Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 141: return home

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"Teacher, you guessed wrong this time!" One day, Diana suddenly came over and said to Tangning with a smile.

"What did I guess wrong?!" Tangning asked in confusion.

Deanna reminded: "Of course it's coffee. Didn't you say before that Chinese people don't like coffee, and it's not profitable to open a coffee shop in China!"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Tangning asked again.

"Did you forget that a friend of mine went to China to open a coffee shop before, he came back a few days ago..."

Before Deanna could finish her sentence, Tangning interrupted, "And he made a lot of money?"

Deanna nodded and replied: "Yes, so you guessed wrong, teacher! In fact, this is also normal, after all, how could someone not like coffee!"

Tangning didn't explain whether she guessed wrong, but continued to ask, "Did he say that he wants to expand his business scale, but he has no money, so he wants everyone to invest or lend him money?"

"How do you know, teacher?" Diana asked in surprise.

Tangning chuckled lightly, "Because I don't believe he can make money by opening a coffee shop in China, so since he lost money, how should he make up for his loss? Naturally..."

This time, Lun Dao Deanna interrupted Tangning, "Teacher, do you mean Doug is lying to me? It's absolutely impossible. I know him very well, so he's not that kind of person!"

"But people will change!" Tangning said slowly.

"But the essence is not going to change!" Deanna insisted, and then added: "And he borrowed money with mortgages and used his house, so he can't be a liar!"

Seeing Deanna's excited expression, Tangning didn't want to argue with her anymore, because in the eyes of these Americans, there was no one in this world who didn't like coffee. This deeply ingrained concept only depended on her own words and a few words. It couldn't be reversed at all, so I simply changed the topic: "Well, let's not talk about this, my original intention is just not to want you to invest indiscriminately. By the way, how is Catherine doing with you recently?"

"It's good, but I don't always come here, and I don't stay for long every time I come!" Diana replied casually.

Tangning wasn't surprised by this, "It's normal, after all, she didn't really open a shop, she just went to play!"

"Actually, I can understand Sister Catherine's thoughts. If my family didn't open a coffee shop, I would have a lot of fantasies about the coffee shop, just like I always thought that opening a flower shop was a very beautiful thing, but After getting to know Aunt Sophie, I found out that it's not like that at all!" Deanna echoed.

After Deanna left, Heidi asked Tangning curiously, "Tony, are you really that sure that Chinese people don't like coffee? Haven't you ever been to China?"

"Even though I haven't been there, based on what I know about the Chinese, there is definitely no problem with this!" Tangning replied confidently. In fact, he added in his heart, if it was the Republic of China now, it would be difficult for overseas students to Influenced by foreigners who have been in China for many years, China has begun to have a coffee culture. I can still believe it a little bit, but now Tongzhi is still in power, and the Qing Dynasty has not yet died. How is this possible!

"To be honest, Tony, don't say Diana, even I don't quite believe it, why don't we go to China and see?" Heidi suggested.

When she heard that she had the opportunity to return to China, Tangning was naturally very excited, but she was still a little apprehensive: "But it's a long way to go to China!"

"Farther than going to London?" Heidi asked.

Tangning was stunned for a moment, then replied, "It should be about the same!"

Heidi shrugged and said, "That's fine, you can go to London, and naturally China can go too! We haven't traveled for several years, so we just went to the far east to see if it's as you usually say. good!"

Tangning thought about it for a while, and realized that there was nothing to do at the moment, and that she could avoid the civil war between Laiwen's father and son. She estimated that when she returned from China, the two of them would decide the winner, so she nodded and replied, " Well, I'll go ask when there is a ship bound for China!"

After inquiring, Tangning found out that there was no direct mail ship from New Orleans to China. Instead, it had to go to London or Paris first, and then reverse the ship to Shanghai. The captain who sold the Vietnamese coffee to Diana had never been to China or Vietnam. Goods received in London...

But for Tangning, it's good to go to London, at least to see Scarlett after a long absence, but unfortunately, when Tangning arrived in London, it happened that Scarlett was going to Paris for vacation, so she had to wait until the return flight. say when.

However, Tangning's trip to London was not without results. He bought an original piece of Lang Shining at a "low price" of 100 pounds in a gallery. Of course, no one would go to London at this time. Do Lang Shining's fake painting...

On the cruise ship bound for Shanghai, Heidi suddenly asked Tangning curiously, "Tony, do you think the author of this painting is actually an Italian?"

Tangning nodded and replied, "That's In fact, Lang Shining is just his Chinese name, his real name is Giuseppee, you can understand him as a Chinese court painter, he is a combination of European painting and Chinese painting. A very good master of painting with a fusion of law..."

Just as Tangning was talking, a bearded middle-aged gentleman in a suit walked over and asked Tangning with a smile, "I'm sorry, sir, I overheard your comment on Mr. Lang Shining just now. Are you familiar with his work?"

"Uh, I'm not too familiar with it. In fact, it's because I like Chinese culture that I have some understanding of Mr. Lang Shining!" Tangning replied politely.

Hearing what Tangning said, Beard became even more interested, "Sir, you are interested in Chinese culture. This is not your first time to China, right?"

Tangning replied embarrassedly, "It's the first time, but I think I can be regarded as the person who knows China best in New Orleans!"

Although Tangning's words were definitely not bragging, the bearded man frowned slightly. Seeing his appearance, Tangning asked curiously, "Sir, it seems that you know China very well?"

Beard nodded and replied, "Of course, because I have been working in China for more than ten years!"

"Introduce myself, my name is Tony Downing, I'm from New Orleans!"

"Robert - Hurd!"

PS: I recommend "The Gunslinger Detective". Although the rhythm is a bit slow, the writing is very detailed and true. I don't know if it is because of my age. , on the contrary, I prefer to read this kind of real novel.

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