Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Chapter 72: Emancipation of slaves in the Civil War

"The Trent incident was indeed a bitter pill to swallow for us, but I am relieved that Britain's victory in this incident was temporary until we ended the war victoriously. We're going to be very strong, and now when it embarrasses us we'll settle the bill!"

Seeing Seward's speech during the demonstration in the newspaper, Tangning sighed, "This Seward really can't stand it!"

"Tony, didn't you say that even if Britain entered the war, it would be difficult to play a big role?" Heidi asked curiously on the side.

Tangning nodded and replied, "I did say, because they want to interfere in a war of this scale, it would be useless if the British didn't deploy 100,000 or 200,000 troops, but in fact he couldn't draw so many troops, after all. There are too many places to be concerned and controlled by the Empire on the Sun. It is impossible for him to not want other colonies for the sake of the United States, so the 8,000-strong Canadian army is basically the limit!

And I had expected the British fleet to protect a port city like New Orleans, but I didn’t expect the Russians to send two fleets to San Francisco and New York, plus domestic public opinion, so I really couldn’t count on the British! "

"Since the English can't come, what about the French?" Heidi asked again.

Tangning sighed and said, "The French can't count on it even more. First of all, France has to beware of Prussia, because Prussia is growing day by day, so the French have to set aside most of their troops to deal with it. Second, France's goal is now. It's Mexico, he wants to swallow Mexico while we're fighting the Civil War and we don't have time to take care of him, of course, if the Civil War isn't over after he annexes Mexico, I think he'll support us in the Confederacy, but honestly I I'm not optimistic about this!" Bayi Chinese Network

"You don't think we can hold out until then?" Heidi asked.

Tangning shook her head and replied, "That's not true. I think France doesn't have the strength to annex Mexico!"

To be honest, Tangning always felt that this was a bit of a blessing to the Northern Army, because the French army had never fought against the Mexicans led by Juarez, and they were even attacked by someone. ......

While Tangning and Heidi were chatting in the cabin, the President of the Federation, Seward, who Tangning said was extremely tolerant, looked at the report submitted by Secretary of State Yaward, frowned and said, "Liberate the black slaves? You are not afraid of this, The slave states of Kentucky defected to the south?"

"That's a possibility, but we're going to get a bigger payoff," Yaward explained.

First of all, now about one-third of the population in the South is black slaves. As long as we enact a bill to emancipate black slaves, it will have a considerable impact in the South.

Second, it is estimated that after the promulgation of the bill to emancipate black slaves, a large number of blacks will join the army, which can greatly supplement our military strength, and also have the basis for the attrition tactics proposed by General Grant.

The third and fastest effect is that we will have a huge advantage in name. After all, it is already 1862. Except for the uncivilized places like Africa, there are not many countries in the world that still exist. Slavery has been implemented, and even Russia has abolished serfdom, so as long as we use the banner of liberating black slaves, we will definitely get a lot of support. At least countries such as Britain and France will no longer be able to openly and positively interfere, otherwise They can't stand the domestic public opinion!

In addition, several slave states such as Kentucky may not necessarily defect to the south immediately. We can communicate with them before the release of the Emancipation Act to try to make them neutral! "

After listening to Yaward's explanation, Seward pondered for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, then you should send someone to communicate with the states of Kentucky, if they are willing to stay in the Union or remain neutral, Then release the Emancipation Act!"

At the same time, the commander-in-chief of the Confederate Army opened the letter in his hand and said to the lieutenant beside him: "I saw this Tony Downing when I was in New Orleans two years ago. I learned it from him, but I didn't expect this little guy to give me a lot of surprises. First of all, Gone with the Wind, not only the story is very exciting, but also almost predicted all the details of the war, and then he The improved bicycle is a rare good thing, which can greatly improve the mobility, combat radius and individual load of the troops. Although it cannot be equipped with the whole army, it can still play a very important role in communication, order and reconnaissance. Great effect!"

The content of the letter was very simple. UU Reading wrote about the penicillin production method in Renyi. Although Tangning was not sure whether this method was applicable, she really had no other way to save General Stonewall. After all, for the Confederate Army, General Stonewall was so important, and even at some point he played a bigger role than Robert Lee. And when I first saw the forum, many people said that the extraction method of Renyi is a bit rough, but there is still a probability of success.

In fact, Tangning wanted to write some more predictions, such as the reasons for the failure of the Battle of Gettysburg, but after thinking about it carefully, first of all, the accuracy of the "prediction" was a bit too shocking. , so don't take that risk.

After reading it, Robert Lee thought for a while, and then asked the lieutenant to call the chief military doctor over, handing him the letter and instructing: "You can test it according to the above method and see the effect."

After seeing it, the military doctor frowned and said, "Is it possible to use rotten oranges as medicine?"

"I don't think this little guy Tony would make such a joke with me. After all, he specifically stated that this medicine can only be used by senior officers because it cannot be mass-produced, and you didn't mention the squeeze first aid he invented. Does the law work well?" Robert Lee explained.

"The squeezing method was invented by Tony Downing?" the military doctor asked curiously.

Robert Lee nodded and replied, "Yeah, that's what I learned from him at an old friend's dance in New Orleans!"

The military doctor thought about it for a while, and then reluctantly agreed: "If that's the case, then I'll give it a try!"

: Thanks to book friends "10,000 Articles", "rs", "Brother Yaozi" and "02168" for their support! In addition, I like the practice of the two great gods "High-rise Building" and "Let's Get Back to Business"!

"Brother Shen!"


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