Tangning went to the "City News" and found out that the results were the same as the police, but when he went to the tavern to investigate again, the police who were investigating were stopped him and told him that he would definitely be notified when the results were obtained. Inquire, so as not to cause trouble to the police investigation.

However, I learned an unexpected piece of news, that is, Mark Twain, who he met at the reception where the City News resumed business, established a newspaper called Express in Buffalo after his marriage, but it turned out that he did not. He is good at running a newspaper office. He has only been established for half a year, and he has already begun to sell it in the industry, and it is said that he has lost a lot of money...

Shortly after Tangning returned home, Brian suddenly ran in excitedly and said to Tangning, "Tony, my painting has been sold!"

Tangning didn't react for a while, and asked casually, "What painting?"

"What other painting could it be, of course that ghost painting!" Brian replied with a smile.

"What?! That ghost painting has actually been sold?" Tangning couldn't help but exclaimed.

Brian nodded proudly and replied, "That's right, it's sold! How much do you think it sold for?"

"Looking at how happy you are, at least you haven't lost any money. Are you still making money?" Tangning asked in disbelief.

I saw Bryan raised a finger and replied, "Of course I made it. I made a full double, which is a thousand dollars!"

"What?! This, this kind of painting can be sold for a thousand dollars?" Tangning couldn't help but exclaimed again, because it really subverted his understanding.

"Tony, don't be so excited, who hasn't seen it wrong!" Brian "comforted" said.

Tangning defended a little embarrassedly, "I'm not a master, so it's normal to look at it. It's just your painting. By the way, is that painting still in your hands? I want to take a closer look!"

Brian spread his hands and said, "Unfortunately, the painting is now in the hands of Mr. Barwa, um, Mr. Barwa is the buyer who offered a thousand dollars!"

"Oh, then how did he buy it from you?" Tangning asked.

Bryan explained: "I just heard about this, and then he found me and looked at the painting, just like you, Tony. He also said that the painting was cleaned recently, and then he asked for a thousand dollars for it. , so I'll sell it to him!"

Then the conversation turned and he asked, "Tony, do you think I'm selling for a cheap price?"

"Cheap? I don't think that painting is worth it..." But halfway through the sentence, Tangning said in a sullen voice, "Eh, forget it, anyway, you think these are useless, after all, the painting has already been sold. !"

After sending Bryan away, Heidi came over and persuaded Tangning, "Tony, I've thought about it carefully, you should not go to New York in the near future, that Underwood can't tell whether he's dead or not, this is the time to go. It's too dangerous!"

Tangning shook her head and said, "Don't worry, dear, didn't the police say everything, the one in Memphis was a copycat, so there is a high probability that Underwood was killed by the KKK, so it shouldn't be a problem, and Thomas Wire me that he's resigning, so I'll have to make a trip and hire another man!"

"Why do you have to resign so well? I remember Tony you offered him a high salary!" Heidi asked in confusion.

Tangning spread her hands and said, "There's nothing I can do about it, because Thomas invented a printing press and sold the patent for $40,000. Now he's going to New Jersey to build his own factory!" This was true, it happened in 1870.

"Hey, Tony, can you stop recruiting such competent people when you recruit people again! Otherwise, you always resign!" Heidi complained.

Tangning laughed dumbly and said, "This is something I can't do, because I can't ask for something I can't do, but someone who can do it will always have the idea of ​​starting a business. After all, who doesn't want to be a boss?"

"That's true!" Heidi muttered helplessly, and then urged, "Tony, you must be careful on the road, or let Tim follow you!"

Tangning waved her hand and said, "No need, let him stay at home to protect you both, and it's not convenient to go to New York to bring a black slave. I'll hire a bodyguard in New York!"

Because of the precedents of Rockefeller, Maxim, and Edison, Tangning "imagined" whether she would be able to collect another celebrity this time, but the result was very disappointing, and she didn't meet a single celebrity.

But after thinking about it, this is actually a normal situation. After all, where did so many historical celebrities come to meet them? And most of these celebrities can't keep it, and they start their own business after a few days...

Just when Tangning was full of thoughts, Danina came over with a wine glass and asked, "Tony, what are you thinking?"

Tangning replied casually, "I'm wondering if that **** Underwood is dead or not~www.readwn.com~ By the way, you and Kayla need to be more careful these days. I saw you in the store today and you're too high-profile!"

And Danina replied nonchalantly: "It's okay, didn't you say that Underwood should not know about our relationship!"

"That's just my speculation, who knows what he will find out!" Tangning said angrily.

"Okay okay, I know, I'll be careful recently!" Danina said perfunctorily, and then joked: "How about I hire a bodyguard too?"

Tangning glared at her, "If you can hire a female bodyguard, I'm sure I have no problem!"

Tangning was just talking casually, but Danina replied, "It's hard to find a professional female bodyguard, but it's not difficult to hire a female boxer as a bodyguard!"

"Female boxer? There are female boxers in New York?" Tangning asked curiously.

Danina nodded and replied: "Of course, in the African-style bar in Manhattan, there is a beautiful mud boxing match held every Friday night, as long as you can afford the money, you can hire these beauties to be your bodyguards! Having said that, Danina blinked and added: "Of course, you can do anything else!"

"Is there such a place? I must go see it on Friday!" Tangning said with great interest.

"I guess you will like to go to places with beautiful women like this!" Danina teased.

But the fact made Tangning very disappointed. Even though it was called a beauty boxing match, in reality, there were no beauties in these female boxers, at least no beauties that fit Tangning's aesthetic, so in the end, they only found a bodyguard for Danina.

ps: I went to the supermarket yesterday and found that Tomb Raiders and Shanghaojia’s co-branded potato chip buckets are very beautiful. I bought five different ones in one go, but it is said that there are ten kinds in total...

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