Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 204: "Jolly - Battison"

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Reborn America's Great Slave Master!

The reason why Tangning was so surprised was because this Miss "Qiao Lei - Battison" was actually Lauren. For the sake of protecting Brian's face, neither the police nor Tangning ever mentioned Brian and Tangning. Lauren's paragraph, otherwise, if Heidi and the others knew about it, Brian's trouble would be even greater.

Seeing Tangning's surprised expression, Brian gave him a wink, then found another opportunity to drag him aside and explain in a low voice, "Tony, you know that this has nothing to do with Lauren, She was just hired by Marisa and didn't do much other than scare me, and she's really my type, and now she's willing to let go of her past life and be with me , then I have no reason to refuse, right? So you must help me keep this a secret!"

Although Tangning felt that Brian's actions were unreasonable, it was his own business after all, and he was right, there was nothing illegal about Lauren in this case, so she nodded. He promised, "Okay, I'll keep it a secret for you!"

Hearing Tangning's answer, Brian heaved a sigh of relief and patted him on the shoulder, "I just got a good bottle of wine. I'll send someone to deliver it to you later!"

Afterwards, Lauren also found a chance to say to Tangning alone, "Tony, how is it, I told you last time that we will meet often in the future!"

"I really didn't expect that we would meet in this way!" Tangning said with a wry smile.

Lauren sighed and said, "Actually, I can't help it either. Now that I know Bailey's conspiracy, then I can't stay in Atlanta any longer, otherwise if I miss something and let Bailey know about it, then His temper would definitely kill me, so I had to leave Atlanta.

And I'm tired now and don't want to play anymore. I feel that Brian really likes me, and his conditions are also very good, so why don't you come and marry him! "

Then he leaned into Tangning's ear and whispered, "This way we can see each other more often, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense, you are Brian's wife now!" Tangning refuted with a stern face.

Lauren chuckled disapprovingly and said, "Don't lie to me, I've made inquiries. What this guy likes most is other people's wives, and the wives of your two good friends are not your wives now. Well? That's not bad for me, right?"

"Who, who did you listen to?" Tangning asked in surprise, because no one in New Orleans knew about his relationship with Catherine and Danina.

No mistake

Lauren didn't answer and asked: "Don't worry about it, you just say it's true, right?"

"Anyway, you can't tell anyone else!" Tangning warned.

Lauren nodded and agreed: "Don't worry, I will definitely not tell anyone, but you can't refuse my invitation in the future!"

"But it's inconvenient in New Orleans. If anyone finds out, it will be troublesome!" Tangning frowned.

"Isn't there a Kimmel apartment in New Orleans? I think it's very safe there!" Lauren retorted.

"You still dare to go to Kimmel's apartment?" Tangning asked in surprise.

Lauren shrugged and said, "What's not to dare to go to? I like their way of keeping secrets, and I believe that after this incident, they will strengthen this aspect even more!"

Tangning thought about it for a while, then nodded in agreement, "Uh, what you said makes sense!"

After returning from Brian's house, Heidi asked Tangning, "Tony, what do you think of this new sister-in-law?"

"Alright, alright!" Tangning replied somewhat unnaturally.

"But why do I always think she doesn't look like a serious person!" Heidi frowned and muttered.

Tangning thought to herself that a woman's sixth sense was accurate, but she persuaded, "You said it too, it's just your feeling!"

Then he changed the subject and asked, "By the way, how was your writing?"

I saw Heidi sighed and said: "Hey, what else can I do? I can't find Miss Camilla now, so I can only pause!"

"Actually, there's no need to wait for her, or I'll find someone else to help you accumulate materials!" Tangning suggested.

Unexpectedly, Heidi shook her head and said, "No, I think Camilla's experience is the most suitable, let's wait for her."

Speaking of which, she seemed to have thought of something, so she asked, "Tony, don't you think that Miss Camilla also encountered some misfortune?"

Tangning reassured, "Don't worry, otherwise, wouldn't the police find out sooner!"

"But it's been so long, and there's no news at all. It's not normal. It's a pity that Phossis was not caught!" Heidi said with a frown.

Although Tangning knew that Lauren would definitely come to see him on a date, he didn't expect that she would send a letter the next day asking him to come to Kimmel's apartment at night. Of course, it wasn't room 403. It wasn't that she was taboo, but After the eucalyptus happened, the apartment sealed up 403. After all, no one will live in this kind of room where people have died...

While smoking an afterlife cigarette, Tangning asked Lauren, who was lying in her arms, "How are you feeling these Are you still getting used to it in New Orleans?"

"Everything else is fine, but Bryan is not good!" Lauren replied with a frown.

Lauren shook his head and said, "Anyway, for me, he is far worse than you!"

Saying that, he began to sway his hands and feet: "So it will be hard for you in the future!"

"Normally it doesn't matter, but I have to go to New York every one or two months. What will you do at that time?" Tangning asked.

"What else can I do, bear it!" Lauren replied with a pitiful look.

Seeing that Lauren has taken such initiative, and he is almost recovered...

ps: After a deeper understanding, it is regrettable to find that the author of "The Weeds Beside You" has closed the pen. To be honest, it's really a pity, his book and "Reborn as a Fish, Invincible in the World" are quite good. Creative, in fact, it can be used as a part-time job, there is no need to give up completely...

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