lowest!" Tangning interrupted. Friends who are interested in the Indian caste system recommend to read my "Rebirth of India: The Superior One is free, because the genuine one is blocked...  

"You know a lot, little Tony!" Sheffield praised, and then continued: "I originally thought we slave traders were not human enough, but I went to India a few years ago and found out that we are with those Brahmins. Compared with Mr. Mi, we are as kind as angels!

Have you ever seen a person riding a horse? Haven't seen it? You don't even dare to think so, do you? But in India, especially in the countryside, this is what they do! This is not the most shocking thing to me, the most incomprehensible thing is that those Dalits who were bullied into the dirt have no intention of resisting at all. Untouchables, being bullied by others, this is atonement, as long as you make good atonement, and then you can become a Brahmin in your next life, you talk about this brainwashing! At that time, I wanted to hire them to brainwash the black slaves on my ship..."

After chatting for a while, Sheffield may have sobered up and asked Tangning about the business: "By the way, Tony, please help me ask Mrs. Murphy, how many black slaves are there in Brazil? I'm going to go to Brazil. Hit your luck!"

Tangning nodded and replied, "Okay, I'll help you ask, but don't hold your hopes too high. Last time she wrote me a letter saying that very few manor owners have expanded their plantations this year, so it is estimated that even if there are black slaves Yes, it is only to replace some old, weak, sick and disabled, and the possibility of large-scale purchases is not too great!"

"It's as much as you can sell, and it can't be all in your hands!" Sheffield said depressedly.

After Sheffield left, Heidi asked Tangning curiously, "Tony, is what Mr. Sheffield said just now true?"

Tangning nodded and replied, "It's true, and the fact is that India is far more bizarre than he said. There are many things that this nation does that it is difficult for normal people to understand!" Having said that, Tangning thought of her third brother before Time Travel. A series of jaw-dropping **** operations on aircraft carriers and other weapons...

"Tony, you know so well, I don't know, I thought you had been to India!" Heidi teased.

"Uh, I met an Indian businessman in New York, and he told me all these things!" Tangning explained bravely.

"An Indian told you this? Could it be that the Indians themselves know these problems?" Heidi asked inexplicably.

Tangning nodded and replied, "Of course, these issues, especially the caste issue, are on the surface. How could they not know?"

"Since they know, why don't they start to solve it?" Heidi asked.

Tangning asked rhetorically, "Why do you want to solve these problems? Most of the people who understand these problems are high Why do they want to lift their privileges? If you are a high caste with many privileges, even if you know Knowing that these privileges are not fair, will you go to fight to remove your privileges?"

"The high castes will definitely not lift their privileges, so why don't the low castes stand up and resist? Just like the gunshots in Nexington?" Heidi asked again.

Downing explained, "Because the gunshots in Nexington were also fired by the leaders of the big estate owners in Washington, those lower castes in India have no chance to connect to education, how could they realize that these privileges of the upper castes are unfair. What? You didn't listen to what Sheffield said just now, they all thought it was because they made a mistake in their past life, and they are atonement in this life!

And even if a certain low caste understands this, he can't do anything by himself. After all, the whole social environment is there, unless he has the ability to change the thoughts of all the low castes, and then he can change them Get organized, but do you think this is realistic? "

"Uh, it's difficult!" Heidi nodded in agreement.

Tangning spread her hands and said, "That's it, so I can guarantee that even in a hundred or even two hundred years, India will still be what it is now, unless a miracle happens!"

Just as the two were chatting, suddenly the housekeeper Rob came in to report: "Madam, Miss Anderson is here!"

"Melina? Why is she here again?" Heidi frowned and muttered.

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